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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – G

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Gaines, Francis Pendleton “Lee: the background of a great decision, August, 1865. An address to the officers and directors of the Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation, Lee Chapel, Oct. 12, 1934.” (Lexington, Va.) Washington & Lee University, 1934. 8vo, 9pp. (WG 15)
  • Gaither, Zella H. “Arkansas Confederate Home.” Little Rock. New Era Nid. (WG 20a)
  • Gallaher, DeWitt Clinton “A Diary depicting the experiences of: in the War Between the States while serving in the Confederate Army.” N.p., Apr. 19, 1961, 12mo, 32pp. In: 1919, Charleston WV, 1st edt. In: 1945, Charleston, WV, 31pp. (WG 26)
  • Gannt, Edwart W. “Address of Brig. Gen. E.W. Gantt, CSA First published Oct. 7, 1863, at Little Rock, Arkansas.” N.p., n.d. (Phil. 1863?) 8vo, 29pp. (Van Norman-#123(#14)) (WG 40)
  • Garber, Hon. J.A., of Va. “Robert E. Lee, Speech of J.A. Garber in the House of Representatives, Jan. 20. 1930.” Washington, 1930. 8vo, 7p. (WG 47a)
  • Gardner, Robert “A Tenth-Hour Apology for Slavery.” (Lexington, KY) Aug., 1960, v.XXVI, #3, p. 352-367. Rev. John Leadly Dagg’s “Elements of Moral Science.” Pro-slave. Baptist split with North, 1845, Athens, Ga. (WG 53)
  • Garnett, Alexander Yelverton Peyton “Burial ceremonies of Confederate dead. Oration of A.Y.P. Garnett, M.D., ode: by Rt. Rev. Wm. Pinkney, Dec. 11, 1874.” Washington: S & R.O. Polkinhorn, 1875, 8vo, 16pp. (WG 66)
  • Garnett, James Mercer “Biographical sketch of Hon. Muscoe Russell Hunter Garnett (1821-1864) of “Elmwood”, Essex Co., Va.” (Williamsburg, 1909) 8vo, 76pp. Reprint: July/Oct., 1909, Wm. & Mary Col. Quart. Mag. (WG 67)
  • Garnett, John J., Col. Artillery, CSA “The battles of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 and Chancellorsville, May 1863.” In: Frank Leslie Pop. Monthly, Aug. 1896. V. 42, p. 135-143, Aug., p. 261-271, Sept. ’96. (WG 76a)
  • Garrison, L.R. “Administrative Problems of the Confederate Post Office Department.” In: QTSHA, Oct. 1915, v.XIX, #2, p. 111-141, #3, p. 232-250. (WG 104)
  • Gaskell, John Evan, Maj. “Living Confederate Songs, by Lt. J.E. Gaskell. R.E. Lee Camp, Pt. Worth, Texas.” Ft. Worth, Tex., n.d. 28pp. (WG 109)
  • Gaston, Robert H. & William H. “Tyler to Sharpsburg. The War Letters of Co.H, First Texas Inf. Reg., Hood’s Texas Brigade.” Waco, Texas: W.M. Morrison, Texan Press, 1960. 22pp. (WG 113)
  • Gautier, Ange Simon “Combat naval de Hampton-Roads (Estats-Unis) 8 & 9 Mar. 1862.” In: Revue Maritime et Coloniale, Apr. 1862, v.VI, p. 806-819. Reprint. (WG 123)
  • Geiger, Joe “Women with a purpose: Richmond Bread Riot of 1863.” Unpublished paper. Dec. 1954. (WG 132a)
  • “Generals of the Confederate Army.” Engraving by J. Rogers-Vannerson and Jones Photo Richmond, Va., n.d. (WG 146)
  • Gentry, Claude “The Battle of Harrisburg (Tupelo).” Baldwyn, Miss., Magnolia Pub., 1981. 8vo, 38pp. (WG 151a)
  • “Georgia Politics (From the Augusta Constitutionalist).” N.p., 1860? 8vo, 10pp. DeRenne: II, p. 609. (Georgia and the Federal Constitution) (WG 171a)
  • Gerson, Armand J. “The inception of the Montgomery Convention.” American Historical Ass’n., 1910 Annual Report, Washington, DC, 1912, p. 179-187. (WG 187)
  • Gettysburg National Park See: Frederick Tilberg. (WG 190)
  • Gettysburg National Park “The battle of Gettysburg as exhibited by the Pittsburgh Cyclorama co.” (WG 191a)
  • Gibbes, Robert Wilson “Robert Wilson Gibbes, 1809-1866.” By Arney R. Childs. Columbia South Carolina. (WG 203a)
  • Gibbon, John “Personal Recollection of Appomattox.” In: Century, 1901-1902, v.63, p. 936-943. (WG 205)
  • Gibbons, Alfred Ringgold “The Recollections of an old Confederate Soldier.” (Shelbyville, Mo., 1913) 12mo, 1pp. (Shelbyville, Mo., 1931) same. (WG 206)
  • Gibson, Randall Lee “Shiloh. Equestrian monument, erected by the veterans of the Army of Tennessee. Unveiled Apr.. 6, 1887, Metairie Cemetery, New Orleans, La. Oration by Randall Lee Gibson.” New Orleans, La., Picayune Pr. (1887) 8vo, 9pp. (WG 228)
  • Gilbert, Benjamin Franklin “The Mythical Johnston Conspiracy.” Offprint: California Hist. Soc. Quart., vol.XXVIII, #2, 165-174pp. (WG 245)
  • Gilbert, C.E. “Two Presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis. Origin, Cause and Conduct of War Between the States. The Truth of History Belongs to Posterity. As Mush as Possible of Truth of History is Due the Patriots and Heroes who have gone before.” 1927. (Houston, Texas: TransMississippi Div., U.D.C. 82pp) Prosouthern, the North Couldn’t make a tariff-war, so slavery was the pretext. (WG 248)
  • Gilchrist, Robert C., Maj. “The Confederate Defense of Morris Island Charleston Harbor, by the troops of South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina, in the Late War Between the States.” (Charleston, SC, from the yearbook, 1884) 8vo, 55pp. (WG 254)
  • Gills, Mary Louise “It happened at Appomattox: the story of an historic Virginia village.” Richmond: Dietz Press (1948) 8vo, 42pp. Buildings and sites near Old Appomattox Courthouse, Va., historic by events of 1865 and on “famous men of Appomattox.” 2nd print(’48) (WG 269)
  • Gilmer, Morgan S. “History of Shockley’s Alabama Escort Company. Organized in 1864 by Cadets of the University of Alabama who served under Brig Gen. Daniel W. Adams until their surrender with Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedfort Forrest at Gainesville, Alabama, May 10, 1865.” With Introduction and Edt. William Stanley hoole. University, ala. Confederate Pub. Co., 1983, 8vo, 22pp. Confederate Regimental Series #3. (WG 278)
  • Girardeau, john Lafayette Rev. “Confederate Memorial Day at Charleston, SC: Reinternment of the Carolina dead from Gettysburg.” Charleston: William G. Mazyck, 1871. 8vo, 36pp. (McKissick-933) (WG 289)
  • Goddin, C. Hobson “Richmond, Virginia 1861-1865.” Richmond: Civil War Cent. Comm. (Sept. 1961) 8vo, 14pp. #8. (WG 313)
  • Gordon, Armistead Churchill “William Gordon McCabe; a brief memoir.” In: Va.MH, July 1920, v.XXVIII, p. 195-206. Also: offprint, 11pp. (WG 383)
  • Gordon, John B., Gen. “Gettysburg.” In: Scribners, 1903, v.34, p. 2-24. (WG 399)
  • Gordon, John Brown, Gen. “Battle of Monocacy-Report of Gen. John B. Gordon.” In: SHSP, 1879, v.VII, p. 173-176. (In: LWL, II, 1866/1877, p. 311-113) (WG 403)
  • Gordon, John Brown, Gen. “The Last Days of the Confederacy, Lecture of Gen. J.B. Gordon, given in various parts of the country, this, at Brooklyn, NY, Feb. &, 1901.” In: Modern Eloquence, Edt: Thos. B. Reed. Phila: John D. Davis Col, (1900) Also separate pamphlet, 8vo, p. 471-494. (WG 409)
  • Gordon, John W. “Report of the General Chairman the 17th Annual Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans.” Richmond May 30- June 3, 1907. 48pp. (WG 415a)
  • Gorgas, Josiah Army Ordnance, XVI, p. 212-216; 283-288. Brig.-Gen. Gorgas’ “Extracts from my notes written chiefly after close of the war.” He was chief of ordnance of the CSA. (WG 423)
  • Gowan, Hugh & Judy “Civil War in the Kitchen.” (WG 449a)
  • Grainger, Gervis D. “Four years with the Boys in Gray.” Franklin, Ky., Favorite Office, 1902, 8vo, 45pp. Dayton, Oh., Morningside Bookshop, 1972. Facsimilie #8. “Published originally in serial form in his home paper.” (Gallatin, Tenn.?) (WG 481a)
  • Grand Army of the Republic 24th National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic.” Boston. Aug. 1890. (WG 485a)
  • Grand Camp Confederate Veterans-Virginia “Official Report of the History Committee.” (WG 488)
  • Grant, Richard Southall “Captain William sharp, of Norfolk, Va., U.S.N., C.S.N.” (Richmond, Va. Mag. Hist. Biog. Jan. 1949, v.57, #1, p. 44-54. (WG 506)
  • Graves, Charles A. “The Forged Letter of General Robert E. Lee. Paper read by Prof. Charles A. Graves of the Law School of the University of Virginia, before the Virginia State Bar Ass’n., at the Homestead Hotel, Hot Springs, Va., Aug. 4-6, 1914.” Richmond, Va., Richmond Press, 1914. 8vo, 40pp. (WG 520)
  • Graves, Charles A. “Supplemental paper read before the Virginia State Bar Ass’n., White Sulphur Springs, WV, Aug.4-6, 1915.” Richmond, Va., Richmond Press (1915) 8vo, 17pp. Also in Report Va. St. Bar Ass’n., 1915. V.XXVIII, 1915. (WG 521)
  • Great Seal of the Confederate States of America. The Minneapolis, Minn., Battlefield Guide Pub., 6012 Virginia Ave., So., 55424. Seal in full color, set in 6″ ceramic plate, within 11″ cast aluminum (30 oz.) plate, for hanging. (WG 559a)
  • Gray, Wood.  “The Peace Movement in the Old Northwest 1860-1865”  Univ. of Chicago Libraries, 1935.  18pp. (WG543a)
  • “Greatest Confederate Commander. The” (Washington, 1907?) 12mo, 38pp., 2nd edt. Replies received from 44 CSA officers, by Senator Charles A. Culberson(Texas), in answer to a circular letter dated Sept. 17, 1907, who is entitled to rank as the greatest commander on the Southern side of war? Col. M.L. Crimmins is collator of replies. 1st edt., 36pp. See: Swem-2132. (WG 566)
  • Green, Thomas W. “The Artillery of the Civil War.” London: 1959. 4to, 15pp. Civil War Round Table of London. (WG 587)
  • Green, Thomas W. “Confederate Humor and Morale.” (London) Jour. Confed. Hist. Soc., Spring, 1967, v.5, #1, p. 3-21; 35-37. London-1958, 16pp. (WG 588)
  • Green, Thomas W. “England’s Confederate Research Club. Interest in the American Civil War draws group of Briton’s together.” In: CWT, Aug., 1960, v.II, #5, (OS), p. 7-8. (WG 590)
  • Green, Thomas W. “Ironclads of the Sixties; address to members Confederate Research Club, Saturday, Jan. 31, 1959, Eccleston Hotel, Victoria, London.” (London, 1959) 8vo, 12pp. “Ironclads of the Sixties.” (London) Jour. Confed. Hist. Soc., July 1962, v.I, #1, p. 8-34. (WG 591)
  • Green, William Mercer, Bishop “University of the South. Address Charleston, SC. Walker, Evans & Cogswell. 1879. (WG 600a)
  • Greg, Percy “The 9th of April, 1865.” Poem. In: SHSP, 1900, v.XXVIII, p. 376-377. (WG 617)
  • Grice, Warren “The confederate States Court for Georgia.” Savannah, Ga., Reprinted from June issue Georgia Historical Quarterly, 1925, v.9, #2, 8vo, p. 131-158. (WG 630)
  • Griffin, J. David “Benevolence and Malevolence in confederate Savannah.” In: Ga.H.Q., Dec. 1965, v.XLIX, #4, p. 347-368. (WG 635)
  • Grimke, Thomas S. “Argument delivered in the Court of appeals of the state of South Carolina before the Hon. David Johnson & William Harper on the 2nd & 3rd of Apr. 1834.” Charleston. J.S. Burgess. 1834. 28pp. (WG 657a)
  • Guernsey, Alfred Hudson “The Campaigns of R.E. Lee.” In: Galaxy, 1871, v.II, p. 640-651, 818-826. Author edited “Harper’s Pict. Hist. Of the Civil War.” (WG 684)
  • Gwathmey, Fannie Lewis (WG 696)
  • Guyandotte-Civil War Days. (WG 697)