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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – B

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Bagby, George William, Dr. “John M. Daniels Latch-Key. Being a Sketch of his life.” 1868. 12mo, 40pp. (WB 11)
  • Bahnson, Henry T. “The Last Days of the War.” 1903. 16mo, v.II, #12. (WB 19)
  • Baptist Church 16th annual report of the proud of domestic and Indian ancestors. “The Commission” v.VI. Aug. 1861. #2. (WB 89a)
  • Barbee, David Rankin “The Capture of Jefferson Davis.” Reprint: Tyler’s Quar. Hist. & Geneo. Mag., July, 1947. 8vo, 37pp. (WB 104)
  • Bardolph, Richard “Inconstant Rebels: Desertion of North Carolina Troops in the Civil War.” In: NCHR, 1964, v.41, p. 163-189. (WB 111)
  • Barnes, Frank “Fort Sumter National Monument South Carolina, by Frank Barnes.” Wash: Nat’l. Park Ser. Hist. Handbook, #12, 1952. 8vo, 48pp. (WB 129)
  • Barnett, James “Munfordville in the civil war.” In: RKHS, Oct. 1971, v.69, #4, p. 339-361. (WB 132)
  • Barr, Alwyn “Polignac’s Texas Brigade.” (Houston TX) TX Gulf Coast Hist. Ass’n. Nov., 1964. v.VIII. #1. 8vo, 72pp. (WB 159)
  • Barrett, John Gilchrist “Sherman & Total War in the Carolinas.” In: NCHR, July, 1960, v.XXXVII, p. 367-381. (WB 174)
  • Barton, Randolph “Stonewall Jackson, by Capt. Randolph Barton, Adj.-Gen. of Stonewall Brigade.” In: SHSP, 1910, v. XXXVII, p. 268-287. (WB 196)
  • Barton, William “Abraham Lincoln was a Lee.” In: Good Housekeeping. (WB 196a)
  • Battle Abbey “The Location of the Battle Abbey Decided” (from “News Leader”, Jan. 1, 1909). In: SHSP, 1908, v.XXXVI, p. 156-160. (WB 243)
  • Battle fields of the south. From Bull Run to Fredericksburg: with sketches of Confederate commanders, & gossip of the Camps. 1863. 12mo, xliii, 339, 399pp. (WB 244)
  • Battle of Chancellorsville. Special edition by the editors of: CWTI. Aug. 1971. v.X, #5, 50pp. (WB 251)
  • Battle of Crater “The Crater Legion. In loving remembrance of comrades of Mahone’s brigade, Anderson division, A.P. Hill’s Corps, A.N.V. who lost their lives in the Battle of Crater, July 30, 1864.” (WB 255)
  • Battle of Fort Gregg, Louisiana, The Survivors tell the story of the fight. In: SHSP, 1900, v.XXVIII. p. 265-267. (WB 259)
  • Battle of Lewisburg. (WB 268a)
  • Battle of Manassas or Second Bull Run. Washington Manassas Panorama. 1887. (WB 269a)
  • Battle of Richmond Kentucky. (WB 277a)
  • Battlefield of Pea Ridge Arkansas. The Glamorous Struggle Behind the Battle of Pea Ridge. 12mo, 16pp. (WB 299)
  • Battlefield of Pea Ridge, Ark. Battlefield folklore, Battlegrams & Generals. Garfield, Ark. n.d. 8vo, 65pp. (WB 300)
  • Battles & Leaders of the Civil War. Being for the most part contributions by Union & Confederate officers. Based upon the “Century War series”. 8vos: xxiii. (WB 306a)
  • Battles & Leaders of the Civil War. “Great Battle of the Civil War.” In: Life Magazine. (WB 307a)
  • Bearss, Edwin C. “Morgan’s Second Kentucky raid, Dec., 1862, Parts: I, II.” In: Reg. KyHS, July 1972, p. 200-218. Part III In: Keg. Ky. HS, Apr., 1973, p. 177-188. Oct., 426-438. (WB 363)
  • Bearss, Edwin Cole “General William Steele fights to hold onto Northwest Arkansas.” In: AHQ, 1966, v.XXV, p. 36-99. (WB 389)
  • Bearss, Edwin Cole “General Cooper’s CSA Indians threaten Fort Smith.” In: AHQ, 1966, v.XXVI. p. 257-284. (WB 390)
  • Bearss, Edwin Cole “Cavalry operations in the Battle of Stone’s River.” In: Ten. Hist. Quart., XIX(1960)p. 23-53; 110-144. (WB 391)
  • Bearss, Edwin Cole “Federal Generals squabble over Fort Smith, 1863-1864.” In: AHQ, 1969, v.XXIX, p. 119-151. (WB 402a)
  • Bearss, Edwin Cole “Sherman’s Demonstration Against Snyder’s Bluff.” (Jackson, Miss.) Jour. Miss. Hist., May, 1965, v.XXVII, #2, p. 168-186. (WB 417)
  • Bearss, Edwin Cole “The Vicksburg Centennial Commemorative Association, June 30-July 4, 1963.” (Vicksburg, Miss.) (WB 420)
  • Bearss, Edwin Cole “Unconditional Surrender: The Fall of Fort Donelson.” Nashville: Tenn. Hist. Quart. Reprint, Mar/June, 1962, v.XXI, #1 & 2, p.47-66, 140-162. (WB 421)
  • Bearss, Edwin L. “Asboth’s Expedition up the Alabama & Florida Railroad.” In: FHQ, Oct. 1960, v.XXXIX, #2, p. 159-166. (WB 425a)
  • Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, General Photograph: holograph conclusion of letter New Orleans, May 5, 1866. (WB 439a)
  • Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, General “Beauregard monument association, organized in New Orleans, La., Feb. 21, 1893.” 1917. 8vo, 16pp. (WB 452)
  • Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, General “Proceedings in New Orleans, La., & Charleston, S.C., relative to the presentation of the sword of Gen. Beauregard by his grandson.” 27th Mar., 1893. 8vo, 23pp. (WB 455)
  • Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, General “Defense of Charleston, S.C., 1862-1864.”
  • In: N. Amer. Rev., 1886, v.CXLII,p. 419-436; 564-571. (WB 462)
  • Belden, Bauman Lowe “War Medals of the Confederacy.” N.Y., American Numismatic Society, 1915: reprint, Amer. Jour. Numis., v.XLVIII. (WB 515)
  • Bell, Landon Covington “Robert E. Lee; an address before the Dixie chapter, U.D.C., Columbus, Ohio., in celebration of Gen. Lee’s birthday, Jan 19, 1929. Append: Letter of Gen. Lee to Lord Acton. Dec. 15, 1866.” (Columbus, Ohio, 1929) (WB 530)
  • Bell, Landon Covington “The Lincoln Myths are passing-But Slowly Bowyers Tragic Era.” Reprinted from Tyler’s Quart. Hist. & Genealogical Mag., Jan. 1930. (WB 531)
  • Benedict, James Bell, Jr. “General John Hunt Morgan, the Great Indiana-Ohio Raid.” In: FCHQ, Apr. 1957, v.31, #2, p. 147-171. (WB 554)
  • Benjamin, Judah Philip “Extracts from the Speech on the Kansas Question: showing the True Meaning of the Kansas Law, & his Reasons for joining the Democratic Party.” May 2, 1856. (WB 561)
  • Benjamin, Judah Philip “Defense of the National Democracy against the attacks of Judge Douglas Constitutional Rights of the States.” May 22, 1860. (WB 568)
  • Benjamin, Judah Philip “The Life of (1811-1884)” Mar., 27, 1937. (WB 571)
  • Bentonville, N.C. “Battle of Bentonville.” In: NCHR, 1956, v.33, p. 332-358. (WB 606)
  • Beresford-Hope, A.J.B. “The American Disruption.” 1862. (WB 608)
  • Beresford-Hope, A.J.B. “England, the North, & the South.” 1862. (WB 609)
  • Beresford-Hope, A.J.B. “A Popular View of the American Civil War.” 1861. (WB 610)
  • Beresford-Hope, A.J.B. “The Results of the American Disruption: A Lecture in Continuation of a Popular View of the Civil War, & England, The North & South.” 1862. (WB 611)
  • Bernard, George S. “The Battle of the Crater, A memorable day in history: an address delivered before the A.P. Hill Corps. 1890. (WB 631a)
  • Bernard, George Smith “The Battle of Crater (being) advance sheets. War Talks of Confederate Veterans.” 1892. (WB 636)
  • Besse, Sumner Bradford “C.S. Ironclad Virginia, with data & references for a scale model.” Newport News, Va., Mariner’s Museum Pub. #4. 1937. 12mo, 47pp. (WB 650)
  • Bigelow, John “Chancellorsville Calvary operations.” In: J. of Military Serv. Inst. Sept.-Oct., v.CLXVII. 1910. (WB 681a)
  • Biographical Catalogue of Portraits in the Confederate Memorial Inst., “The Battle Abbey”. Richmond, Va., R.E. Lee Camp.#1, n.d., 8vo, 45pp. (WB 699)
  • Birdsong, James C. (Cook) “Brief sketches of the North Carolina State Troops in the War between the States. 1894. (WB 706)
  • Bittle, George C. “Fighting Men View the Western War, 1862-1864.” In: FHQ, v.XLVII, #1, July, 1968, p. 25-33. (WB 714)
  • Blackford, Charles Minor “The trials & trial of Jefferson Davis. A paper read before the 12th Annual meeting of the Virginia State Bar Ass’n., held at Old Point Comfort, Va., July 17-19, 1900.” 1900. (WB 740)
  • Blackman, Ed Lewis “Our relations with America.” Committee of Manchester(Eng.) Southern Club., 1863. (WB 751)
  • Blair, Maria, Miss “Matthew Fontaine Maury.” Paper read at annual meeting May 13, 1918. 13pp. (WB 770)
  • Blair, Marian H. “Civil War letters of Henry W. Barrow .” In: NC Hist. Review. (WB 770a)
  • Blake, Rosanna A. “The Resources of the South by R.A. Blake, Spring 1933. 72pp. (WB 775a)
  • Blumenthal, Henry “Confederate Diplomacy: Popular Notions & International Realities.” (Houston, TX) JSH, May, 1966. v. XXXII, #2, p. 151-171. (WB 816)
  • Blundell, B. (Bezer) “The Contributions of John Lewis Peyton to the History of Virginia & the Civil War in America, 1861-1865.” 1868. 46pp. (WB 819)
  • Bond, John “Campaign Diary of Virginia.” (WB 861a)
  • Bonham, Milledge L., Jr. “The French Consuls in the Confederate States.”  Columbia Univ. Press, reprinted from “Studies in Southern History and Politics.” New York [1914] pp.83-104. (WB876a)
  • Bonham, Milledge L., Jr. “Man & Nature at Port Hudson, 1863.” In: Mil. Hist. & Economist, Oct., 1917. v. II, p. 372-384, #4, v.III, #1, Jan., 1918, p. 20-38. Reprinted: n.p., 1917, 33pp. (WB 879)
  • Borcke, Johann August Heinrich Heros von “Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence.” Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine-xcvii, July 1865-June 1866. (WB 922)
  • Borglum, John Gutzon de la Mothe “Gutzon Borglum & Stone Mountain.” In: Emory Univ. Quart., June 1952, v.8, p. 111-115. Excerpts of letters, 1915. (WB 925a)
  • Bosang, James N. “Memoirs of a Pulaski Veteran of the Stonewall Brigade, 1861-1865.” (Pulaski, Va., B.D. Smith & Bros., 1930) 12mo, 25pp. (WB 928)
  • Botsford, Theophilus F., Pvt. 1914 Edt. 6, titled “A boy in the Civil War.” See: Capt. Joseph Q. Burton. (WB 938a)
  • Bott, Elizabeth Catherine “Admiral Semmes, C.S.N.” 1911. La. State Univ., Bul. #2, v.II, NS, Feb., 1911. Reprinted from Americana, Dec., 1910. (WB 939)
  • Bowen, John Joseph “The Strategy of Robert E. Lee.” 1914. 8vo, 256pp. Orig. In Neale’s, I(Jan-June) p. 3-16; 179-193; 285-301; 399-415; 541-562; 671-685; II(July) p. 55-66. (WB 964)
  • Bowles, James W. “Songs of the South for U.C.V. Reunions.” Toledo, OH. 23p. (WB 975a)
  • Box, Sam “The kid soldiers of the sixties.” Reprinted from the Newberry observer. 15pp. IV. (WB 986a)
  • Boyd, Belle Hardinge “Belle Boyd, Southern Spy of the Shenandoah.” (Front Royal, Va.) Warren County Rifles Chap., U.D.C., n.d. (1936). 8vo, 8pp, See: H.E. Cole. (WB 992)
  • Boyd, David French “Life & services of David French Boyd.” Baton Rouge, LSU Bulletin series 2, #2, June 1904. Complete issue devoted to Boyd. His CSA services. (WB 996)
  • Boyd, Mark F. “The Federal Campaign of 1864 in East Florida (Olustee Battlefield).” Tallahassee, Fla: Hist. Quart., July 1950, v.XXIX-#1, Reprint. (WB 1003)
  • Boyd, Mark F. “The Battle of Marianna.” Tallahassee, Fla: Hist. Quart., Apr. 1951, v.XXIX-#4. Reprint. 8vo, 17pp. See: Fannie B. Chapman. (WB 1004)
  • Boyd, William Kenneth & Robt. P. Brooks “North Carolina on the Eve of Secession.” Wash: 1912, in Amer. Hist. Ass’n. Yearbook for 1910, p. 165-177. Reprint, 8vo. (WB 1007)
  • Boyle, Francis Atherton “The Prison Diary of Adjutant Francis Atherton Boyle, C.S.A.” (Raleigh) NCHRev., Winter 1962, v.XXXIX, #1, p. 58-84. (WB 1027)
  • Boynton, Henry Van Ness, Gen. “Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park Commission Organization of the Union Forces & of the Confederate Forces.” Wash., DC, 1893. 8vo, 34pp. (WB 1034)
  • Bradlee, Francis B.C. “A forgotten chapter in our naval history. A sketch of the career of Duncan Nathaniel Ingraham, commander U.S.N. & Commodore C.S.N.” Salem, Mass: Essex Inst., 1923. 8vo, 25pp. (WB 1073)
  • Bradley, Chester D. “Jefferson Davis in Prison.” In: Manuscripts, 1958, v.10(2), p. 35-39, 52(spring) on shackling Davis’ legs by Capt. Titlow. (WB 1082)
  • Bragg, Braxton, Gen. “Heroes of the C.W. & W. Duke co.” (WB 1126a)
  • Bragg, Braxton, Gen. “Organization of the Army of Tennessee.” 1889. (WB 1131a)
  • Bragg, Braxton, Gen. “The Battle of Chickamauga. Report of General Braxton Bragg, Dec. 28, 1863.” In: SHSP, 1883, v.XI, p. 49-65. (WB 1134)
  • Brawley, William H. “Address…May 10, 1905, at the laying of the cornerstone of a monument to the Confederate dead at Chester, SC.” 1905. 8vo, 15pp., McKissick-252. (WB 1179)
  • Braxton, Carter M. “Map of the battlefield of Fredericksburg, explained by extracts from official reports; also, Gen. R.E. Lee’s report of the battle.” Lynchburg, Va. Press, 1866. 12mo, 44pp. Swem-548. (WB 1181)
  • Breckinridge, John Cabell – Lane “Breckenridge & Lane Campaign Documents.” Wash: National Democratic Campaign Committee, 1860. 8vo, Nos. 1-13, (Approx. 170pp) Sabin-7672, (WB 1187a)
  • Breckinridge, John Cabell, Maj.-Gen. “Portrait, Lithograph, 18×23. Chicago, Ill., n.d., Kurz & Allison. (WB 1194)
  • Breckinridge, William Campbell Preston “The ex-Confederate & what he has done in peace.” An address delivered before the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, at the meeting held in Richmond, Va., Oct. 26, 1892. 8vo, 22pp., See: “Confed. Monument Ass’n.” (WB 1207)
  • Breedon, James O. “A medical history of the later stages of the Atlanta Campaign.” In: JSH, Feb. 1969, 29pp., v.35, #1, p. 31-59. (WB 1214)
  • Bright, Simeon Miller “The McNeill Rangers: a study in Confederate Guerrilla Warfare.” In: West Va. His., July 1951, v. 12, p. (338)-394. Also as a thesis: W.Va. Univ., 1950. See: Roster of McNeill’s Rangers.” (WB 1263)
  • Brooke, George Mercer, Jr. “The Virginia or Merrimac; her real Projector. A statement of the facts connected with her con version into an IronClad.” Richmond: 1891, W.E. Jones Pr. 8vo, 34pp. Rep: SHSP, XIX, p. 3-34. See: Geo. Mercer Brooke. (WB 1300)
  • Brown, James Earl “Life of Brig.-Gen. John McCausland.” In: W.Va. Hist., v.4, 1943. (WB 1370a)
  • Brown, John, Harper’s Ferry “Trial of John Brown, its Impartiality & Decorum Vindicated.” In: SHSP, 1888, v.XVI, p. 357-365. See: John Avis (Jailor), Rev. Abner C. Hopkins. (WB 1379)
  • Brown, Kent Masterson & Edgar G. Archer “Order A.P. Hill to prepare for action.” The career of Lieut. Gen. Ambrose Powell Hill. (Part I)” In: Lincoln Herald, Summer, 1979, p. 79-87. (WB 1400)
  • Brown, William Garrott “The Resources of the Confederacy.” In: Atlantic Monthly, 1901, v.LXXXVIII, p. 827-838. (WB 1423)
  • Browne, P.D. “Captain T.D. Nettles & the Valverde Battery.” In: Texana, Spring 1964, v.II, #1, p. 1023. (WB 1431)
  • Bruce, Kathleen “Slave Labor in Virginia iron industry.” William & Mary Quart., 2nd Ser., VI(Oct., 289-302pp. 1926), VII(Jan. 1927, p. 21-31) “Virginia Iron Manufacture in the Slave Era.” Head title: Amer. Hist. Ass’n. N.Y., Century co, 1930, 8vo, xiii, 482pp. (WB 1443)
  • Bryan, Lauise C. “Gen. Robert E. Lee.” (WB 1475a)
  • Bryan, Thomas A., Capt. “Bryan’s Battery, 13th Battalion, Virginia Artillery, C.S.A., 1862-1865.” Richmond, Va., n.d., 12mo, 24pp. (WB 1481)
  • Brydon, G. MacLaren “The “Confederate Prayer Book”.” “Hist. Mag. Of Protestant Episcopal Church”, v.XVII-#4, Dec. 1948, p. 339-344. (WB 1491)
  • Brydon, G. MacLaren “The Diocese of Virginia in the Southern Confederacy.” In: Hist. Mag. Of Protestant Episcopal Church, p. 384-410. (WB 1492)
  • Brydon, G. MacLaren “Historic Parishes: Saint Paul’s Church.” Richmond, 1954. 16pp. 3cop. (WB 1492a)
  • Buchanan, Franklin “Official Report of the Battle between the C.S.S. Virginia(formerly U.S.S. Merrimack) & the U.S.S. Monitor, on Mar. 9, 1862. Wash: Naval Hist. Found.(1962?) 12mo,8pp. (WB 1501)
  • Buck, Martina E. “A Louisiana prisoner of war on Johnson’s Island, 1863-1865.” In: LaH., 1963, v.4, p. 233-242. (WB 1512)
  • Burdette, W.A. “William Alexander Burdette of Burdette, Putnam County, WV.” 5p. Feb. 1959. (WB 1557a)
  • Burge, Louisiana “The Diary of a Confederate College Girl.” Rep. Georgia Hist. Quart., v.XXXVII, June 1852, 8vo, 25pp. (WB 1565)
  • Burnet, T.L. “The Battle of Saltville.” In: SB, 1883/1884, v.II, p. 20-22. (WB 1587a)
  • Burton, Joseph Q., Capt. “Historical sketches of the Forty-seventh Alabama Infantry Regiment, CSA.” University, Ala., Confederate Pub. Co., 1982. Confederate Regimental Series, #2. 8vo, 36pp. (WB 1613)
  • Butler, Matthew Calbraith “Address: Life, Character & Services of Gen. Wade Hampton.” Wash.: Gibson Bros., 1903. Removed from bound vol., 23p. (WB 1626a)
  • Byrne, Frank L. “Libby Prison: A study in emotions.” (Lexington, KY) JSH, Nov. 1958, v.XXIV. #1. p. 430-444. (WB 1644)
  • Byrne, Frank L. “A General behind bars: Neal Dow in Libby Prison.” (WB 1645a)