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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – S

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Saint James Sabbath School “Honor to the dead, A tribute of respect to the memory of her fallen heroes.” Augusta, Ga: Constitutionalist Job Office, 1866. 28pp. (WS 20b)
  • Salley, Alexander Samuel “Tentative Roster of the 3rd Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, Confederate States Provisional Army.” Columbia, SC, The State Co., for the Historical Commission of SC, 1908, 8vo, 129pp. See also: Wm. J. Rivers. (WS 33)
  • Salley, Alexander Samuel “The State Houses of South Carolina, 1751-1936.” (WS 33a)
  • Sandburg, Carl “Just a hundred year ago.” Nat. Geographic, v.124. (WS 43a)
  • Sanderlin, Walter S. “The Vicissitudes of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal During the Civil War.” (Baton Rouge, La) Feb. 1945, JSH, v.XI, #1, p. 51-67. (WS 45)
  • Sangston, Laurence “The Bastiles of the North, by a Member of the Maryland Legislature.” Baltimore: Kelly, Hedian & Piet, 1863. 8vo, 136pp. Sabin-76521. See also: J.M. Brewer. (WS 62)
  • Scales, Alfred Moore “The Battle of Fredericksburg, address before the Association of the Virginia Division, ANV, at Richmond, Nov. 1, 1883.” Washington: R.O Polkinhorn Pr., 1884, 8vo, 23pp. Also: SHSP, 1915, v.XL, p. 195-223. See: Rob’t W. Connor. (WS 92)
  • Schaff, Morris (See: Eban Swift) “The Battle of the Wilderness.” Bost., NY, Houghton Mifflin (1910) 12mo. First in Atlantic Monthly, cii-v. July/Dec., 1909, v.CIV, p. 34-45, 183-194, 374-389, 476-488, 632-643, 721-723, 808-817. (WS 102)
  • Scheiber, Harry N. “The Pay of Confederate Troops and Problems of Demoralization: A Case of Administrative Failure.” In: CWH, Sept. 1969, v.XV, #3, p. 226-236. (WS 108)
  • Schmandt, Raymond H. & Josephine H. Schulte “Spring Hill College Diary.” In: Ala. Rev., 1962, v.XV, p. 213-226. Diary at the college detailing life in college during the war. (WS 125)
  • Schmitt, William A. “The last days of the Lost Cause: capture imprisonment and trial of President Jefferson Davis.” Clarksdale, Miss: Delta Press (1949) 8vo, 59pp. Retreat of Davis from Richmond to Irwinville, Ga., imprisonment at Fortress Monroe, Va., release on bail and trial. (WS 127)
  • Scott, Joe M. “Four Years Service in the Southern Army.” Fayetteville, Ark: Washington County Historical Society, 1959. Booklet series #33. 4to, 50pp. Reprint of the rare 1897 Mulberry, Ark. Booklet. (WS 156)
  • Scott, William Wallace “The Capitol of Virginia and the Confederate States: being a descriptive and historical catalogue of the public square and buildings and of the statuary, paintings and curios therein.” Richmond: James E. Goode, Printer, 1894. 4to, 23pp. (WS 172)
  • Scott, William Wallace “Some personal memories of General Robert E. Lee.” In: Wm. & M. Quart., Oct. 1926, v.VI, ser.2, p. 277-288. (WS 173)
  • Scott, William Wallace “Two Confederate Items.” Richmond, Va., Davis Bottom, 1927, Bull. Of the Virginia State Library, v.XVI, #2 & 3, July 1927. 8vo, 76pp. Diary of Capt. H.W. Wingfield and Reminiscences of the Civil War, by Judge E.C. Moncure. See: Orange County. (WS 174)
  • Searcy, James Thomas, Dr. “Slidell and Buchanan.” (WS 202a)
  • Sears, Louis Martin “A Confederate Diplomat at the court of Napoleon, III.” In: Amer. Hist. Rev., Jan. 1921, v.XXVI, p. 255-281. “John Slidell, forgotten leader in a lost cause.” In: So. Atl. Quart., July 1924, v.XXIII, p. 225-241. See: Wm. H. Russell. (WS 203)
  • “Secession of the Whole South, The an Existing Fact. A Peaceable Separation the True Course. Its Effect on Peace and trade Between the Sections.” (Cincinnati, 1861) 8vo, Sabin-78709. Rep: from “Cincinnati Daily Press.” (WS 212)
  • “Selected Civil War State Historical Markers, Virginia.” (Richmond, Va., 1961) Virginia Civil War Centennial Commission. 12mo, 48pp. (WS 234)
  • Semmes, Raphael, Brig-Gen. “Civil War Song sheets, one of the collections of the Maryland Historical Society.” In: MHM, 1943, v.XXXVIII, 205-229. (WS 241a)
  • Semmes, Raphael, Brig-Gen. “Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Admiral Raphael Semmes, CSN.” Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 27, 1909. 8vo, 4pp, n.p., n.d. (WS 243)
  • Sergent, Mary Elizabeth “A Surplus of Lees.” In: CWH, Mar. 1958, v.IV, #1, p. 69-72. (WS 262)
  • “Seven Fateful Days of 1865. The story of General Robert E. Lee’s retreat from Petersburg to Appomattox, Va., Apr. 2-9, 1865.” Reprinted from a special section published Apr. 7, 1962, from the Farmville Herald & the Times-Virginian of Appomattox. Farmville, Va., ‘Herald’, 1962. 8vo, 32pp, Map shows retreat of Lee from Richmond & Petersburg. (WS 265)
  • Shapiro, Henry D. “Confiscation of Confederate Property in the North.” Ithaca, NY, Cornell Univ. Press (1962) Cornell studies in American History, Literature and Folklore, #VII, 8vo, 58pp. (WS 295)
  • Shaw, Arthur Marvin “Centenary College goes to war in 1861.” Shreveport, La., Centenary College, 1940. 8vo, 14pp. (WS 313)
  • Shea, George, Hon. (One of his counsel) “Jefferson Davis: a statement concerning imputed causes of his long imprisonment by the government of the US and his tardy release by due process of law. Contained in a letter from George Shea.” Reprinted from the NY Tribune of Jan. 24, 1876. London: Edward Stanford, 1877. 12mo, 20pp. (WS 315)
  • Shenandoah, The “The Private War of the CSS “Shenandoah.” NY, The Atlantic co., “Cargoes” #37. June, 8pp., (49 Wall St., NYC, 05) 1956. (WS 343)
  • Sheppard, William Ludwell “Three Branches of the Confederate Army: The Artillery, Cavalryman & Infantryman”, four-color lithographs from original paintings in the Confederate Museum. These pictures were sold for the benefit of the Jefferson Davis monument. (WS 385)
  • Sigaud, Louis A. “Belle Boyd Confederate spy.” Richmond, Va., Dietz Press (1944) 8vo, (vii)-254pp. (WS 457)
  • Silver, James W. “The Confederate Preacher goes to war.” In: NCHR, Oct. 1956, v.XXXIII, p. 499-509. (WS 465)
  • Simonton, Charles H. “Address on the unveiling of the Washington Light Infantry Monument, July 21, 1891.” In: The Charleston Yearbook, 1891, 11pp. Article. (WS 494)
  • Simpson, Harold B., Col. “Foraging with Hood’s Brigade from Texas to Pennsylvania.” Reprint: Texana, Summer 1963, v.1, #3, 8vo, p. (257)-276. (WS 502)
  • Simpson, Harold B., Col. “The recruiting, training and camp life of a company of Hood’s Brigade in Texas, 1861.” Reprint: Texas Military History, Aug. 1962, v.2, #3, p. 171-192. (WS 503)
  • Simpson, Harold B., Col. “East Texas Companies in Hood’s Brigade.” In: ETHJ, Mar. 1965, v.III, #1, p. 5-17. (WS 512)
  • Sims, Lydel “The Submarine that wouldn’t come up.” In: Amer. Hert., apr. 1958, v.IX, #3, p. 48-51, 107-111, refers to CSN ‘Hunley’. (WS 525)
  • “Slavery and its contradictions.” In: Tyler QHGM, July 1929, v.XI, p. 67-68. Concerns provision in CSA Constitution prohibiting slave trade. (WS 563)
  • “Slavery in the United States. Reply of Messages. Agenor de Gasparin, etc. to the Loyal National League of New York.” 1864. (WS 564a)
  • Sloan, Benjamin “The Merrimac and the Monitor.” Columbia: Bul., University of South Carolina, #189, 1926. 8vo, 16pp. Author was Major on staff of Maj.-Gen. Benjamin Huger, CSA. (WS 568)
  • Sloan, John Alexander, Capt. “North Carolina in the War Between the States.” Washington: Rufus H. Darby, 1883. 8vo, two parts in one, Legislature authorized publication but it was never done. Note: In: Pub. South. Hist. Assn., v.III, #2, p. 152. (WS 569)
  • Smallwood, James “Disaffection in Confederate Texas: The Great Hanging at Gainesville.” In: CWH, Dec. 1976, v.22, #4, p. 349-360. (WS 571)
  • Smith, Alan Cornwall “The ‘Monitor-Merrimac’ legend.” In: USN Inst. Proc., 1940, v.LXVI, p. 385-389. (WS 580)
  • Smith, Duane Allan “The Confederate Cause in the Colorado Territory, 1861-1865.” In: CWH, Mar. 1961, v.VII, #1, p. 71-80. (WS 609)
  • Smith, Edmund Kirby, Gen. “A Short History of Gen. E. Kirby Smith.” Park Place, NY, Knapp & Co., 1888. 16pp. Signature, (packed in Duke’s cigarettes) Portrait. See: “Heroes of the Civil War”, and W. duke. Paul F. Hammond. (WS 614a)
  • Smith, Ernest Ashton “The History of the Confederate Treasury. A dissertation presented to the board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.” (From publications of the Southern History Association for Jan., Mar., May, 1901) Press of Harrisburg Pub. (Penn) 8vo, 126pp., v.V, #1, (34p), #2, p. 99-150, #3, p. 188-227. (WS 620)
  • Smith, Francis Henney “West Point fifty years ago; An address delivered before the Association of Graduates at the annual reunion, June 12, 1879.” New York. D. Van Nostrand, 1879. 16pp. (WS 625a)
  • Smith, George H. “More of the Battle of New Market.” In: CV, Nov. 1908, v.XVI, p. 569-572. (WS 634)
  • Smith, Glenn Curtiss, Edt. “Diary of a Virginia Schoolmistress, 1860-1865.” Harrisonburg, Va., Madison Quart. (College) 1949. v.IX, #2, Mar. Entire issue. p. 35-58. (WS 644)
  • Smith, Goldwin “A letter to a Whig member of the Southern Independence Assn.” London: Macmillan & Co., 1864. 76pp. (WS 646a)
  • Smith, Hampden Harrison “Jefferson Davis. A character sketch.” Blackstone, Va., n.d. 32mo, 40pp. (WS 658)
  • Smith, Hampden Harrison “Stonewall Jackson. A character sketch.” Blackstone, Va., n.d., (c.1920) 32mo, 48pp. (WS 659)
  • Smith, Hampden Harrison “Robert E. Lee. A character sketch.” Blackstone, Va., n.d. 32mo, 48pp. (WS 660)
  • Smith, Hampden Harrison “J.E.B. Stuart. A character sketch.” (Richmond, Va., Williams Ptg. Co., 1932) 32mo, 32pp. (WS 661)
  • Smith, Harold F. “The 1861 struggle for Lexington, Missouri.” In: CWH, June 1961, v.VII, #2, p. 155-166. (WS 667)
  • Smith, Henry Grattan “Memorial addresses on the death of Henry Grattan Smith.” (WS 669a)
  • Smith, Henry King, Jr. “Some Encounters with General Forrest.” N.p., n.d. (c.1956) 8vo, 10pp. Johnsonville Battle of 1864. Several battles in West Tennessee. (WS 670a)
  • Smith, James Power “Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville. A paper read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, on the first of March, 1904.” Read Mar. 4, 1904, at MHSM, in v.5, p. 351-376. Richmond, Va., Pub. By R.E. Lee Camp #1, Confederate Veterans, (1904). 8vo, 23pp. (WS 674)
  • Smith, James Power “Stonewall Jackson’s Last Battle.” In: Cent., Oct. 1886, p. 921-926. (WS 675)
  • Smith, James Power “General Lee at Gettysburg. A paper read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, on the Fourth of April, 1905. By Captain & ADC, to Gen. Ewell.” Richmond, Va., Pub. By R.E. Lee Camp #1, Confederate Veterans, (1905) 8vo, 19pp. (Wm. Ellis Jones Print) In: SHSP, 1905, v.XXXIII, p. 135-160. (& PMHSM, V, p. 377-410) 1905. (WS 681)
  • Smith, Mary Stuart “From Virginia to Georgia: A tribute n song by Virginia Women.” Richmond, Va., 1895. 47p. (WS 694a)
  • Smith, Orren Randolph Portrait of Orren Randolph Smith. (WS 703a)
  • Smith, Orren Randolph “The Stars and Bars. A speech.” 8vo, 13pp. Report: Stars and Bars Comm. Confed. Southern Memorial Ass’n. Richmond, 1915. Joint-Resolution #21 of Gen. Assembly, North Carolina, 1917. Report of “Stars and Bars” Comm. UCV, Tulsa Reunion, 1918. (WS 705)
  • Smith, Richard H. “Organization of the Protestant episcopal Church of Confederate States, AD 1861 and its reunion with the Protestant Episcopal Church in the US, Ad, 1865.” Weldon, NC, Harrell’s Cheap Bk. Job. Print, 1882. 8vo, 11pp. Lay Deputy from Diocese of NC. See: Lawrence L. Pennington’s title. (WS 708a)
  • Smith, Sidney Adair & C. Carter Smith, Jr., Edts. “Mobile: 1861-1865. Notes and a bibliography.” Chicago: The Wyvern Press SFE, Inc., Mobile, Alabama, Graphics, Inc. (1964) 8vo, 52pp. (WS 716)
  • Smith, W. Angie, Rev. “Robert E. Lee. An Appreciation. An address to members of the Dallas Southern Memorial Association, on their Annual Robert E. Lee Day, Jan. 15, 1941.” n.p. 12mo. (WS 727)
  • Snowden, Yates, Edt. “War-Time Publications (1861-1865). From the Press of Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co. An addendum to “One Hundred Years of Wecco”.” Charleston, SC, Walker, Evans and Cogswell, 1922. 12mo, 30pp. From the (Columbia) State, Jan. 30, 1921, revised and enlarged. (WS 772)
  • Snyder, J.F. “The Capture of Lexington.” (Columbia) Mo., Oct., 1912, v.VII, #1, p. 9. With Gen. Price in the battle. Reprint. (WS 776)
  • “Society of the ‘Old Boy of Hampton Academy’. First Annual Meeting; an address by J.B. Hope and Poem by W.G. McCabe.” Richmond, 1861, 8vo. (WS 781)
  • Society of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States in the State of Maryland. “3rd Annual Banquet.” (WS 782a)
  • “Sonander” (pseud.) George E. Kendall- “A humble belisarius.” (WS 798)
  • Sons of Confederate Veterans “Report of the “Stars & Bars” Committee.” Washington, 1917. 8vo, 28pp. Detailed study of the origin of the Stars & Bars Battle Flag. (WS 816)
  • “South Alone, Should govern the South & African slavery should by controlled by those only who are friendly to it.” Charleston, SC, 1860. 8vo, 60pp. 3rd Edt., Charleston, SC, Evans & Cogswell, 1860. 8vo Sabin-96379. (WS 822a)
  • South Carolina Secession and War. Lithographs relating to the First Year of War, from election of Lincoln to Battles around Port Royal, Jan. 1862. (WS 843a)
  • South Carolina “South Carolina Speaks.” These addresses of prominent South Carolinians speaking on South Carolina’s participation in the Centennial of the Confederate War Centennial Commission, 1961. 8vo, 43pp. (WS 844)
  • South Carolina Confederate War Centennial Commission “South Carolina fights the palmetto state in the Confed. War, 1861-1865.” (WS 848a)
  • “South’s Battle Abbey, The.” Atlanta, Ga., Respess Co. (1896) 12mo, 32pp. (WS 852)
  • “Southern Battlefields. A list of battlefields on and near lines of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Ry. And Western and Atlantic Ry., and a brief description of more important battles fought along these lines; also information about Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga Park and the famous engine “General”.” Nashville: Marshall and Bruce, (1906?) 12mo, 47pp. (WS 857)
  • Southern Cross of Honor “List of Confederate soldiers awarded Southern Cross of Honor.” (WS 862a)
  • “Southern Independence Association” Papers of the People, Nos. IV-VIII. Central Office, Manchester [Eng.] (1863?) 4 pp each. (WS878)
  • “Southern Orphan, The.” Winchester, Va., Publication of the Dunbar Female Institute, June 12, 1869. (WS 882a)
  • Southern Society “New York Southern Society 1885-1912. Twenty-seventh Annual Banquet of the New York Southern Society.” (WS 890a)
  • Souvenir “Sward of Robert Lee” Zollicoffer, Harry L. Flash. (WS 893a)
  • Spaulding, Oliver Lyman “The Bombardment of Fort Sumter, 1861.” In: Amer. Hist. Ass’n., annual report, 1913, p. 177-203. Also: reprinted in wraps. (WS 912)
  • Spence, James “On the Recognition of the Southern Confederation. By author of “The American Union”, and the S. letters to the “Times” on American Affairs.” London: Richard Bentley, 1862 and 2nd Edt. 8vo, 48pp. Eds: 2nd and 3rd. (WS 926)
  • Spencer, I. J. “A Memorial Sermon of Festus and Elizabeth B. Dickinson and letters concerning them from distinguished Virginian, Fredericksburg, Va., n.d.” 8vo. (WS 934)
  • Spies A bibliography in Davis’ “Belle Boyd”, append: p. 401-414. See: Blake 608 B783 (WS 942)
  • Stackpole, Edward James “A concise history of the Civil War.” Harrisburg, Pa. 1961. 32pp. (WS 967a)
  • Stark, Richard Boles & Janet C. “Surgical care of the Confederate States Army, 1861-1865.” In: US Armed Forces Med. Jour., Jan. 1959, v.10: p. 50-68, notes from Bull. NY Acad. Med., June 1958. Reprint, 24pp. Also in: Va. Med. Monthly, May 1960. (WS 1000)
  • Starnes, Lucy Gaylord “Scribe of the Old Dominion” (Richmond) Va., Cavl., Autumn 1963, v.XIII, #2, p. 32-37, John Esten Cooke, who took part in many events of which he wrote. (WS 1004)
  • State Sovereignty See also: WR 310a (WS 1019)
  • Steel, Samuel Augustus “Explaining the Objection to “Rebel”.” Richmond, Va., Confederate Museum, 1913, 8vo, 10pp. (WS 1043)
  • Steinberg, Alfred “Fire-eating farmer of the Confederate States at Sumter Edmund Ruffin unwittingly pushed toward ruin the region whose agricultural economy he had revived.” In: Amer. Hert., Dec. 1957, v.IX, #3, p. 22-25, 114-117. (WS 1059)
  • Stephens, Alexander Hamilton “A Letter for Posterity Alex Stephens to his Brother Linton, June 3, 1864.” Atlanta, Ga., Library of Emory University 1954; University Publications, Sources and Reprints, series VIII-#3. 8vo, 24pp. See: Jas. D. Waddell. (WS 1078)
  • Stephens, Alexander Hamilton “Speech in Jan. 1861, Before the Georgia State Convention together with acts.” Baltimore: Sherwood & Co. Print, 1864. 12pp. (WS 1097a)
  • Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright “The Question of Arming the Slaves.” In: Am. Hist. Rev., Jan. 1913, v.XVIII, p. 295-308. Reprint, 14pp. (WS 1110)
  • Stephenson, P.D., Rev. “Defense of Spanish Fort. On Mobil Bay-Last Great Battle of the War. By 5th Co., Washington Artly., New Orleans, La., (piece four).” In: SHSP, Apr. 1914, v.XXXIX, p. 118-129. (Comments of Dabney Maury, in SHSP, p. 130-136.) (WS 1111a)
  • Stephenson, P.D., Rev. “Missionary Ridge, by Priv. First, Co. K, 13th Ark. Inf. 2nd, of 5th Co., Washington Arly. A paper read before R.E. Lee Camp, #1, of Richmond, Va., Feb. 21, 1913.” (Richmond? 1913) 8vo, 14pp. (WS 1112)
  • Stephenson, P.D., Rev. “Reminiscences of the Last Campaign of the Army of Tennessee, from May 1864 to January 1865, by Pvt. Piece 4, Sgt. Thomas C. Allen, 5th Co., Washington Artillery, Capt. CH Slocomb, Commanding.” In: SHSP, 1884, v.XII, p. 32-39. (WS 1113a)
  • Stephenson, Wendell Holmes “Charles W. Ramsdell: Historian of the Confederacy.” (Lexington, Ky) JSH, Nov. 1960, v.XXVI, #4, p. 501-525, extract. Reprint: wraps, 30pp. (WS 1117)
  • Stern, Philip Van Doren “Brave Doctors with primitive tools; Bullets killed thousands, but the greatest foc. of Civil War Doctors was filth & disease.” (WS 1121a)
  • Stern, Philip Van Doren “Gettysburg” (WS 1122a)
  • Steuart, Richard Dennis “The Story of the Confederate Colt-to the memory of E. Barkley Bowie.” 1934: Army Ordnance, XV, p. 83-92. See: Wm. A. Albaugh, in colab. (WS 1132)
  • Stiles, Robert “Address at the dedication of the Monument to the Confederate dead, University of Virginia, June 7, 1893.” Richmond, Va., Taylor and Taylor, 1893, 8vo, 28pp. Also in: SHSP, 1893, v.XXI, p. 15-37. (WS 1194)
  • Still, William N., Jr. “Facilities for the Construction of War Vessels in the Confederacy.” (Houston, Tex) JSH, Aug. 1965, v.XXXI, #3, p. 285-304. (WS 1206)
  • Still, William N., Jr. “Selma & the Confederate States Navy.” In: AR, Jan. 1962, v.15, #1, p. 19-37. (WS 1207a)
  • Stille, Charles J. “Northern Interests and Southern Independence; A plea for United Action.” Philadelphia, William S. & Alfred Martien. 1863. 50pp. (WS 1207b)
  • Stock, Leo Francis “Catholic Participation in the Diplomacy of the Southern Confederacy.” In: Catholic Historical Review, XVI, 1930. Apr. P. 1-18. Account of Father Bannon of St. Louis and Bishop Lynch of Charleston, for sympathy of Ireland for the Southern cause. Reprint: wraps, 18pp. (WS 1212)
  • Stone, Henry Lane “Morgan’s Men”, a narrative of personal experiences delivered before George B. Eastin Camp #803, UCV-Free Public Library, Louisville, KY, Apr. 8, 1919.” (Louisville, KY, Westerfield-Bonte Co.) 1919. 8vo, 36pp. (WS 1227a)
  • Stout, L.H. “Reminiscences of General Braxton Bragg.” Hattiesburg, Miss., The Book Farm, 1942, Heartman’s Historical Series, #63, 8vo, 23pp. (WS 1251)
  • Stratton, Robert Burcher “Heroes in Gray, by a Confederate Soldier.” Lynchburg, Va., Gregory Bros, 1894, 8vo, 140pp. Stratton was with the 2nd Va. Cav. (WS 1269)
  • Strayhorn, Thomas Jackson “Letters of Thomas Jackson Strayhorn.” In: NCHR, 1936, v.XIII, p. 310-334. A Lt.-Col. In the SCArmy, 1863-1864. (WS 1271)
  • Stringfellow, Frank, Rev. “War Reminiscences. The Life of a Confederate Scout inside the enemy’s line.” (n.p., n.d.) (1892) 8vo, 12pp. (WS 1289)
  • Stuart Genealogies “The Great Valley of Virginia, Old Augusta County.” Staunton Spectator, July 8, 1873. Carrolton, Missouri, Aug. 12, 1899. 19pp. (WS 1308a)
  • Stuart, James Ewell Brown, Gen. “Full report of Gettysburg Campaign.” In: SHSP, v.7, 1879, p. 401-434. (WS 1321)
  • Stuart, James Ewell Brown, Gen. “Letters of General J.E.B. Stuart to his wife, 1861.” Atlanta, Ga., Emory University, 1943, 8vo, 30pp. Series #1, Emory Univ. Pubs. Series, Sources and Reprints. (WS 1322)
  • Stuart, James Ewell Brown, Gen. “Portrait, by Everett R. Garrison.” (WS 1324a)
  • Stuart, Meriwether “Samuel Ruth and General R.E. Lee, disloyalty and the line of supply to Fredericksburg, 1862-1863.” In: Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., 1963, v.LXXI, p. 35-109. (WS 1337)
  • Stuart, Meriwether “The Record of Virginia Forces. A Study in the compilation of Civil War Records.” (Richmond) Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., Jan. 1960, v.68, #1, p. 3-57. (WS 1338)
  • Sullivan, Daniel E. “Exiles, Emigrants & Sojourners: Post Civil War exodus in perspective.”  In Civil War History: Sept. 1985, v.31 #3, pp.237-56. (WS 1409a)
  • Sullivan, James R. “Chickamauga and Chattanooga Battlefields, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Georgia-Tennessee.” Wash: Natl. Park Ser. Hist. Handbook Ser., #25.” 1956 (reprint 1961) 8vo, 60pp. (WS 1387)
  • Summers, Festus P., Edt. “The Jones-Imboden Raid.” In: WV Hist., 1939, v.1, p. 15-39. (WS 1391)
  • Sumner, Charles “Emancipation; Its policy and necessity as a war measure for the suppression of the rebellion.” (WS 1393a)
  • Sumner, John Osborne “Materials for the History of the Government of the Southern Confederacy.” NY, G.P. Putnam’s, Oct. 1890, in Papers of the American Historical Association, v.IV, part 4, p. 5-19, 8vo. (WS 1395)
  • Surber, Edwin F. “Lest we forget.” Richmond, Standard Printing Co., 1921. 46pp. (WS 1400a)
  • Swallow, William H. “The First(-third) day at Gettysburg.” Sou. Biv., 1885/1886, ns, v.1, p. 436-444, 490-499, 562-572. (WS 1417)
  • Sweeney, Talbot “A Vindication from a Northern standpoint of General Robert E. Lee and his fellow officers who left the United States Army and Navy in 1861, from the Northern charge of treason and perjury.” Richmond, Va., J.L. Hill Co., 1890. 8vo, 48pp. (WS 1424)
  • Swett, Charles “A trip to British Honduras and to San Pedro, Republic of Honduras.” New Orleans, 1868. 125pp. (WS 1430a)
  • Swift, Charles Jewett “The Last Battle of the Civil War, paper read at the organizing or first meeting of the Columbus Historical Society, Wed. Night, Feb. 10th, 1915.” (Quote) Columbus, Ga., Gilbert Print, (1915) 8vo, 33pp. Capture of Columbus by the Union, Apr. 16,’85. (WS 1432)
  • Swift, Eben “The Wilderness Campaign. The Wilderness campaign form our present point of view.” In: Amer. Hist. Assn., Annual Report for 1908, v.1, p. 244-247. See: Morris Schaff. (WS 1436)