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Rosanna Blake Library: Imprints – 2000-2999

Confederate Imprints

  • [2033] Communication from the Secretary of Treasury… February 4, 1864 [submitting condensed estimates of appropriations required for the support of the government for the period from January 1 to June 30, 1864, inclusive.] [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2043] Communication of the Secretary of Treasury,… November 23, 1864, [concerning change of old issue of treasury notes for new.] 3 copies. [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2045] Communication from Secretary of Treasury…December 7, 1864, [submitting the report of second auditor relative to amount of claims from each of the states paid, or allowed, under the act of June 14, 1864, “to provide for the establishment and payment of claims for certain descriptions of property taken or informally impressed for the use of the army.”] 2 copies. [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2049] Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the amount of money transmitted to the Trans-Mississippi Department… January 2d, 1865. [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2050] Communication of the Secretary of Treasury… January 5th, 1865, [relative to the unpaid requisitions upon the Treasury, drawn by the Quartermaster General and the Commissary General.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2051] Communication from Secretary of Treasury… Jan. 28, 1865 [concerning an estimate for an additional appropriation required by the Navy Department.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2054] Communication of Secretary of Treasury… February 8th, 1865, [transmitting estimate for an additional appropriation required by the Navy Department.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2056] Communication of Secretary of Treasury…February [sic] 20, 1865. [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2057] Communication from Secretary of Treasury… February 20th, 1865, [submitting papers in relation to certain instructions issued from this department, to carry into execution the tax laws.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2058] Communications of Secretary of the Treasury… February 28th, 1865 [asking a further appropriation for the redemption of a temporary loan made in 1861.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2074] The following regulations and instructions for carrying into effect the act of February 17, 1864 “to reduce the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes bonds”… [Ricmond, 1864.]
  • [2084] Instructions for collectors of taxes… May 15, 1863. 2 copies. [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [2085] Instructions for the agents for collecting subscriptions to the produce loan… January 3rd, 1862. [Richmond, 1862.]
  • [2091] [Letter to] the commissioners appointed to receive subscriptions to the produce loan… October 15th, 1861. [Richmond, 1861.]
  • [2098] Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury… Jan. 12, 1863, [enclosing an estimate of the amount required for the telegraphic service, to June 30th, 1863.] [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [2115] [Regulations . . . established in relation to the receipt of four per cent. bonds and certificates in payment of taxes.] [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2137] Report of the Secretary of Treasury… May 2, 1864. [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2138] Report of the Secretary of the Treasury… Nov. 7, 1864. [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2153] [Tabular statement… showing the rates of duty upon merchandise under the tariff act of 1857, of the United States, as amended by the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States of America; the rates under the proposed tariff bill now pending before the said Provisional Congress; and the rates under the act of Congress of the United States of 1861. [Montgomery, Ala., 1861.]
  • [2154] Treasury circular, no. 1-25. No. 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 12. [Montgomery, etc., 1861-64.]
  • [2164] [Circular.] Sir: Your attention is directed to certain errors in the amended tax act of 1863…. [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2197] Report on the condition of government cotton, contiguous to the Mississippi and its tributaries… May 16, 1864. [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2215] Army regulations, adopted for the use of the Army of the Confederate States, in accordance with late acts of Congress. Revised from the army regulations of the old United States Army, 1857; retaining all that is essential for officers of the line. To which is added, An act for the establishment and organization of the Army of the Confederate States of America. Also, Articles of war, for the government of the Army of the Confederate States of America. Richmond, Va.: West & Johnston, Publishers, No. 145 Main Street. 1861.
    UB 504.5.45
  • [2254] Communication from the Secretary of War…Feb 5, 1863, [covering an estimate of the amount required for the remuneration of additional clerks in the War Department.] [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [2262] Communication from the Secretary of War… February 27, 1863, [enclosing a list of the civilian prisoners in custody at Salisbury, North Carolina, under military authority.] [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [2271] Communication from the Secretary of War… Dec. 19, 1863, [covering a list of the officers of artillery in the provisional army, for the performance of ordinance duty, appointed since the 16th day of September, 1862, and the roll of merit reported by the Board of Examiners.] [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [2278] Communication of the Secretary of War… Jan. 27, 1864, [relative to the “domestic passport system” enforced upon citizens in some parts of the Confederate States outside of the lines of the armies.] [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2288] Communication from the Secretary of War… May 26, 1864, [covering a list of those who have been retired from the military service, in accordance with the provisions of the act for ridding the army of ignorant, disabled and incompetent officers.] [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2297] Communication from Secretary of War… Dec. 16, 1864, [furnishing information relative to the commissioned officers attached to and employed in the different departments and bureaux in the city of Richmond.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2301] Communication of Secretary of War… January 5, 1865, [conveying information relative to the impressment of brandy.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2303] Communication of the Secretary of War… Jan. 11, 1865, [relative to the passports which have been issued to certain youths to leave the Confederate States.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2311] Communication of Secretary of War… Feb. 22, 1865, [relative to the number of able-bodied men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, claimed to be exempt from conscription by the Governor, laws and resolutions of the state of Georgia.] [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2316] Correspondence between the War Department and General Lovell, relative to the defences of New Orleans. Submitted in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives passed third February, 1863. Richmond: R.M. Smith, Public Printer. 1863.
  • [2330] Letter from the Secretary of War… March 11th, 1862, [enclosing the reports of the official reports, on file in this deparment, of the battle of (Big) Bethel, on the 10th of June, 1861.] [Richmond, 1862.]
  • [2335] Letter of the Secretary of War… January 17, 1863, [enclosing a copy of the official report recently made by Colonel Imboden.] [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [2341] Major-General Magruder’s report of his operations on the Peninsula, and the battles of “Savage Station” and “Malvern Hill” near Richmond. Richmond: Chas. H. Wynne, Printer, 94 Main Street. 1862.
  • [2343] Official report of the battle of Chickamauga. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R.M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864.
  • [2345] Official reports of battles. Published by order of Congress. Richmond, Va.: Enquirer Book and Job Press. 1862.
  • [2347] Official reports of battles. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R.M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864.
  • [2348] Official reports of battles. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R.M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864.
  • [2355] Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry, relative to the fall of New Orleans. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R.M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864.
  • [2359] Regulations concerning substitutes in the Army…. [Richmond, 1861.] 2354a
  • [2361] Regulations for the Army of Confederate States, 1862…. J.W. Randolph, 121 Main St., Richmond, Va. 1862.
    UB 504.5.A5
  • [2363] Regulations for the Army of Confederate States, authorized edition. 1862. Richmond, Va. West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1862.
    UB 504.5.A5
  • [2366] Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, 1863. With a full index. By authority of the War Department…. Richmond, West & Johnston, 145 Man St. 1863.
    UB 504.5.A5
  • [2372] Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, and for the Quartermaster’s and Pay Departments. The uniform and dress of the army. As published by authority of the Secretary of War. The Articles of war, as amended by act of Congress. Also, all the laws appertaining to the army. Revised edition. New-Orleans: Bloomfield & Steel, Publishers, 60 Camp-street. 1861.
  • [2424] General orders from Adjutant and Inspector-General’s Office, Confederate States Army, from January, 1862, to December, 1863, (both inclusive.) In two series. Prepared from files of Head-quarters, Department of S.C., Ga., and Fla. With full indexes. Columbia: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell. 1864.
  • [2425] General orders from the Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Confederate States Army, for the year 1863, with a full index. Compiled and corrected under authority of Gen’l S. Cooper, A.&I.G. By R.H.P. Robinson, of the Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office. The orders as they appear in this book have explanatory notes calling attention to each paragraph and order by which the change has been modified, amended, or revoked; and to the paragraph and order by which the change has been caused. Richmond: A. Morris, Publisher. 1864.
  • [2727] General orders from the Adjutant and Inspector-General’s Office, Confederate States Army, from July 1, 1864, to December 31, 1864, inclusive. Prepared from the files of Head-quarters, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. With full index, explanatory notes, and such decisions of the War Department as could be collected touching matters of general concern to the service. Columbia. Evans and Cogswell. 1865.
  • [2429] General orders. Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office. [Richmond, 1862.] Nos. 1, 82, 95, 96, 100, 103, 105.
  • [2430] General orders. Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office. [Richmond, 1863.] Nos. 109, 141, 143.
  • [2431] General orders. Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office. [Richmond, 1864.] Nos. 24, 44, 49. 56.
  • [2432] General orders, Adjutant and Inspector-General’s Office. [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [2463] Official correspondence between the agents of exchange, together with Mr. Ould’s report. Richmond: Sentinel Job Office. 1864.
  • [2487] Circular from C. S. Central Laboratory, (Ordn.).] [Macon, Ga., 1864.] [Concerning quick-match priming, potfires and packing priming tubes.]
  • [ 2492] The ordinance manual for the use of the officers of the Confederate States Army. Prepared under the direction of Col. J. Gorgas, Chief of Ordinance, and approved by the Secretary of War. First edition. Richmond: West and Johnston, 1862.
    UF 553.5 A5.86
  • [2545] Circular, C.S. Quartermaster General’s Office, Richmond 1, 1864 (Includes several General Orders) [Richmond, 1864.]
  • [2610] Ordinances and constitution of the State of Alabama, with the constitution of the Provisional Government and of the Confederate States of America. Montgomery: Barrett, Wimbish & Co., Steam Printers and Binders. 1861.
  • [2620] Acts of the called session of the General Assembly of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, commencing on the second Monday in January, 1861. Andrew B. Moore, Governor, A.B. Meek, Speaker of the House of Representatives. J.D. Rather, President of the Senate. Montgomery, Ala.: Shorter & Reid, State Printers, 1861.
    KFA 25.A25 1861
  • [2621] Acts of the second called session, 1861 and of the first regular annual session of the General Assembly of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, commencing on the 28th day of October and second Monday in November, 1861. Andrew B. Moore, Governor until December 2, 1861. John Gill Shorter, Governor. Wm. H. Crenshaw, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Robert M. Patton, President of the Senate. Montgomery, Ala.: Montgomery Advertiser and Job Office. 1862.
    KFA 25.A25 1861b
  • [2622] Acts of the called session, 1862, and of the second regular annual session of the General Assembly of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, commencing on the 27th day of October and second Monday in November, 1862…. Montgomery, Ala.: Montgomery Advertiser Book and Job Office. 1862.
    KFA 25.A25 1862b
  • [2733] The acts and resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of Florida, at its eleventh session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November 26, 1860. Published by authority of law, under the direction of the Attorney General. Tallahassee: Office of the Floridian & Journal. Printed by Dyke & Carlisle. 1862.
  • [2743] The acts and resolutions adopted at the 1st session of the 12th General Assembly of Florida, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November 17, 1862. Published by authority of law, under the direction of the Attorney General. Tallahassee: Office of the Floridian & Journal. Printed by Dyke & Carlisle. 1863.
  • [2768] Journal of the publid and secret proceedings of the Convention of the people of Georgia, held in Milledgeville and Savannah in 1861. Together with the ordinances adopted. Published by order of the Convention. Milledgeville, Ga.: Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1861.
  • [2777] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at an annual session in November and December, 1860. Published by authority. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1860.
    KFG 30.A25 1860
  • [2778] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at an annual session in November and December, 1861. Published by authority. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1861.
  • [2779] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed in Milledge, at an annual session in November and December, 1862; also extra session of 1863. Published by authority. 2 copies. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1863.
  • [2780] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at an annual session in November and December, 1863; also, extra session of 1864. Published by authority. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers. 1864.
  • [2817] Journal of the Senate at the extra session of the General Assembly, of the State of Georgia, convened by proclamation of the Governor, at Macon, February 15th, 1865. Milledgeville, Ga.: Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers. 1865.
  • [2818] Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia at the annual session of the General Assembly, commenced at Midgeville, November 6th, 1861. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1861.
    J87.G4 1861
  • [2832] Annual message of Governor Joseph E. Brown, to the Georgia Legislature, assembled November 3rd, 1864. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, Printers. Milledgeville, Ga. 1864.
  • [2848] Correspondence between Governor Brown and President Davis on the constitutionality of the conscription act. Atlanta, Ga.: Atlanta Intelligencer Print, 1862.
  • [2951] Annual report of the principal keeper and book keeper of the Georgia Penitentiary, for the fiscal year ending 1st October, 1864. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes, & Moore, State Printers. Milledgeville, Ga., 1864.
  • [2977] Official journal of the proceedings of the Convention of hte [sic] of State of Louisiana. By authority. New Orleans: J.O.Nixon, Printer to the State Convention. 1861.
  • [2981] An ordinance to dissolve the union between the State of Louisiana and other states united with her under the compact entitled “The Constitution of the United States.” Lith: by Pessou & Simon, 116 Exchange Alley, N. Orleans. [1861.]
  • [2988] Acts passed by the fifth Legislature of the State of Louisiana, at its second session, held and begun in the city of Baton Rouge, on the 21st of January, 1861. Published by authority. Baton Rouge: J.M. Taylor, State Printer. 1861.
    KFL 25.A24 1860
  • [2989] Acts passed by the sixth Legislature of the State of Louisiana, at the first session, held and begun in the city of Baton Rouge, on the 25th of November, 1861. Published by authority. Baton Rouge: Tom Bynum, State Printer. 1861.
    KFL 25.A25 1861
  • [2995] Acts passed by the seventh Legislature of the State of Louisiana, at its second session, held and begun in the city of Shreveport, on the 16th day of January, 1865. Published by authority. Shreveport: Printed at the “South-Western.” [1865.]