As part of this 3+4 accelerated pathway agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. Additionally, students at WVSU can receive both a Bachelor’s degree and PharmD in a combined 7 years through this pathway. A full list of transfer requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Mike Fultz, Assistant Professor of Chemistry,

Academic Partnerships are agreements between the Marshall University School of Pharmacy and other institutions. These agreements streamline the process of transfer credits and the MUSOP application process. Is your school not listed? Contact us to check your undergraduate transfer credits.
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to two or more students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Paul Yeary, Professor of Chemistry; Natural Science and Mathematics Chairperson,
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to give preferential consideration during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Mary Cat Flath, Professor of Biology,
As part of this 3+4 accelerated pathway agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to one or more students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. Additionally, students at Concord University can receive both a Bachelor’s degree and PharmD in a combined 7 years through this pathway. A full list of transfer requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Kim Chambers, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
As part of this 3+4 accelerated pathway agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to two or more students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. Additionally, students at Davis & Elkins College can receive both a Bachelor’s degree and PharmD in a combined 7 years through this pathway. A full list of transfer requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Shawn Stover, Professor of Biology,
Information regarding this program will become available soon – last updated Feb 21, 2018. Please contact Dr. James Luba, Pre-Professional Academic Advisor in University Programs,
As part of this 3+4 accelerated pathway agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to one or more students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. Additionally, students at Glenville State College can receive both a Bachelor’s degree and PharmD in a combined 7 years through this pathway. A full list of transfer requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Gary Morris, Professor of Biology,
As part of this 3+4 accelerated pathway agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum requirements. Additionally, students at Marshall University can receive both a Bachelor’s degree and PharmD in a combined 7 years through these pathways. Full lists of requirements and courses for both pathways are available below, as well as contact information for each pathway.
- College of Science (Agreement PDF)
- College of Health Professions (Agreement PDF)
- College of Science: Brian Morgan, Assoc. Dean & Professor,
- College of Science: Ms. Sara Simpson, Academic Advisor,
- College of Health Professions: Dr. Liz Casey, Assistant Professor,
- MUSOP: Ms. Hannah Osburn, Recruitment Coordinator,
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to give preferential consideration during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact David Eisenhour,
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to a minimum of two students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, Mount Vernon Nazarene University students should contact their academic advisors.
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to give preferential consideration during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Andy Napper, Chair, Department of Chemistry,
As part of this 3+4 accelerated pathway agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to one or more students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. Additionally, students at Shepherd University can receive both a Bachelor’s degree and PharmD in a combined seven years through this pathway. A full list of transfer requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Mary Hendrix, President of Shepherd University,
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to grant automatic interviews during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Dr. Wheeler Conover, Professor,
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to give guaranteed admission during each admission cycle to two students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College students should contact their academic advisors.
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to grant automatic interviews during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, contact Georgia Householder, Science Pre-Med Advisor and Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences,
As part of this articulated agreement, MUSOP agrees to give preferential consideration during each admission cycle to students who meet the minimum transfer requirements. A full list of requirements and courses is available. For additional information on this partnership, Rio Grande students should contact their academic advisors.