Checking Financial Aid Records
Students may access financial aid records by logging onto their myMU account. myMU is the campus web portal used to provide students with easy online access to Marshall University records. Any student who has problems accessing their myMU records should email or call 304-696-3200.
Instructions to give permission to parents or others to view or speak with staff about your records can be found at Not giving proxy access means staff in the Office of Student Financial Assistance cannot discuss your awards, requirements, eligibility status, or other information with parents or others outside the University.
Understanding Financial Aid Awards & Requirements
Online financial aid notification via the myMU account is the official method by which students receive information regarding their financial aid applications and awards.
Email is the primary means of communication between students and the Marshall University Office of Student Financial Assistance. Emails are sent to the student’s Marshall University email account. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor email notifications from the Office of Student Financial Assistance as well as from other university offices. Failure to read and respond to email communications from the Office of Student Financial Assistance may result in delay or cancellation of financial aid awards.
Once you access your financial aid records within the Financial Aid tab, you will be able to view the following topics:
- Financial Aid Status
- Eligibility
- Awards
Financial Aid Status provides you with information on your overall status of financial aid by specific award year. This includes information about your cost of attendance, awards, satisfactory academic progress, and financial aid history, as well as direct access to your student account (billing) and your academic transcript (registrar).
Eligibility provides information on your student requirements, satisfactory academic progress, and holds on your financial aid record. It is important that you review your student requirements and submit any requested information or documentation that may be requested or incomplete to the Office of Student Financial Assistance promptly. Failure to provide the requested documentation may result in the cancellation of your awards. View the steps for accessing your unsatisfied financial aid requirements.
You will be notified by email and a Personal Announcement in your myMU account when you have been awarded financial aid, or when a revision to your financial aid awards has been made. Your awards will list specific types of financial aid offered, the corresponding dollar amounts, and in some cases special messages or instructions related to your awards. Messages usually provide you terms and conditions of the awards. Also, if you must take additional action to receive your awards, you need to follow the instructions provided.
How to Accept Your Awards
The Office of Student Financial Assistance automatically accepts on your behalf your grant and scholarship offers. However, if you are offered a Federal Work-study award or a student loan, you must inform the Office of Student Financial Assistance whether you “ACCEPT” or “REJECT” that award offer. You may do so online by accessing your awards in your myMU account.
Need to Change Your Award Acceptance/Rejection?
If after making your decision to accept/reject your aid you wish to revise any portion of your financial aid package, you may download and complete an Award Adjustment Form and submit it to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. To adjust aid for Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 complete the 2023-24 Award Adjustment Form.
Criteria for Aid to Pay
Your financial aid awards will automatically credit to your student account when all eligibility requirements are met. Your financial aid will not credit to your student account unless all of your Student Requirements are met, you are making Satisfactory Academic Progress (or your Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal has been approved), and you have no financial aid holds on your account. Your loan offer will not credit unless you complete Entrance Loan Counseling, sign a Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note, and “ACCEPT” your loan offer online in your myMU account.
You may have other requirements to receive other loans or other financial aid awards, which can be viewed in your Special Messages within your Award Package in myMU.
If you fail to follow through on providing documentation or information to fulfill any outstanding requirements, your financial aid offer is subject to cancellation. Also, if you do not complete the required entrance loan counseling or sign a master promissory note, your loan offer will be canceled.
Federal Work-study awards do not credit to your account. When you work and submit timesheets, you are paid in the form of a paycheck or direct deposit.
Changes Affecting Your Aid Offer
Aid is initially offered based on assumed full-time enrollment. If any of the criteria listed below apply to you, please download and complete an Award Adjustment Form and submit it to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. To update your plans/status for Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 complete the 2023-24 Award Adjustment Form.
- You plan to enroll part-time
- You plan to enroll for one semester only
- You anticipate receiving financial aid from a source not included in your Award Package, such as a local scholarship
- Your housing status differs from what was noted in your Award Package
- You anticipate graduating in December or at the conclusion of a summer session
The earliest financial aid may credit to students’ billing accounts is 10 days before the semester begins. However, financial aid will not credit to the student’s account unless all eligibility requirements have been met and verification, if the student was selected, has been completed. In addition, if the student is taking out a student loan, the student must have completed entrance loan counseling and completed a master promissory note for the respective loan program.
Pending financial aid is a temporary status and is used for financial planning purposes only. Pending financial aid allows the Bursar’s Office to defer payment of a student’s tuition, fees, and residential and board payments until the financial aid is finalized and credited to the student’s Bursar account. Students are responsible for making payment for the difference between bursar charges and financial aid awards by the designated due dates established by the University.
Financial aid awards are not final until they have been credited to the student’s account.
You have the right to reduce or cancel your Federal Direct Loan offer any time prior to the disbursement. Within 21 days following your loan disbursement, you will be sent an email notification informing you that your loan has been disbursed (credited) to your Bursar account. You have the right to cancel all or a portion of your student loan within 14 days of the date of the email notification informing you of that right.
You may cancel all or a portion of your loan online (if you have not already accepted your loan offer) by logging into myMU. If you have accepted your Federal Direct Loan offer and subsequently want to reduce or cancel your loan offer, you must make a request to the Office of Student Financial Assistance by completing and submitting an Award Adjustment Form.
For more information on payment plans, visit
When your financial aid for the semester/term exceeds your direct charges (tuition, fees, etc.) on your student bill, you are entitled to a refund for the difference to use toward other educational expenses such as books and living expenses.
When Are Refunds Issued?
The Bursar’s Office issues refunds to students beginning the first day of classes. Only those students whose financial aid was credited/disbursed 10 days prior to the semester/term with a credit balance will receive a refund on the first day of the semester/term. After this office has credited/disbursed your aid to your student account, refunds for any payments in excess of your University balance will be issued by the Bursar’s Office in 7-10 business days.
Can I Purchase My Books?
It is important to note that if you depend on your financial aid to purchase your books, as explained above, the earliest you may receive a refund is the first day of classes. Please plan accordingly.
Will My Refund Be Issued via Check or Direct Deposit?
For more information about financial aid refunds and how to select a refund preference, visit the Bursar’s website.