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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – P-Q

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Palmer, J.W. “Stonewall Jackson’s Way. The manuscript from which this is printed was written by the author for Edmund Clarence Stedman & is now privately printed for the friends of the present owner.” William K. Bixby, St. Louis, Mo., MCMXV, 4to, 7p. (WP 46)
  • Palmer, Roundell “North American blockade; A speech delivered in the House of Commons.” London, James Ridgeway, Piccadilly W. 1862. 29pp. (WP 50a)
  • Papers Related to the Blockade of the Ports of the Confederate States. London, England, 1862 (WP 56a)
  • Parker, Tom “Soldiers of the Confederate States of America.” Hartsdale, NY, Rampart House, 1958. Four authentic uniforms. 1st Virginia Wash. Artlly., 3rd SC, Terry’s Rangers. (WP 84)
  • Parks, Joseph Howard “A Confederate Trade Center Under Federal Occupation: Memphis 1862-1865.” In: JSH, Aug. 1941, v.7, #3, p. 289-314. (WP 102b)
  • Parramore, Thomas C. “The Burning of Winton in 1862.” Raleigh, NCHRev., Winer 1962, v.XXIX, #1, pp. 18-31. (WP 111)
  • Patton, James Welch, Edt. “The Work of Soldier’s aid societies in South Carolina during the Civil War.” In: SC Hist. Ass’n. Proc., 1937, p. 3-12. (WP 156)
  • Paulovic, Susan – Grad. Student “Helen Mary Adams.” (WP 159a)
  • “Pea Ridge National Military Park, Arkansas” House of Rep. 84th Cong. 2nd Session report #2346. Providing for the establishment of the Pea Ridge Nat. Mil. Park in the State of Arkansas.” (WP 180a)
  • Pearce, Haywood J., Jr. “Longstreet’s Responsibility on the second day at Gettysburg.” In: Ga.H.Q., Mar. 1926, v.X, #1, pp. 26-45. (WP 188)
  • Pearson, Alden B., Jr. “A Middle-class, Border-state Family during the Civil War.” In: CWH, Dec. 1976, v.22, #4, p. 318-336. Principals: George Ewing Eagleton & Ethelinda Foute. See also under Eagleton, George E. & Ethie M. Foute Eagleton. (WP 194)
  • Peavy, James Dudley, Edt. “Confederate Scout, Virginia’s Frank Stringfellow.” Onancock, Va., Eastern Shore Print, 1956, 8vo, 362pp. Adventures under command Gen. Jeb Stuart. See: Frank Stringfellow. (WP 197)
  • Peck, Mamie Downard, Mrs. “Poems of the South.” Corsicana, Texas, Stokes Print, 1925, 8vo. Largely Confederate poems. (WP 199)
  • Peck, William Henry “The Confederate Flag on the Ocean: A Tale of the Cruises of Sumter & Alabama” NY, Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1868, 18mo, 96pp. (WP 201)
  • Peckham, Stephen Farnum “John Tyler’s Plan to prevent the catastrophe of the Civil War.” In: Jour. Amer. Hist., 1912, v.VI, #1, p. 73-86. (WP 205)
  • Pegram, Robert B., Lt., CSN “The Cruise of the CSS Nashville/Report of Lieutenant Robert B. Pegram, CSN.” Richmond, Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., July 1958, v.66, #3, p. 345-350. (WP 214)
  • Pemberton, John Clifford, Gen. “Book reviews of Pemberton, Defender of Vicksburg.” NY Times & New York Herald Tribone. (WP 224a)
  • Pendleton, W.F., Capt. “Confederate Diary, Jan. To Apr. 1865. From the original in the possession of the Pendleton family, Pendle House, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, 1957.” Private Print, for members of the family, 8vo, 21pp. (WP 238)
  • Pendleton, V.L. “Last words of Confederate heroes.” Raleigh. The Mutual Publishing Co., 1913. 13pp. (WP 238a)
  • Pendleton, William Nelson “Personal Recollect. Of Gen. Lee, an address delivered at Washington & Lee Univ., at the request of the Univ. Authorities, on Gen. Lee’s birthday, Jan.19, 1873.” In: South. Mag., 1874, v.15, p. 603-636. (WP 244)
  • Pennington, Edgar Legare “The Confederate Episcopal Church, 1863.” Charleston, SC Hist. & Genea. Mag., Jan. 1951, v.LII, #1, pp. 5-16. (WP 250)
  • Pennington, Edgar Legare “Organization of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the CSA.” Garrison, NY, n.d, 8vo, 31pp. Reprint from the Hist. Magazine of Episc. Church, xvii, pp. 308-338. (WP 252)
  • Pennington, Edgar Legare “The Church in the Confederate States.” Garrison, NY, Historical Magazine on the Protestant Episcopal Church, v.XVII, #4, Dec. 1948. Entire issue devoted to the church in CSA. 8vo, pp. 307-448. Index of v.XVII, pp.xiv. See listed authors, other than Pennington: G. MacLaren Brydon; Lawrence F. London; Nelson Waite Rightmyer; Hugh T. Lefler & DuBose Murphy. (WP 253)
  • Pennington, Edgar Legare “The Confederate Episcopal Church & the Southern Soldiers.” Garrison, NY Hist. Mag. Of Protestant Episcopal Church, v.XVII, #4, Dec. 1948, p. 356-383. (WP 254)
  • Perrin, James S. “Eulogies delivered in the House of Representatives of South Carolina, on Thurs., Nov. 26, 1863.” Yazoo City Miss. Dec. 1, 1901. (WP 268a)
  • Perry, William Hagne “In Memoriam… Born June 9, 1839, Died July 7, 1902.” (WP 284a)
  • Peterkin, George William “The disparity in numbers & resources in the War between the States. An address before the Daughters of the Confederacy, Parkersburg, WV, on the annual Lee & Jackson celebration, Jan. 20, 1911.” N.p., n.d., 1911, 8vo, 19pp. (WP 291)
  • Peterkin, George William “In Memoriam – an address in memory of Confederate dead buried at Valley Mt., 1861.” N.p., n.d., 8vo, 12pp. (WP 292)
  • Petersburg “A guide to Fortifications & Battlefields Around Petersburg.” With a splendid map. Petersburg, Va., 1866, 33pp. (WP 306)
  • “Petersburg National Military Park, Va.” Wash., US Dept. Of Interior, Nat’l Park Service, 1941. July, 1941, 8vo, 12pp. See: “Story of Fort Hell (Fort Sedgwick).” (WP 310)
  • Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell “The Course of the South to Secession.” An interpretation with intro: E. Merton Coulter. Head of title-Amer. Hist. Ass’n., from Albert J. Beveridge memorial Fund., NY, D. Appleton & Co., 1939, 8vo, xi, 176pp. Reprint: Gloucester, 1959. P. Smith. NY, Hill & Wang, 1964, Amer. Cent. Series. Lectures at Northwestern Univ. Were printed in Georgia Hist. Quart., Dec. 1936 – Mar. 1938, after Phillips death. First of six chapts. Completed by Phillips as companion v. to “Life & Labors in the Old South.” GHQ: XXI, 1937, p. 1-49, 113-141, 217-238, 309-344, v.XXII, 1938, p. 41-71. See: Sam E. Salem, John Herbert Roper. (WP 347)
  • Pickett, Charles Edward “The Existing Revolution; its causes & results.” Sacramento (CA), 1861. 8vo, 24pp. Second edition. Gdsp: “by a pro-Southern Virginia-born Californian.” (WP 359a)
  • Pickett, LaSalle Corbell (Mrs. G.E. Pickett) “A soldier of the Civil War.” (WP 370a)
  • Pickett, Thomas Edward “A Soldier of the Civil War, by a member of the Virginia Historical Society (quote).” Cleveland, Ohio, Burrows Bros. Co., 1900, A limited number privately printed for the author, 8vo, reprint of newspaper review of ‘Pickett & his Men’ by his wife LaSalle. (WP 374)
  • Pinkney, W., Rev. “A discourse delivered on the National Fast Day, Jan. 4, 1861 in the church of the ascension.” Washington, DC, Lemuel Towers, 1861. 14pp. (WP 414a)
  • Poems: in SHSP See: J.E. Battaile, R.E. Colston, J.E. Cooke, A.C. Gordon, Percy Greg, Paul Hayne, Ida R. Hood, ‘Light Artillery’, Fannie H. Marr, E.R. Montgomery, James H. Lane, J.W. Palmer, J. Peterkin, J.R. Randall, H.F. Requier, S.N. Roach, A.H. Ryan, W.H. Seymour, Mrs. F.H. Smith, H.T. Staunton, J.R. Thompson, Mary A. Townsend, S.B. Valentine, J.G. Walker, E.W. Wilcox, P.S. Worsley. (WP 450)
  • Poindexter, Charles “Richmond: an illustrated hand-book & guide with notices of the battle-fields.” Richmond, J.L. Hill Print, 1896, 16mo, 112pp. Swem-4308. (WP 455)
  • Poindexter, James E., Rev. “Address on the life & services of Gen. Lewis A. Armistead before R.E. Lee camp #1, Confederate Veterans, Jan. 29, 1909.” Richmond, Va., 1909, 8vo, 8pp. Late Capt., in 38th Virginia Regiment, Armistead’s Brigade, Pickett’s Division, Jas. E. Poindexter. (WP 458)
  • Polk, J.M., Capt. “Memories of the Lost Cause, stories & adventures of a Confederate Soldier in General R.E. Lee’s Army, 1861-1865, & ten years in South America, its resources, trade& commerce, & business & social intercourse with other countries.” Austin, TX, 1905, 8vo, 46pp. First pub. In the weekly mag. “State Topics”, Austin, TX. (WP 469)
  • Polk, J.M., Capt. “The North & South American Review.” Austin, TX, Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1912, 4th edt., 8vo, 64pp. With addition of fldg. Map colored, TX. With a large fldg. Genealogical Tree of Polk family, 1849. (WP 473)
  • Polk, Leonidas, Gen. “The Career of General Leonidas Polk. The soldier who abandoned the Army for the Church.” The New York Tribune’s review of Dr. Wm. M. Polk’s book. In: SHSP, 1893, v.21, p. 321-326. (WP 475a)
  • Pollard, Edward Alfred “The Southern Spy, or Curiosities of Slavery n the South. Letters from a Southerner to a Northern Friend.” Washington, Henry Polkinhorn Pr., 1859, 12mo, 72pp. Note: Published under author’s name as “Black Diamonds gathered in Darkey Homes of the South.” Enlarged. (WP 521)
  • Pollard, Edward Alfred “The Confederate Congress; a chapter in the history of the late War. In: The Galaxy, 1868. p. 749-758. (WP 529a)
  • Pomfrey, M.M. “Life and public services of Benjamin f. Butler, Maj.-Gen. In the Army and leader of the Republican Party.” NY, 1868. 63pp. (WP 538a)
  • Pope, Samuel “Legal View of the Alabama Case and ship building for the Confederates.” Speech. Manchester, Union and Emancipation Society, 1863. 8pp. (WP 612a)
  • Port, Hudson See: Howard C. Wright, Milledge Bonham, James H. M’Neilly Preston, Francis W. , W. H. Pascoe, Marshall J. Smith, et al. (WP 621)
  • Porter, Anthony Toomer, Rev. “In Memoriam Gen. Joseph E. Johnston Services by Request of the Survivors Association of Charleston District at the Church of the Holy Communion, Sun. Evening, Apr. 26, 1891. Sermon by Rev. A.T. Porter.” Charleston, Walker, Evans & Cogswell, 1891, 8vo, 26pp. (WP 624)
  • Porter, Horace “Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox.” In: Outlook, Dec. 22, 1906, v.LXXXIV, p. 970-976. (WP 634)
  • Potts, Frank. “The Death of the Confederacy; the last week of the Army of Northern Virginia as set forth in the a letter of April, 1865.” Richmond, Allen Potts of Happy Creek, 1928, 15 pp. (WP 670)
  • “Prayers & other devotions For the use of the soldiers of the Army of the Confederate States. Published for the Female Bible, Prayer Book & Tract Society.” Charleston, Evans & Cogswell, n.d. (1863), 16mo, 12pp. Turnbull-III. (WP 697)
  • Preston, Anna Jackson, Miss “Stonewall Jackson. Sketch of the Life of Stonewall Jackson, Presented to the Senate on May 10, 1928, by Hon. Cole L. Blease senator from South Carolina.” Washington, DC, GPO, 1929, 8vo, leaflet, 4pp., 70th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Doc. #173. See: Anna Jackson (Preston) Shaffer. (WP 712)
  • Preston, E.R. “Lee at Lexington. An Address.” Charlottesville, Va., 1923, 8vo, 15pp. Note: A reported address in Ancon, Canal Zone, 1935/1936. (WP 714)
  • Preston, Margaret Junkin, Mrs. “Lee after the war, a friend & neighbor.” In: Century Jan, 1969, v.VII, #9, p. 4-9, 47-48. 1889. (WP 721)
  • Preston, Margaret Junkin, Mrs. “Personal Reminiscences of Stonewall Jackson.” In: Century, Oct. 1886, p. 927-936, (Sister-in-law of Jackson). (WP 722)
  • Preston, Randolph “Lee at Lexington.” 1935, 16pp. (WP 724a)
  • Price, Marcus W. “Ships that tested the blockade of the Carolina ports, 1861-1865.” In: Amer. Nep. July 1958, v.8, p. 196-237, p. 215-237 table of ships, each year, name & type, crew, place, date capture, etc. Also successfuls. (WP 740)
  • Prisoner of War “Returned Prisoners.” Report. #67, 38 Congress House of Rep., May 9, 1864. (WP 763a)
  • “Proceedings of the Chamber of Commerce of New York State, on the continued Piracies of Vessels fitted out in Great Britain upon American Commerce.” NY, 1863, 27pp. See: “The Alabama”. (WP 785)
  • Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America “Pastoral Letter from Bishops of PEC to the clergy & laity of the church in the CSA delivered before the General Council, in St. Paul’s Church, Augusta, Sat., Nov. 22, 1862.” Baltimore, Md., 1863. Reprinted in Centenary edt., PEC of CSA. Included in Journal of General Council, 1862. (WP 803)
  • Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America “Journal of the 73rd annual Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Va., held in St. Paul’s Church, Lynchburg, May 1868. Richmond, Va., 1868. (WP 804a)
  • Pryor, Roger Atkinson “Independence of the South. Speech of Hon. Roger A. Pryor, of Va., on the resolutions reported by the committee of 33.” Washington, Henry Polkinhorn, 1861, 8vo, 8pp. (WP 813)
  • Quartermaster forms, receipts, etc. (WQ 4a)
  • Quattlebaum, Isabel “Twelve Women in the First Days of the Confederacy.” In: CWH, Dec. 1961, v.VII, #4, p. 370-385. (WQ 5)