The Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA) Program is designed to assist adult students who are at least four years out of high school with earning their bachelor’s degree.

Students earn credit through taking courses, standard awards for certificates and training and earn credit by creating and submitting portfolios which document life and work experience equivalent to college courses.  The RBA program is very flexible, so you can customize your degree to suit your needs so long as general education and upper division requirements are met.

Marshall University’s program is the largest in the state and is part of the Office of Outreach and Continuing Studies.  The RBA office at Marshall’s main campus is located in Smith Hall at the corner of Hal Greer and 3rd Avenue. There is staff available in Point Pleasant at the MOVC, and in Teays Valley as well. We look forward to helping you earn your bachelor’s degree.

The RBA web pages will show you how to enter the program, how to sign up for courses, what the different areas of emphasis are, what standardized awards and college equivalent credit earned through a portfolio are, and how to apply for graduation.

Contact us by visiting Smith Hall 223, calling 304-696-6400 or emailing to learn more.

Andrew Gooding, RBA Director
Marshall University