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Rosanna Blake Library: Imprints – 4000-4999

Confederate Imprints

  • [4033] Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina: being the session of 1863. Columbia, S.C.: Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1863.
  • [4095] Report of the Chief of the Department of Justice and Police, to the Governor and Executive Council…. Columbia, S.C.: Charles P. Pelham, State Printer, 1862.
  • [4115] Report of the Chief of the Department of Treasury and Finance to His Excellency Governor Pickens. Columbia, S.C., R.W. Gibbes, Printer to the Convention. 1862.
  • [4120] Circular of the City Council on retrenchment, and report of the Commissioners of the Orphan House. Charleston, Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, no.3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street, 1861.
  • [4128] Public acts of the State of Tennessee, passed at the extra session of the thirty-third General Assembly, April 1861. Published by authority. 3 copies. Nashville, Tenn.: J.O. Griffith & Co., Public Printers, Union and American Office. 1861.
  • [4129] Public acts of the State of Tennessee, passed at the extra session of the thirty-third General Assembly, for the year 1861. Published by authority. Nashville, Tenn.: E.G. Eastman & Co., Public Printers, Union and American Office. 1861.
  • [4132] Senate journal of the second extra session of the thirty-third General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, which convened at Nashville on Thursday, the 25th of April, A.D. 1861. Nashville.: J.O. Griffith and Company, Public Printers. 1861.
    J87.T2 1861
  • [4181] General laws of the ninth Legislature of the State of Texas. By authority. Houston: Printed by E.H. Cushing, Telegraph Book and Job Establishment. 1862.
  • [4182] General laws of the extra session of the ninth Legislature, of the State of Texas. Published by authority. 3 copies. Austin: Printed at the Office of the Texas Almanac. 1863.
  • [4191] Laws of the eighth Legislature of the State of Texas. Extra session. By authority. Austin: Printed by John Marshall & Co., State Printers. 1861.
  • [4213] Proclamation by the Governor of the State of Texas… February 9, 1861. [Austin, Tex., 1861.]
  • [4231] Proclamation by the people of Texas…August 26, 1861. [Austin, Tex., 1861.]
  • [4354] The new constitution of Virginia, with the amended bill of rights, as adopted by the Reform Convention of 1850- 51, and amended by the Convention of 1860-61. [Richmond? 1863?]
  • [4367] Ordinances adopted by the Convention of Virginia, in secret and adjourned sessions in April, May, June and July, 1861.
  • Richmond: Wyatt M. Elliott, Printer. 1861.
  • [4385] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed in 1861, in the eighty-fifth year of the commonwealth. Richmond: william F. Ritchie, Public Printer, 1861.
    KFV 2425.2 A25 1861c
  • [4386] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed in 1861-2, in the eighty-sixth year of the commonwealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862.
    KFV 2425.2 A25 1861
  • [4387] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at adjourned session, 1862, in the eighty-seventh year of the commonwealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862.
    2425.2 A25 1862
  • [4388] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at the called session, 1862, in the eighty-seventh year of the commonwealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863.
  • [4390] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at the called session 1862, in the eighty-seventh year of the commonwealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863.
    KFV 2425.2 A25 1863
  • [4391] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at session of 1863-4, in the eighty-eighth year of the commonwealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1864.
  • [4395] [Documents. Extra Session.] [Richmond, 1861.]
  • [4399] [Documents. Called session, 1863, and session of 1863-64.] [Richmond, 1863-64.]
  • [4499] Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Virginia: begun and held at the Capitol in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the second day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one – being the eighty-fifth year of the Commonwealth. Richmond: James E. Goode, Senate Printer, 1861.
  • [4533] Bill no. 47. A bill to re-enact an act passed October 3, 1862, entitled An act to further provide for the public defence. [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [4534] Bill no. 49. A bill authorizing the issue of treasury notes of a less denomination than one dollar. [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [4548] Bill no. 89. A bill to stay proceedings on executions, trust deeds and other demands, in cases of refusal to receive payment in currency, and to repeal an act entitled an act to suspend sales and legal proceedings in certain cases, and to repeal an ordinance to provide against the sacrifice of property, and ti suspend proceedings in certain cases, passed April 30, 1861, by the Convention of Virginia. [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [4551] Bill no. 113. A bill forfeiting lands of citizens of the United States in this commonwealth, when said lands are claimed by loyal citizens, under grants from the commonwealth, to transfer same to them. [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [4554] Bill no. 130. A bill amending and re-enacting the second section of chapter 213 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the pay for keeping convicts confined in the penitentiary under sentence of a court of the Confederate States. [Richmond, 1863.]
  • [4601] Bill no. 71. A bill to create the Governor and Proprietors of the Exchequer of the Confederate States of America. [Richmond, 1865.]
  • [4616] Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the session of 1861-62. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1861.
    KFV 2418.2 J7 1861a
  • [4702.1] Year ending February 1862
  • [4723] Arentsschildt, Friedrich von. Instructions for officers and non-commissioned officers of cavalry, on outpost duty; by Lieut.-Colonel von Arentschildt [sic], first Hussars King’s German Legion: with an abridgment of them by Lieut-Colonel the Hon F. Ponsonby, Twelfth Light Dragoons. J.W. Randolph: 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va. 1861.
  • [4734] The battle of Fort Sumter and first victory of the Southern troops, April 13th, 1861. Full accounts of the bombardment, with sketches of the scenes, incidents, etc. Compiled chiefly from the detailed reports of the Charleston press. Published by request. Charleston: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell. No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861.
  • [4735] The battle of Fort Sumter and first victory of the Southern troops, April 13th, 1861. Full accounts of the bombardment, with sketches of the scenes, incidents, etc. Compiled chiefly from the detailed reports of the Charleston press. Published by request. Charleson: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell. No.3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861.
  • [4747] Buckholtz, Louis von. Tactics for officers of infantry, cavalry and artillery. Arranged and compiled by L.v. Buckholtz, author of Infantry, camp duty, field fortification and coast defense. J.W. Randolph, 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va. 1861.
  • [4748] [Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, Thomas Robert, duc d’Isly] The practice of war: being a translation of a French military work entitled “Maxims, counsels and instructions on the art of war, or Handbook for the practice of war. For the use of military men of all arms and countries. From a manuscript written, in 1815, by a general of that time, and revised in 1855, to be put in harmony with the knowledge and organization of the present day. Richmond: West & Johnston. 1863.
  • [4755] Cary, R. Milton. Skirmishes’ drill and bayonet exercise (as now used in the French Army), with suggestions for the soldier in actual conflict. Compiled and translated for the use of the volunteers of the State of Virginia and the South, by R. Milton Cary, Lt. Col. Prov. Army of Va… Richmond, Va.: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street . 1861.
  • [4763] Chatham Artillery. Celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Chatham Artillery of Savannah. May 1, 1861. Published in compliance with a resolution adopted by the corps… Savannah: John M. Cooper and Company. 1861.
  • [4779] [Cooke, John Esten] The life of Stonewall Jackson. From official papers, contemporary narratives, and personal acquaintance. By a Virginian…. Richmond: Ayres & Wade. Illustrated News Steam Presses. 1863.
  • [4782] Cooper, Samuel. Cooper’s cavalry tactics, for the use of volunteers: to which is added A manual for Colt’s revolver. New Orleans: H.P. Lathrop, 74 Magazine Street . Jackson, Miss. Power & Cadwallader. 1861.
  • [4791] Curry, John P. Volunteers’ camp and field book. Containing useful and general information on the art and science of war, for the leisure moments of the soldier. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street, 1862.
  • Davis, James Lucius. The trooper’s manual: or, Tactics for light dragoons and mounted riflemen. Compiled, abridged and arranged, by Col. J. Lucius Davis, graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, formerly an officer of the United States Army; and for many years commander and instructor of volunteer cavalry. Richmond, Va. Published by A Morris. 1861.
    UE 161.5 D26
  • [4804] [DeFontaine, Felix Gregory] Marginalia; or Gleanings from an army note-book. By “Personne,” army correspondent of the Charleston Courier. Columbia, S.C.: Steam Power Press of F.G. De Fontaine & Co. 1864.
  • [4836] Gilham, William. Manual of instruction for the volunteers and militia of the Confederate States. By William Gilham, colonel of volunteers, instructor of tactics and commandant of cadets, Virginia Military Institute. Richmond, Va. West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1861.
    U113.5 G5
  • [4850] Hardee, William J. Rifle and infantry tactics, revised and improved by Col. W.J. Hardee, C.S. Army, first edition…. Mobile: S.H. Goetzel & Co. First Year of the Confederacy. [1861.]
  • [4857] Hardee, William J. Rifle and infantry tactics, revised an improved by Maj. Gen. W.J. Hardee, C.S. Army. Eighth edition…. Mobile: S.H. Goetzel. 1863.
  • Hessee, Julius. Remarks by Major Julius Hessee, read before the Court of Inquiry, February 3d, 1862. [Mobile, Ala., 1862.]
  • [4885] Hurst, M.B. History of the Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Vols. With a list of the names of every man that ever belonged to the regiment. By M.B. Hurst, chief musician 14th Regiment Alabama Volunteers. Richmond, 1863.
  • [4898] Kane, George Proctor. To all Marylanders in the Confederate States. [Richmond? 1864.]
  • [4899] [Keily, Anthony M.] Prisoner of war, or five months among the Yankees. Being a narrative of the crosses, calamities, and consolations of a Petersburg militiaman during an enforced summer residence north. By A. Rifleman, Esq., Gent. Published by West & Johnston, Main Street, Richmond, Va. [1865.]
  • [4904] Lee, Charles Henry. The judge advocates vade mecum: embracing a general view of military law, and the practice before courts martial, with an epitome of the law of evidence, as applicable to military trials. By C.H. Lee. Richmond: West & Johnston, No. 145 Main Street. 1864.
    KF 7609.L4 1863
  • [4910] Lee, James Kendall. The volunteer’s handbook: containing an abridgment of Hardee’s infantry tactics, adapted to the use of the percussion musket in squad and company exercises, manual of arms for riflemen. And United States Army regulations as to parades, reviews, inspections, guard-mounting, &c. By Capt. J.K. Lee…. Twenty-fifth thousand. West & Johnston, 145 Main Street., Richmond, Va. 1861.
  • [4911] Lee, James Kendall. The volunteer’s handbook: containing an abridgment of Hardee’s infantry tactics adapted to the use of the percussion musket in squad and company exercises, manual of arms for riflemen, and United States Army regulations as to parades, review, inspections, guard mounting, etc. By Jas. K. Lee, of the First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers. Richmond, Va.: West & Johnston, No. 145 Main Street. 1861.
  • [4938] [McCabe, James Dabney] The life of Thomas J Jackson. By an ex-cadet. Richmond: James E. Goode. 1864.
    E467.1 J15 M12 1864
  • [4942] Mahan, Dennis Hart. An elementary treatise on advanced-guard, out-post, and detachment service of troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in presence of an enemy. Intended as a supplement to the system of tactics adopted for the military service of the United States, and especially for the use of officers of militia and volunteers. By D.H. Mahan, professor of military and civil engineering, and of the science of war, in the United States’ Military Academy. New Orleans: Bloomfield & Steel, Booksellers and Stationers. 1861.
  • [4944] Mahan, Dennis Hart. Summary of the course of permanent fortification and of the attack and defence of permanent works, for the use of cadets of the U.S. Military Academy. By D.H. Mahan, professor of military engineering, etc., etc. Charleston: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell. No 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street. 1862.
    UG405 M2 1862
  • [4947] Mahan, Dennis Hart. A treatise on field fortification, containing instructions on the methods of laying out, constructing, defending, and attacking intrenchments; with the general outlines also of the arrangement, the attack and defence of permanent fortifications. By D.H. Mahan, professor of military and civil engineering in the United States Military Academy. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. Richmond, Va. West & Johnston: 145 Main Street. 1862.
    UG403 M22
  • Marmont, Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de, duc de Raguse. The spirit of military institutions, by marshal Marmont, Duke of Ragusa. Translated from the last Paris edition (1859), and augmented by biographical, historical, topographical, and military notes; with a new version of General Jomini’s celebrated thirty-fifth chapter, of par I, of Treatise on gran military operations. By Frank Schaller, Colonel 22d Regiment Mississippi Infantry, Confederate Army. Columbia, S.C.: Evans and Cogswell. 1864.
    U102 M3S3
  • [4987] Patten, George Washington. Cavalry drill and sabre exercise,; compiled agreeably to the latest regulations of the War Department, from standard military authority. By George Patten. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street, 1862.
  • [4991] Pollard, Edward Alfred. The first year of the war. By Edward A. Pollard. Author of “Black diamonds,” etc. Corrected and improved edition. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1862.
  • [4994] Pollard, Edward Alfred. Observations in the North: eight months in prison and on parole. By Edward A. Pollard. Richmond: E.W. Ayres, Corner Ninth and Main Streets. 1865.
  • [4995] [Pollard, Edward Alfred] The second battle of Manassas: with sketches of the recent campaign in northern Virginia and on the upper Potomac. Prepared from special materials. By the author of “The first year of the war.” Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1862.
  • [4996] Pollard, Edward Alfred. The second year of the war. By Edward A. Pollard, author of “Black diamonds,” etc…. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1863