
Note: Web Registration (myMU) is available 24 hours daily during designated registration periods.  Registration may occur in person at the Registrar’s Office in Old Main 106A Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.  Photo ID is required.

The following information is provided by the Office of the Registrar to assist students with registration and other issues.  Further information can be found in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs.

  • Students can add and drop courses online through myMU any time during open registration and the late schedule adjustment period.  After the schedule adjustment period ends, online registration will not be available.
  • To late register a full semester course, students must obtain the permission of the Associate Dean or Dean of their college.  Students may bring a schedule adjustment form with the Dean’s signature to the Registrar’s office and register in person.  Students may also forward an email with their Dean’s approval to from their MU email address along with their student ID number and course information.
  • Students wishing to late register for 2nd 8 weeks courses will need permission their academic advisor.  Students may bring a schedule adjustment form with their advisor’s signature to the Registrar’s office and register in person.  Students may also forward an email with their advisor’s approval to from their MU email address along with their student ID number and course information.
  • High-demand courses: If a student drops a “high-demand” course during the Withdrawal period, he/she will not be able to pre-register for the course for the following semester until registration opens for all admitted students during the advance registration period. High-demand courses include:
    • BSC 227
    • ENG 101, ENG 201
    • MTH 121, 127, 130
    • SPN 101, SPN 102

See “High-demand course” in the Dropping Individual Courses section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

As of February 6, 2023, students can now access a dynamic form to withdraw from individual courses.

Final Date: Thirteenth Friday in a Regular Term

A student who wishes to withdraw from an individual course after the schedule adjustment period must submit an electronic Course Withdrawal Request Form linked on the Office of the Registrar website and the Undergraduate Advising website.

The Course Withdrawal Request Form initiated by the student will provide options for the student to acknowledge prior advising, request advising, or deny advising.  Requests initiated by students on academic probation will be electronically forwarded to the advisor, associate dean/dean, or other designated college official (as authorized by the Office of the Registrar) for permission.  Upon advising, if requested, and/or college permission, the withdrawal will be processed by the Office of the Registrar effective the date of the student’s initial submitted request. Student, Office of the Registrar, instructor, advisor, associate dean/dean, and/or other designated college official will receive notification of course withdrawal.  

    • Day or Night Classes: Students can drop individual courses after the Schedule Adjustment period and during the Withdrawal period which lasts until five instructional days prior to the last class day as defined in the academic calendar for each term. The exact last day for dropping individual courses is always published in the Academic Calendar for any given semester or term.
    • E-Course Withdrawal Period: The withdrawal policy for e-courses parallels that for regular courses. After that time, only a complete withdrawal from the university is allowed. The refund policy for e-courses also parallels that of regular courses.
    • Any course dropped after the schedule adjustment period is noted as a “W” on your transcript and will not impact your GPA.  Students who do not follow the aforementioned procedure to withdraw from a class will receive a grade of F at the end of the semester.
    • For medical withdrawals, students must submit a written request to Leah Tolliver in Student Affairs along with supporting documentation.  Click here for more information.

See Dropping Individual Classes in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Final Date: Last Day of Class

  • The last date for total withdrawal from the university is the last day of class. Total Withdrawal from the university is defined as dropping all classes for which a student is currently registered. Any part-of-term courses that have ended, such as first 8-week classes, will not be dropped from the student schedule as the course has already completed.
  • A student who wishes to totally withdraw from the university must first secure the signature of a Total Withdrawal Counselor and then present the request to the Registrar in person, by email, or by mail. If the request is made in person, a drop form bearing the signature of a Total Withdrawal Counselor must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Requests by email must be sent to from the student’s MU email account. For mailed requests, the postmark will be the official date of withdrawal. In cases where the student is unable to secure the physical signature of a Total Withdrawal Counselor, permission may be obtained via email.

Total Withdrawal Counselors

Grades Assigned for Withdrawal from the University

    • Students withdrawing from the university receive a grade of W for all courses. The W grade (withdrew) has no impact on the Grade Point Average.
    • Students who withdraw from the university improperly, or who do not follow the regulations described here, receive grades of F at the end of the semester or term.

See Dropping All Courses (Withdrawal from the University) in the Undergraduate Catalog.

  • Students with an advisor hold must meet with their academic advisor prior to registering for classes. Their signature on a registration slip will be required if the hold is not removed.  For more information, click here.
  • Students with an admissions hold must resolve any outstanding issue with the Admissions office before registration.
  • Students with a financial obligation hold must pay any outstanding balance due to the Bursar office before registration.
  • Students with an academic obligation hold must have an academic improvement plan (AIP) filled out and signed by their Associate Dean to register for classes.  Their signature is also required with an updated AIP any time students with this hold wish to add a different class.  Click here to find your Academic College homepage.
  • Students with a social obligation hold must obtain the signature of Lisa Martin, Director of Student Conduct, on a slip before registering for classes. Her office is located within Student Affairs in the Memorial Student Center 2W38.  Complete withdrawals also require her signature.
  • Student athletes must have their registration slip stamped and initialed by their advisor in the Buck Harless Student Athlete Program to add or drop a class.
  • International students with an insurance hold are required to show proof of health insurance coverage to the Office of International Student Services before registering for classes.
  • Closed/Permission Only Courses-Students must obtain an overload slip from the department chair with their signature and register in person at our office.  An overload slip for one course does not constitute approval for all closed courses. Each closed course requires a separate overload slip or signature on the registration form.  This rule may apply to other courses including independent study, internship, and thesis.
  • Prerequisite/Test Score Error-Students who have not taken the required prerequisite class or received a high enough SAT/ACT test score must obtain permission from the department chair to register.  An overload slip from the department chair with their signature is required.
  • Maximum Hours Exceeded-Undergraduate students are allowed to take up to 18 credit hours per semester.  Graduate students are allowed up to 12 credit hours per semester.  The Associate Dean or Dean must approve students taking more hours past the maximum.  Students will need their signature on a registration slip with the total amount of hours noted.
  • Time Conflict-Students who wish to register for a course that overlaps in time with another course will need the signature of either instructor with “OK for time conflict” written on a registration slip.
  • Major/College Restriction-Students must obtain the signature of the Associate Dean or Dean and register in person.  For example, a student in the College of Liberal Arts wanting to register for a course restricted to business majors will need to see the Dean of the College of Business.
  • Field of Study Restriction-Students must obtain the signature of the department chair and register in person.
  • Level Restriction-Seniors accepted into an Accelerated Master’s Degree program may take graduate level courses to apply to their degree.  A completed application of permission with all required signatures must accompany the student’s registration slip.  The application can be acquired in the Graduate College located in Old Main 113 or on their website here.
  • New students are required to pay the enrollment deposit fee of $100 to the Bursar’s office before registering for classes or reserving housing.  For more information, click here.
  • First-time freshman and transfer students are required to attend New Student Orientation before registering for classes.  All schedule changes must be made through the student’s academic advisor or Associate Dean/Dean until the New Student hold is removed.  Once the hold is removed, students can register online through myMU or in person at our office.  For more information, click here.
  • Residency Requirement-Marshall University requires all full-time freshman and sophomore students to live on campus. Exceptions are granted to those living within a 50-mile radius that live at home with a parent or legal guardian; individuals 21 years of age; those who are married; or those who have been high school graduates for more than two years. In order to be considered for release from the residency requirement, a release request and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Department of Housing and Residence Life.  For more information, click here.
  • Marshall University students who wish to enroll in courses at another institution must fill out an Advanced Standing form in the Admissions office.  The course must be approved by Admissions to count as transferable credit.  The form must also be signed by the student’s Dean and then returned to the Registrar’s office to be sent to the visiting institution.
  • Students enrolled in a degree program at another accepted, accredited institution during the previous year who would like to enroll at Marshall for no more than two consecutive semesters (excluding summer terms) can be admitted as transient students. Transient students must submit an application to the Admissions Office for each term in which they wish to enroll and have the registrar at their home college send a letter of good academic standing to the Marshall University Admissions Office for each term in which they wish to enroll.
  • Students dropped from courses due to non-payment during the schedule adjustment period may re-register online through myMU or in person if the dropped course is still available.
  • Students dropped from courses due to non-payment after the schedule adjustment period will need to arrange payment with the Bursar’s office and go through the process of Dean’s reinstatement.


Contact Us

Office of the Registrar
Old Main 106A
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. -  5:00 p.m.

General Info

Phone: 304-696-6410
Fax: 304-696-6476

Transcript Requests

Phone: 304-696-5740
Fax: 304-696-2252

Veterans Certifications

Phone: 304-696-2254
