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Rosanna Blake Library: Non-Confederate Items

  • [NC7000]  Gideon’s band, Song and Chorus. Philadelphia: Lee & Walker [8161]
  • [NC7001]  The Battle of Gettysburg. Major General George. E. Pickett’s Celebrated Charge, July 3, 1863. Chicago: National Music Co. [c. 1888].
  • [NC7002] “Waiting for the Robert E. Lee” (Music) Gilbert and Muir.  Copyright 1912 by F. A. Mills, New York.
  • [NC7003] “Supplement No. 1 to the National Prohibition Lincoln-Lee Legion Program Book.” Temperance and Anti-saloon songs.  Amer. Issue Pub. Co. [1920?]
  • [NC7004] “Harper’s New Monthly Magazine” No.XL, Vol VII, Sept. 1853.  (History of the Custis family).
  • [NC7005] “General Zachary Taylor, Louisiana President of the United States of America.” Louisiana State Museum, 1937.
  • [NC7006] Tender Words and Gentle Pleadings. Song and Chorus written in reply to ‘When this cruel war is over.” St. Louis: Balmer & Weber.  1863