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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – F

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • “Facts about the Civil War.” Lexington, Va., The Stonewall Jackson Memorial, Inc., n.d.(c.1961) 8vo, 2pp. (WF 2)
  • Faust, Drew Gilpin.  “Altars of Sacrifice: Confederate Women and the Narratives of War.” From: J. of Amer. Hist., Mar. 1990.  pp1200-1228.
    (WF 5126)
  • Felgar, Robert Pattison “The Ordnance Department of the Confederate States Army.” In: Ala. Hist. Quart., 1946, v.VIII, p. 159-232. (WF 74)
  • Fenner, Charles E., Hon. “Ceremonies connected with the unveiling of the statue of General Robert E. Lee. At Lee Circle, New Orleans, La., Feb. 22, 1884.” New Orleans, La., W.B. Stansbury, 1884. 8vo, 46pp, also in-SHSP, 1886, v.XIV, p. 62-102. (WF 82)
  • Ferrell, Charles Clifton “The Daughter of the Confederacy”-Her Life, Character and Writings.” Oxford, Miss., Publications of the Miss. Historical Society, 1899, v.II, p. 69-84. Winnie Davis, daughter of Pres. Davis and a writer in Miss. (WF 89)
  • Fetterman, John “Five score years ago.” A reprint from the Louisiana Times. 4-22. 1962. N.p. (WF 96a)
  • Field, Charles William, Maj.-Gen. “Stonewall Jackson.” In: Harper’s Mag., LXXXIII, 1891, 907-918pp. (WF 113)
  • “First Manassas (Bull Run) And the War Around it.” Manassas, Virginia, 1st Manassas Corp., (1961) 4to, 64pp. (WF 136)
  • First White House Association, Montgomery, Alabama. “Historical Souvenir of the opining of the First White House which in its present location is to be a permanent museum of Confederate History.” Montgomery, Ala., Paragon Press, 1921, 8vo, 20pp. “The First White House of the Confederacy.” (Montgomery?) 1930. See: Wilbur Jones. Reprints: 1936, 1948, 1951, 1956, 1958, 1962. (WF 140)
  • Fitzhugh, Kester Newton, Comp’l., Edt. “Texas Batteries, battalions, regiments, commanders and field officers, Confederate States Army, 1861-1865.” Midlothian, Texas: Mirrow Press, 1959. 8vo, 33pp. (WF 196)
  • Fitzhugh, Kester Newton, Comp’l., Edt. “Texas forces in the Red River Campaign, Mar.-May, 1864.” In: TMH, v.III, p. 15-22. (WF 198)
  • Fitzhugh, Robert H. “R.E. Lee, an address to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Lexington, Kentucky, Jan. 19, 1907.” Lexington, KY, 1910, U.D.C., 8vo, 21pp. (WF 202)
  • “Five points in the Record of North Carolina in the great war of 1861-1865. Report of the Committee appointed by the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association, 1904.” Goldsboro, NC, Nash Bros., 1904. 8vo, 79pp. (WF 208)
  • “Flags of the Confederate States of America.” By authority: United Confederate Veterans, Wm. E. Mickle, Adj. Gen. And Chief of Staff. New Orleans, (1900) 8vo, 16mo, 10pp. 6pp-1907. (WF 217)
  • “Flags of the Confederate States of America.” By authority of the United Confederate Veterans. (Baltimore: A. Hoen & Co., 1907) (WF 217a)
  • Fleming, Francis Philip “Francis P. Fleming in the War for Southern Independence. Soldiering with the 2nd Florida Regiment.” In: Fla. Hist. Quart., 1949-1950, v.XXVII, p. 38-52, 143-155, 205-210. (WF 233)
  • Fleming, Mary Love Edwards “Dale County and its people during the Civil War.” In: Ala. Hist. Quart., Spring 1957, v.19, p. 61-109. (WF 237)
  • Fleming, Walter Lynwood “The Churches of Alabama during the Civil War and Reconstruction.” Gulf Magazine, v.I, (1902) p. 103-127. (WF 242)
  • Fleming, Walter Lynwood “Military Government in Alabama, 1865-1866.” (Nashville, Tenn.) American Hist. Mag., Apr.. 1903, v.VIII, #2 & 3, p. 163-179. “Mil. Gov. Ala., under Reconstruction Acts.” P. 222-251. (WF 248)
  • Fleming, Walter Lynwood “Jefferson Davis’s Camel Experiment.” (WF 251a)
  • Ford, Lewis De Saussure, M.D., LL.D. “In Memoriam, 1801-1883. The Confederate Survivors’ Association to their late Comrad, Surgeon, C.S.A.” Augusta, Ga., 1884, 8vo, 8pp. (WF 353)
  • Fornell, Earl Wesley “Confederate Seaport Strategy.” Civil War Hist., II-(Dec. 1956, p. 61-68.) (WF 374)
  • Forrest, Nathan Bedford “Portrait from an original oil by Joy Garner, signed.” Nashville, Tenn., Forrest Bust Comm., to erect a bronze in State capital, issued by Sons of CSA Veterans. Commissioned by the Gen. Joseph E. Johnston Camp #28, SCV. (WF 388a)
  • “Fort Fisher Restoration Committee. Colonel William Lamb Day, July 8, 1862-July 4, 1962.” (Wilmington, NC) (1962) Confederate Centennial Committee. 8vo, 205pp. (WF 405a)
  • Fort Pulaski National Park See: Ralston B. Lattimore. (WF 417)
  • Fort Sumter Memorial Commission, Charleston, SC-An Account of the Ft. Sumter Memorial.” Charleston, SC, The Commission, 1933. 8vo, 37pp. (WF 421)
  • Fortson, Blanton “Robert E. Lee, the Soldier.” In: Ga. Hist. Quart., 1926, v.X, p. 126-143. Review of Sir Fred. Maurice’s Lee. (WF 428)
  • Fox, John A. “Public auction sale of Confederate Stamps and Covers, Oct. 29, 1949.” 8vo, 40pp. (WF 453a)
  • Fox, John Adam.  “The Capture of Jefferson Davis”  New York, 1964.  40pp. (WF455)
  • Fox, William F. “The chances of being hit in battle.” (Reprint) Century Mag. May, 1888. (WF 457a)
  • Fox-Genouese, Elizabeth “To be worthy of God’s Favor: Southern Women’s Defense and Critique of Slavery.” Gettysburg College, 1993. (WF 450a)
  • Frank, John G. “Adolphus Heiman, architect and soldier.” In: Tenn. Hist. Art., 1946, v.V, p. 35-57. (WF 463)
  • Frank, Seymour J. “The Conspiracy to Implicate the Confederate Leaders in Lincoln’s Assassination.” (Cedar Rapids, Ia.) MVHR, Mar. 1954. v.XL, #4, p. 629-656. (WF 464)
  • Frankland, Abraham Ephraim “Kronikals of the Times, Memphis, 1862.” In: Amer. Jew. Arch., Oct. 1957, v.IX, p. 83-127. (WF 471)
  • “Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania County National Military Park. Significance of the battles around Fredericksburg.” Wash, DC, US National Park Service, (reprint, 1961) 4to, 16pp. (WF 495)
  • Freeman, Douglas Southall “Address-Memorial Exercises, May 10, 1916. Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Va.” In: SHSP, Sept., 1916, v.XLI, p. 14-19. (WF 506a)
  • Freeman, Douglas Southall “Address before Civil War Round Tables, Richmond, 7 May, 1953.” Civil War. Hist., Mar., v.1, p. 7-15. On five difficulties a historian encounters, on the war of 1861-1865. An address shortly before his death. (WF 507)
  • Freeman, Douglas Southall “The battlefields around Richmond: an address by Dr. Douglas S. Freeman, The Rattlesnake. v. XV, Oct. 1937. #10, 12pp. (WF 517a)
  • Freeman, Douglas Southall “The True Story of General Order #9, General Lee’s farewell address to the Army of Northern Virginia.” Lexington, Va., Lee Museum Comm., Washington and Lee University, 1928. 8vo, 6pp. (WF 525)
  • Freytag-Loringhoven, Hogo Frederick Phillipp Hohann, freiherr von “Studien, uber Kriegfuhrung auf Grundlage des Nordmerikanischen sezessionskrieges in Virginien.” Berlin: E.S. Mittler und Sohn, 1901-1903. 8vo, issued in 3 parts. Bull Run, 1861, Richmon, 1862, Manassas, 1862, Maryland, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville 1863, Gettysburg, Atlanta, 1864, spottsylvania, Petersburg. Savannah das ende. Maps only. (WF 545)
  • Faust, Drew Gilpin.  “Altars of Sacrifice: Confederate Women and the Narratives of War.” From: J. of Amer. Hist., Mar. 1990.  pp1200-1228. (WF516)
  • Futch, Ovid L. “Andersonville Raiders.” In: CWH, Dec. 1956, v.II, #4, p. 47-60. Small groups of cutthroats and thieves who were attracted by bounties for service in Union Army. Depredations on prisoners. (WF 608a)