Brad L. Profitt Profile


Clinical Expertise:

  • Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy

Research/Scholarly Interests:

  • Spinal Manipulation
  • Proprioceptive Training in Spine
  • Vertebral Artery Screening Tool
BBA, Marshall University, 1994
BS, Logan College of Chiropractic, 1998
DC, Logan College of Chiropractic, 2000
DPT, St. Augustine University of Health Sciences, 2011
DScPT, Andrews University, 2022

I believe that each student has a unique set of barriers and hurdles to overcome and I desire to help bridge that gap with my diverse background of academia and clinical expertise. My intent is to use any and all resources available to foster understanding and allow for the application of learning by visual, auditory and kinesthetic processing with each student depending on their individual style of learning. Having completed both traditional and online education, as well as, acquiring several additional certifications I feel I can contribute to the learning process in many ways.

APTA Board Certification: Orthopedic Certified Specialist, 2016