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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – R

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Radeliffe, Virginia “Lee of Virginia.” (1948) from cavalcade of American series radio program. (WR 5a).
  • Rains, George Washington “History of the Confederate Powder Works. Address delivered by invitation before the Confederate Survivors Association at its 4th annual meeting, on Memorial Day, Apr. 26, 1882.” Augusta, Ga., Chronical and Constitutionalist Print, 1882, 8vo, 30pp. (WR 14)
  • Rainwater, Percy Lee “Notes on Southern Personalities.” In: Jour. South. Hist., 1938, v.IV, p. 209-227. Leading personalities of Civil War period. (WR 20)
  • Rakes, Paul H. “The question of Confederate Treason.” (WR 28a)
  • Rampp, Lary C. & Donald L. “The Civil War in the Indian Territory. Confederate Guerrilla Operations Intensify.” In: TMH, 1973, v.XI, #2, p. 77-108. (WR 42)
  • Rampp, Lary C. & Donald L. “The Civil War in Indian Territory. Confederate Guerrilla Operations End.” In: TMH, 1973, v.XI, #4, p. 251-280. (WR 42a)
  • Ramsdell, Charles William “Gen. R.E. Lee’s Horse Supply, 1862-1865.” (Lancaster, Pa. Press, 1930) 8vo, p. 758-777, reprint Amer. Hist. Review, XXXV, July 1930, #4. (WR 53)
  • Ramsdell, Charles William “Texas from the Fall of the Confederacy to the Beginning of Reconstruction.” In: TSHA, 1907/1908, v.XI, p. 199-219. (WR 59)
  • Randall, Ruth “I Varina: a biography of the girl who married Jefferson Davis.” Boston: Little Brown, 1962. 8vo, 243p. (WR 90a)
  • Randolph, Hollins Nicholas “Verbatim Report of Addresses delivered at Lee unveiling Banquet Capital City Club.” Atlanta, Ga, Apr. 9, 1928. 16pp. (WR 95a)
  • Ranson, A.R.H. “General Lee as I knew him.” In: Harpers Monthly Mag., Feb. 1911. 15pp. (WR 114)
  • Ray, Frederic “As an illustrator from England saw the South and its people.” In: CWTI, May 1965, v.IV, #2, p. 12-16. British correspondent for the Illustrated London News. (WR 139)
  • Raymond, Robert Rossiter “Fort Sumter.” In: Coast Guard Art. Jour., Aug. 1929, v.LXXI, p. 136-142. Operations leading to bombardment of Fort from official records Union/CSA armies. (WR 147)
  • Reagan, John Henninger “An Account of the Organization and Operations of the Post Office Department of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865.” In: So. Hist. Assn. Pubs., Wash., DC, 1902, v.6, p. 314-327. (WR 158)
  • Redwood, Allen C. “With Stonewall Jackson.” In: Scribner’s Monthly, June 1879. 8vo, 14pp. (WR 214)
  • Reid, Jesse Walton “History of the 4th Regiment of SC Volunteers, from the commencement of the war until Lee’s surrender. Giving a full account of all its movements, fights and hardships of all kinds. Also a very correct account of travels and fights of the Army of Northern Virginia during the same period. This book is a copy of the letters written in Virginia at the time by the author and sent home to his family. Containing an account of the author’s services n the 1st Regiment of Engineer troops in the latter part of the war. With a short sketch of the life of the author.” Greenville, SC, Shannon & co., 1892. (WR 248)
  • “Report of proceedings Secretary’s Annual Report of the 9th Annual Reunion of the Ex-Confederate Association of Missouri held at Kansas City on Aug. 19 & 20, 1891.” (WR 284a)
  • “Report of the Stars and Bars Committee, United Confederate Veterans, Richmond Reunion, June 1-3, 1915.” (N.p., 1915) 12mo, 16pp. (WR 301)
  • “Report on the reburial of Confederate Dead in Arlington Cemetery and attention called to the care required for the graves of Confederate soldiers who died in Federal prisons and military hospitals now buried n Northern States.” Washington, 1901. 8vo, United Confederate Veterans. Washington, DC Division. Charles Broadway Rouss Camp, #1191. (WR 305)
  • “Republican Imperialism is not American Liberty.” (WR 310a)
  • “Returned Battleflags of the Virginia Regiments in the War Between the States.” (Cover title adds: “With a history of the Confederate Memorial Institute”) n.d. (1939) 12mo, 24pp. In: Print. (WR 324)
  • “Returned Battle Flags presented to the Confederates at their reunion, Louisville, Ky., June 14, 1905.” St. Louis: Buxton & Skinner, 1905. Compliments of the Passenger Dept. “Cotton Belt Route” 8vo, Flags of the CSArmy, returned to the men who bore them by the US Government, 1905. (WR 324a)
  • “Reunions of Ex-soldiers of the North and South held at Luray, Va., July 21, 1881 and at Carlisle, Penn., Sept. 28, 1881.” Carlisle Pa., Herald and Minor Print. (WR 328a)
  • Rhett, I. Barnwell “The Confederate Government at Montgomery.” By Edt. ‘Charleston Mercury, 1860-2’. In: B & L, v.1, p. 99-110. Portrait. (WR 341a)
  • Rice, De Long, Supt. Nat’l. Park “The Story of Shiloh.” (Nashville, Tenn: Brandon Print, 1919) 8vo, 64pp. (WR 347)
  • Richardson, John R. “The Christian Character of Gen. Stonewall Jackson.” Weaverville, NC. (WR 381a)
  • Richardson, Ralph E. “The rhetorical death rattle of the Confederacy.” In: South. Speech Jour., Winter 1954, v.20, p. 109-116, notes. On Confederate speeches in Richmond, Feb. 1865. (WR 383)
  • “Richmond, Illustrated Guide to the Confederate Capital. With a facsimile reprint of the “City Intelligencer” of 1862.” 8vo, 24pp. Richmond, Va., 1960. See also: “City Intelligencer”, “Stranger’s Guide”, C. Poindexter. (WR 423)
  • Richmond, Virginia “Metropolitan Richmond Convention and Visitors Bureau Map.” (WR 427a)
  • Richmond, Virginia Guide Books See under: “Today-Yesterday, her story and spirit.” “Illustrated Guide to Richmond, etc.”; “Stranger’s Guide and Official Directory…”; “Visitors Guide to Richmond and Vicinity.”; Wm. D. Chesterman; Edward S. Evans; Charles Poindexter and “City Intelligencer.”; Charles A. Vanfelson. (WR 435)
  • Ridgway, William “Recognition of the Southern Confederacy.” London. (WR 449a)
  • Rightmyer, Nelson Waite “The Church in a Border State-Maryland.” (Garrison, NY) Hist. Mag. Protestant Episcopal Church, v.XVII-#4, Dec. 1948, p. 411-421. (Church problems during War.) (WR 468)
  • Riley, Harris D. Jr.  “Jefferson Davis & His Health, Part 1: June, 1808-Dec. 1860.”  In: J. of Miss. History Aug., 1987.  pp179-202.  Part 2: Jan. 1861-Dec., 1889. pp. 261-287. (WR475a)
  • Riley, Susan B. “The Hazards of Periodical Publishing in the South during the 19th Century.” In: Tenn. HQ, 1962, v.XXI, p. 365-376. (WR 477)
  • Rippe, Peter “Lee’s Wartime Home.” (London) Jour. Confed. Hist. Soc., Autumn 1967, v.5, #3, p. 87-90. (WR 492a)
  • Rippy, J. Fred “The South examines itself.” (WR 494a1)
  • Rister, Carl Coke “Carlota, a Confederate Colony in Mexico.” (Baton Rouge), La. Feb., 1945, v.XI, #1, p. 33-50. (WR 497)
  • Rivers, William James “River’s Account of the Raising of Troops in South Carolina for Confederate and State Service. Pub. For revision and amendment.” Columbia, SC, Bryan Print, 1899. 8vo, 42pp. Thornton, IV- p. 401, notes John P. Thomas State Historian of Confederate Records was concerned with this work although name was not used. (5th v. in series “Annual Report”) (WR 508)
  • Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation “Stratford Hall: The home of the Lees.” (Built area 1725-1730) (WR 526a)
  • Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation “Stratford: the Lees of Va. & their contemporaries.” (WR 526b)
  • Robert, Joseph C. “Lee the Farmer.” In: JSH, 1937, v.III, p. 422-440. (WR 527)
  • Robertson, James Irvin, Jr. “The Scourge of Elmira.” In: CWH, June 1962, v.VIII, #2, p. 184-201. (WR 567)
  • Robertson, M.E., Mrs. “President Davis’ Last Official Meeting. The last meeting of President Davis with his officers and those of his cabinet remaining with him, in the “Old State Bank Building” at Washington, GA.” Washington: Southern History Assn., Publications, v.5, 1901, p. 9. (WR 579)
  • Robinson, Harwood G. “The Wrongs of the South has endured and the issues before us. Addressed to the people of Arkansas…Little Rock, 1861.” n.p., Sabin-72080. (WR 594a)
  • Robinson, Leigh “Address in acceptance of the portrait of General William H. Payne.” Richmond, Va., Wm. Ellis Jones, 1909, 8vo, 64pp. (WR 597)
  • Robinson, Leigh “Joseph e. Johnston, an address delivered before the Association of ex-Confederate soldiers and sailors of Washington, DC, May 12, 1891, at the memorial service held in Mt. Vernon M.E. Church, South and the proceedings of the occasion.” Wash: R.O. Polihorn, 1891, 8vo, 61pp. Also in: SHSP, 1891, v.XIX, p. 337-370. (WR 599)
  • Robinson, Morgan Poitaux “Concerning the Boyson essay and its defense; prepared, 1909, at the request, under supervision of Mrs. J. Enders Robinson, Hist.-Gen., United Daughters of the Confederacy.” (Richmond, Va.?) 1909. Concerns Gen. Lee. 8vo, 46pp. (WR 604)
  • Robinson, William Morrison, Jr. “The Alabama-Kearsarge Battle; a Study in Original Sources.” Salem, Mass., Essex Institute, 1924. 8vo, 34pp., reprint from Essex Inst. Hist. Coll., LX(Apr.-July)1924, p. 97-120, 209-218. (WR 611)
  • Robinson, William Morrison, Jr. “The Confederate District Courts in Admiralty.” South Atlantic Quarterly, 1930. V.XXIX, Apr., p. 190-199. (WR 614)
  • Robinson, William Morrison, Jr. “Prohibition in the Confederacy.” Amer. Hist. Review, XXXVII, #1, Oct., 1931, p. 50-58. (WR 619)
  • Rodgers, Robert L., Judge “History of the Confederate Veterans Association of Fulton County, Ga.” n.p., n.d.(Atlanta, GA, c.1890) 8vo, 8pp. Includes a sketch of Ga. Mil. Inst., it’s Cadet Battalion service in the War. See: Rob’t H. Rogers. (WR 640)
  • Rodgers, Robert L., Judge “Report of…, historian to Atlanta Camp #159, UCV, on the capture of De Gress Battery, and Battery A., 1st Ill. Light Artillery, in the Battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864, with other papers bearing thereon. Pub. By some of the survivors of Manigault’s Brigade.” n.p., n.d.(Atlanta, GA, 1896) 8vo, 47pp. (WR 641)
  • Rogan, Lafayette “A Confederate Prisoner at Rock Island. The Diary.” In: Jour. Ill. State Hist. Soc., 1941, v.XXXIV, p. 26-49. Also: Spring filed, Ill. (WR 643)
  • Rogers, Albert A. “Lee as Cavalier and soldier.” In: Wm. And Mary Quart., 1935, v.XV, 2nd ser., p. 123-125, 267-270. Reviews Douglas Freeman’s Lee. (WR 644)
  • Roller, John E., Gen. “Address: Our Heroes, the Leaders of a new reformation. From the “Shenandoah Valley”, New Market, Va. Delivered Jan 19, 1907. Celebration of birthday of Robert E. Lee.” 8vo, 15pp. Inserted: atg. Letter from Roller and Capt. F.A. Dangerfield. (WR 682)
  • Roller, John E., Gen. “Gen. Robert E. Lee-Birthday Celebration Thurs., Jan. 19, 1905.” Harrisonburg, Va., 1905, 8vo, 8pp. (WR 683)
  • Romero, Sidney J. “Louisiana clergy & the Confederate Army.” In: LAH, 1961, v.2, p. 277-300. (WR 697a)
  • Rosecrans, W.S. “Corinth” Century, v.XXXII, Oct., 1886. (WR 713a)
  • “Rosemont, the boyhood home of Jefferson Davis.” Woodville, Mississippi. (WR 716a)
  • “Roster of Officers and Members of R.E. Lee Camp #1 Confederate Veterans, Richmond, Va., With Roll of deceased members.” (Richmond, Va., 1913) 8vo, 30pp. (WR 737)
  • Rouss, Charles Broadway “A National Repository for the records and relics of the Southern cause.” In: SHSP, 1894, v.22, p. 387-389. (WR 753a)
  • Rouse, J.H. “Horrible Massacre at Guyandotte, Va.: A Journey to the Rebel Capital.” (WR 753b)
  • Rowland, Dunbar “Jefferson’s Davis place in History as revealed in his letters, papers, and speeches.” (Jackson, Miss. Torgerson Press, 1923) 8vo, 16pp. Miss. Dept. Archives and History. (WR 760)
  • Rowland, Thomas, Major “Letters of Major Thomas Rowland, CSA (1862).” In: Wm. And Mary Quart., Apr. 1917, p. 225-235, v.XXV. (WR 775)
  • Ruffin, Edmund “The first Shot at Fort Sumter.” In: Wm. and Mary Quart., Oct. 1911, v.XX, p. 69-101. Extract from unpub. diary. (WR 794)
  • Ruffner, Henry “An address to the people of West Virginia.” Bridgewater, Va., 1933. First printed in 1847. (WR 799a)
  • Russell, Lyman Brightman “Granddad’s Autobiography.” Comanche, Texas, Privately printed (c.1926/1930) Comanche Pub., n.d. (1930) 8vo, 30pp. (WR 828)
  • Rust, Jeanne “Portrait of Laura Ratcliffe.” (Richmond) Va. Cavl., Winter 1962, v.XII, #3, p. 34-39, Spy for the CSA and friend of many generals of the CSA. (WR 843)
  • Rutherford, John C. of Goochland “Speech in House of Delegates of Virginia, 21 Feb., 1860, in Favor of Proposed Conference of Southern States.” Richmond: Wm. H. Clemmitt Printer, 1860. 8vo, 27pp. Early call for Secession. (WR 844)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Battles and Leader. The Surrender and Results.” Scrapbook, #10, Oct. Athens, Ga., 1923. 8vo, 20pp. (WR 846)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “The Causes that led to the War Between the States.” Scrapbook, #1, Jan., Athens, Ga., 1923. (WR 847)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Contrasted Lives of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln-The Wise Politician and Statesman, The Shrewd Politician and Statesman.” v.II, Athens, Ga., Feb. 1927. 8vo, 20pp. (WR 850)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Contrasted Lives of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln: Policy of Parties Electing them.” v.IV, Athens, Ga., Apr. 1927. 8vo, 32pp. (WR 852)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Efforts made for peace. Why failure .” Miss Rutherford’s scrapbook. Valuable information about the South. v.IV, Apr. 1923. (WR 854a)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Historical Sins of Omission and Commission-address by Hist.-Gen. UDC.” In: San Francisco, Ca., Friday, Oct. 22, 1915, Civic Auditorium.” (Athens, Ga., McGregor Print, 1915) 8vo, 36pp. (WR 858)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Secession Was Not Rebellion.” Scrapbook, #2, Feb., Athens, Ga., 1923. 8vo, 24pp. (WR 865)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “The XIV & XV Amendments.” (WR 867a)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “The South Must have her Rightful Place in History (quotation from Jeff Davis).” Athens, Ga., Mar. 1923. 8vo, 50pp. Textbooks unfair to South, should by ruled out of schools and libraries. (WR 869)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Surgeon-General Samuel Preston Moore.” (WR 870a)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Valuable Information About the South: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.” Athens, Ga., Jan. 1924, v.II, 8vo, 25pp. Evidence shown Booth was never caught. Miss. Rutherford’s scrapbook, gen-title. (WR 873)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Was Coercion Constitutional?” In: Mrs. Rutherford’s Scrap Book, June 1923, v.VI, 15pp., v.6. Mildred L. Rutherford Sketch, see Margaret Anne Moss. (WR 874)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Henry Wirz. The True History of Andersonville.” Scrapbook, #6, June. Athens, Ga., 1924. 8vo, 24pp. (WR 878)
  • Rutherford, Mildred Lewis “Wrongs of History Righted. Address by Historian General UDC, at Savannah, Ga., Fri., Nov. 13, 1914.” (Athens, Ga., McGregor Co.) 8vo, Causes of CW, slavery, Davis and Lincoln. Barbara Fritchie myth. Prisons, N & S. Index: v.1-5, “Scrapbook”, 8pp. (WR 880)
  • Ryan, Abram Joseph, Father “Proceedings of the Ceremony of unveiling the monument.” (WR 894a)
  • Ryan, Abram Joseph, Father “Judah Benjamin: unsung Rebel prince.” Harriman, Tenn., Pioneer Press, (195?) Reprint. (WR 900a)
  • Rywell, Martin “Confederate Guns and Their Current Prices. Illustrated handbook that lists, describes and gives up-to-date values of all the known hand guns and shoulder firearms made and used by the Confederacy in the War Between the States. Plus Directory of Confederate Edged Weapons-Swords, Sabers, Bayonets, Bowie Knives-Makers, Dealers, Importers.” Harriman, Tenn: Pioneer Press 1952, 54pp. (130-151, 40pp) (WR 907)
  • Rywell, Martin “American antique Guns and their current prices.” Catalogue of US pistols and revolvers that lists, describes and gives up-to-date prices on every American made model and type from Flintlock through Automatics, over 2000 firearms.” Pioneer Press, 1951. 57pp. (WR 908)