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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – J

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Jackson, T.J. (Stonewall) “Daily Richmond Examiner-Extra Edition, May 10, 1866. Richmond, Va., 1866. 4pp printed mourning border third anniversary of his death. Memorial Association benefit of Confederate dead. Entirely devoted to Stonewall Jackson.” (WJ 43)
  • Jackson, T.J. (Stonewall) Portrait: From a photograph from life. New York: C.B. Richardson, 1864. (WJ 49)
  • Jackson, T.J. (Stonewall) Portrait on horseback. (WJ 66c)
  • Jacobs, Joseph, Phar. M. SC. D. “Some of the drug conditions during the War Between the States, 1861-1865.” In: Ga. H.Q., Sept. 1926, v.X, #3, p. 200-222. (WJ 74)
  • James, Alfred P. “The strategy of concentration of the Confederate forces in the Mississippi Valley in the spring of 1862.” Reprint: Amer. Hist. Assn., for 1919, v.1, p. 365-374. In: MVHR, Ext. Nov. 1921. P. 363-372. (WJ 79)
  • Jarvis, Rupert Charles “The Alabama & the Law. Address given before members of Confederate Research Club, on the 5th annual Confederate dinner, Sat., Mar. 28, 1959, Eccleston Hotel.” (London? 1959) 8vo, 11pp., reproduced from typed copy. (WJ 95)
  • Jaynes, R.T. “Address: “The Confederate Character.” Quarterly meeting, Norton Camp, United Daughters of the Confederacy. May 4, 1939. Walhalla, SC (1939) 8vo, 8pp. (WJ 96)
  • Jenkins, A.G., WV “Brigadier-General A.G. Jenkins.” In: LWL, July 1866, v.1, #3, pp. 183. (WJ 108)
  • Jervey, Susan Ravenel & Charlotte St. Julien Ravenel “Two Diaries from Middle St. John’s, Berkeley, South Carolina, Feb-May, 1865. Journals kept by Miss Susan R. Jervey & Miss Charlotte St. J. Ravenel, at Northampton & Pooshee Plantations, & reminiscences of Mrs. (Waring) Henagan. With two contemporary reports from federal officials.” (Pinopolis, SC) St. John’s Hunting Club, 1921. 8vo, 56pp. (WJ 128)
  • Jervey, Theodore Dehon “Charleston During the Civil War.” Washington: Amer. Hist. Ass’n., 1915. Reprint: AHA Annual report, v.1 for 1913., p. 167-176. (WJ 129)
  • Johns, Frank S. & Anne Page “Chimoborazo Hospital & J.B. McCaw, Surgeon-in-Chief.” (Richmond) Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., Apr. 1954, v.62, #2, p. 190-200, This was the largest military hospital in the world, crude as it was, mortality of only 9%. The complete records where every patient can be found. 168 mssc. Vol. may be read! (WJ 139)
  • Johnson, Bradley Tyler, Gen. “Address Before the Association of Confederate Soldiers & Sailors of Maryland June 10, 1874.” Baltimore, 1874- “The Lost Cause?” 8vo, 11pp. (WJ 166)
  • Johnson, Bradley Tyler, Gen. “The First Maryland Campaign. An Address delivered at the 4th Annual Reunion of the Association of the Maryland Line, at Baltimore, Md., on Feb. 22, 1886. At Oratorio Hall.” Baltimore: Andrew J. Conlon, 1886. 8vo, 41pp. (WJ 178)
  • Johnson, Bradley Tyler, Gen. “My ride around Baltimore in 1864.” In: US Cavalry Assn. Journ., p. 250-260. Ft. Leavenworth, 1889. (WJ 193)
  • Johnson, Bradley Tyler, Gen. “Why the Confederate States of America had no Supreme Court. A Symposium.” Washington: In: Publications of the Southern History Association.” Mar. 1900. 21pp. (WJ 197)
  • Johnson, Ella H. “Granny Remembers.” Macon, Ga., 1928. 12mo, 86pp. CSA in SW Ky., area largely CSA sentiment. (WJ 206)
  • Johnson, Flora Smith “The Civil War Record of Albert Gallatin Jenkins, CSA.” In: WV hist. July 1947, v.8, p. 392-404. (WJ 207)
  • Johnson, Jemmy Grant, Mrs. “The University War Hospital.” (Oxford, Miss.), Pub. Miss. Hist. Soc. 1912, v.XII, pp. 94-106. (WJ 213)
  • Johnson, John “The Defense of Charleston Harbor, including Fort Sumter & the Adjacent Islands. 1863-1865.” Charleston, SC, Walker, Evans & Cogswell, 1890. 8vo, clxxxvipp. (WJ 215)
  • Johnson, John “Views of Fort Sumter as it was during the War of Secession showing the effects of the Bombardment of 863-1865.” Charleston, SC, Walker, Evans & Cogswell, 1899. 16mo. (WJ 219)
  • Johnson, Ludwell H. “Contraband Trade during the Last Year of the Civil War.” (Cedar Rapids, Ia.) MVHR, Mar. 1963, v.XLIX, #4, p. 635-652. (WJ 225)
  • Johnson, Ludwell H. “Fort Sumter & Confederate Diplomacy.” (Lexington, Ky.) JSH, Nov., 1960, v.XXVI, #4, p. 441-477. From standpoint of Davis & CSA Gov.. (WJ 226)
  • Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, Gen. “Jefferson Davis & the Mississippi campaign.” In: N. Amer. Rev., 1886, v.CXLIII, p. 585-598. (WJ 291)
  • Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, Gen. Lithograph portrait, bust, NY, Geo. E. Perine, (1865). (WJ 307a)
  • Johnston, William Preston, Col. “An address before the Louisiana State Public School Teachers Assn., Dec. 28, 1893.” New Orleans. L. Graham & Son. 1894. 19pp. (WJ 338a)
  • Johnstone, H.W. “Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861. Everyone should do all in his power to collect & disseminate the truth. W.E. Lee, Dec. 3, 1865.” Copy-right, 1921. (Atlanta: Foote & Davies) 8vo, 40pp. (WJ 343)
  • Jonas, S.A. “Lines on the back of a Confederate Note.” (Richmond, Va., n.d.) 4to, genuine CSA not tipped-in over the famous poem- “representing nothing on God’s earth.” See: CV 1905, v.13, p. 246. (WJ 348)
  • Jones, Archer “Secretary Randolph & Confederate Strategy.” (Richmond) Va. Mag. Hist. Biog. Jan. 1953, v.61, p. 45-59. Geo. Wythe Randolph, sect. War, 1862, “responsibility without authority.” (WJ 363)
  • Jones, Archer “Some aspects of George W. Randolph’s Service as Confederate Secretary of War.” (Lexington, Ky.) JSH, Aug., 1960, v.XXVI, #3, p. 299-314. (WJ 364)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors Association, in Augusta, Ga., at its First Annual Meeting, on Memorial Day, Apr. 26, 1879.” Augusta, Ga., Jowitt & Shaver, 1879. 8vo, 8pp. (WJ 374)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Third Annual Meeting, Apr. 26, 1881.” 8vo, 11pp. (WJ 376)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Fifth Annual Meeting, Apr. 26, 1883. Military Lessons inculcated on the coast of Georgia during the Confederate War.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle War. Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Print, 1883. 8vo, 15pp. (WJ 378)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Seventh Annual Meeting, Apr. 27, 1885. The Battle of Honey-Hill.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Print, 1885. 8vo, 16pp. See: also, in Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond: 1885, v.13, p. 365-377. (WJ 380)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Eighth Annual Meeting, Apr. 26, 1886. Brigadier General Robert Toombs.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Office, 1886. 8vo, 17pp. See: also, in Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond: 1886, v.14, p. 293-304. (WJ 381)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “At its Quarterly Meeting, Aug. 2nd, 1887. Hon. R.M.T. Hunter. Post-Bellum Mortality Among Confederates.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Pub., 1887. 8vo, 9pp. (WJ 382)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Ninth Annual Reunion, Apr. 26, 1887. The Old South.” By his excellency, Gov. John B. Gordon. Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Pub., 1887. 8vo, 23pp. See: also, Gen. John Brown Gordon. (WJ 383)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors Association, in Augusta, Georgia, on Memorial Day, Apr. 26, 1888.” “The Evacuation of Battery Wagner, and the Battle of Ocean Pond.” Tenth Annual Meeting. August, Ga., Chronicle Pub., 1888. 8vo, 20pp. ( See: also, 14th Annual Meeting.) ( See: also, SHSP Rich: 1888.) (WJ 384)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Eleventh Annual Reunion, Apr. 26, 1889. Georgians during the War between the States.” Augusta Ga., Chronicle Print, 1889. 8vo. (WJ 385)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Twelfth Annual Reunion, Apr. 26, 1890. The Siege & Evacuation of Savannah, Ga. In Dec., 1864.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Pub., 1890. 8vo. (WJ 386)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Thirteenth Annual Reunion, Apr. 27, 1891. Sons of Confederate Veterans.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Pub., 1891. 8vo. (WJ 387)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Fifteenth Annual Reunion, Apr. 26, 1892. Defense of Battery Wagner, July 18, 1863.” By Hon. Lieut. Col. H.D.D. Twiggs, member of the Association; and by Capt. F. Edgeworth Eve, First Vice President of the Association.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Pub., 1892. 8vo See: also 10th Annual Meeting. (WJ 388)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Fourteenth Annual Reunion, Apr. 26, 1893. Military Operations in Georgia during the War Between the States.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Job Print, 1893. 8vo. (WJ 389)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Funeral Oration pronounced in the Opera House in Augusta, Ga., Dec. 11, 1889, upon the occasion of Memorial Services, in honor of President Jefferson Davis.” Augusta, Ga., Chronicle Print, 1889. 8vo, 18pp. Confed. Surv. Ass’n-Augusta 16th R, See: Col. Joseph B. Cumming-16th Annual Reunion. (WJ 393)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Oration on the Occasion: Unveiling & Dedication of the Confederate Monument. Erected by the Ladies Memorial Ass’n., Augusta, Ga., Oct. 31, 1878.” Reprinted from Augusta Evening Sentinel (1878) 8vo, 9pp. See: Ceremonies Unveiling… (WJ 397)
  • Jones, Charles C. “The Father of General Robert E. Lee.” The Southern Review, VIX, #19, p. 616-627, July 1871. (WJ 398a)
  • Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. “Negro Slaves during the Civil War. Their Relations to the Confederate Government.” New York: Magazine of American History, 1886. Excerpt, v.XVI, #2, Aug. 1886. P. 168-175. (WJ 406)
  • Jones, Freeman W. “A Daring Expedition. An Address before A.P. Hill Camp, Confederate Veterans, Petersburg, Va., Jan. 2, 1890.” Suffolk, Va., Robt. Hardy Pub., 1986. 8vo, 12pp. (WJ 416a)
  • Jones, George W., Maj. “Experience at Point Lookout about the close of the War.” p. 83-86. (WJ 417)
  • Jones, Joseph “Researches upon ‘Spurious Vaccinations’ or the abnormal phenomena accompanying & following vaccination in the Confederate Army during the recent civil war, 1861-1865.” Nashville, Tenn., University Medical print, 1867, from Nashville Journal of Medicine & Surgery. 2nd ser., v.1, #s. 1-6. 8vo, 136pp. (WJ 496)
  • Jones, Sarah L., Miss “Governor Milton & his Family. A contemporary picture of life in Florida during the war, by an English Tutor.” In: FGQ, July 1909, v.II, #2, p. 42-50. An extract from her “life in the South, etc.” (WJ 526)
  • Jones, Spencer Cone “Address delivered, Winchester, Va., June 5, 1880 on the unveiling of monument erected to memory of Maryland Confederate dead.” Published by Society of Army & Navy Confederate States in state of Maryland.” Baltimore: King Bros. Print, 1880. 8vo 16pp. (WJ 527)
  • Jones, T. Catesby “The Iron-Clad Virginia.” (Richmond) Va., Mag. Hist. Biog., Oct., 1941, v. XLIX, #4, p. 296-303. (WJ 528)
  • Jones, Virgil Carrington “The problem of writing about the Guerillas.” In: Mil. Affairs (Spring) 1957, v.21, p. 21-25. Problems author has in writing “Gray Ghosts.” (WJ 544)
  • Jones, Walter Burgwyn “The South faces history unafraid address before camp sterling price #145. Sons of Confederate Veterans. Lee-Jackson Day Banquet, Congress Hotel. St. Louis Mo., Jan 21, 1946.” 15pp. (WJ 555a)
  • Jordan, John L. “Was there a massacre at Fort Pillow?” In: Tenn. HQ 1947, v.VI, p. 99-133. (WJ 571)
  • “Journal of the House of Delegates, of the Stated of Virginia, for the Session of 1864-5.” Alexandria, Va., 1865. 8vo, 83pp. (Jk.122) Sess. Dec. 1864 thru Mar. 1865. Pierpoint (Gov., Va.) “Condition of the Commonwealth is deplorable, etc.” (WJ 590)