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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – T

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Talcott, Thomas Mann Randolph “General Lee’s Strategy at the Battle of Chancellorsville.” In: SHSP, 1906, v.XXXIX, p. 1-27. (WT 7)
  • Tanner, Robert G. “We are in for it-Jackson saves the Valley.” In: CWTI, Nov. 1976, v.17, #7, p. 16-28. (WT 31)
  • Tapp, Hambleton “A sketch of the early life and services in the Confederate army of Dr. John A. Lewis of Georgetown, Ky.” In: RKHS, Apr. 1977, v.75, #2, p. 121-140. (WT 40)
  • Taylor, A. Reed “The War History of Two Soldiers. John F. Bropst & W. Anderson Stephens: a two-sided view of the Civil War.” In: Ala. Rev., Apr. 1970, p. 83-109. (WT 49a)
  • Taylor, John S. “Sixteenth South Carolina Regiment CSA. From Greenville County, SC.” (WT 56)
  • Taylor, Joseph W. “Address before the Literary Societies of Washington and Lee University on Commencement Day, June 22, 1871.” Baltimore, John Murphy & Co., 1871. 52pp. (WT 56b)
  • Taylor, Robert Love “Robert Edward Lee.” Nashville, Tenn., Taylor-Trotwood Magazine, Jan. 1907, p. 8. (WT 73)
  • Tepper, Sol H. “Torpedoes? Damn.” Ordeal at Selma Gun Foundry and Battle of Mobile Bay. (WT 126a)
  • Tepper, Sol H. “Battle for Selma.” (WT 126b)
  • Thom, DeCourey W. “Something more of great Confederate General, “Stonewall” Jackson and one of his humble followers in the South of yesteryear.” Md. Hist. Mag, June 1930, v.XXV, p. 129-157. (WT 182)
  • Thomas, David Y. “Missouri in the Confederacy.” (Columbia, Mo.) Mo. Hist. Review, Apr. 1924, v.XVIII, #3, p. 382-391. (WT 188)
  • Thomas, Emory M. “The Richmond Bread Riots of 1863.” (Richmond) Va. Cavl., Summer 1968, v.XVIII, #1, p. 40-47. (WT 201)
  • Thomas, Herbert A., Jr. “The 19th Virginia Regiment, 1861-1865.” In: Magazine of Albemarle County Hist. V.25, 1966-1967, p. 4-35. (WT 207)
  • Thomas, John Peyre “Career and Character of General Micah Jenkins, CSA.” Columbia, SC, The State Co., 1903. 8vo, 28pp. (WT 208)
  • Thompson, Hugh S. “Oration and proceedings of the meeting of the Association of grad. SCMA, Feb.22, 1879.” (WT 227b)
  • Thompson, James Monroe, Lt. “Reminiscences of the Autauga Rifles (Co.G, 6th Alabama Volunteer Regiment, CSA).” University, Ala., Confederate Pub. Co., 1984, Confederate Regimental Series, #6. 8vo, 35pp. (WT 233)
  • Thompson, William Y. “Robert Toombs, Confederate General.” In: CWH, Dec. 1961, v.VI, #4, p. 406-420. (WT 263)
  • Thomson, David Whittet “Three Confederate Submarines: Operations at New Orleans, Mobile and Charleston, 1862-1864.” In: US Naval Inst. Proc., LXVII (1941) p. 39-47. (WT 266)
  • Tilberg, Frederick “Antietam National Battlefield Site, Maryland.” Wash: Natl. Park Ser. Hist. Handbook series, #31, 1960. (Revised 1961) 8vo, 60pp. Lee’s invasion of Md. (WT 293)
  • Tilberg, Frederick “Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania.” Wash: Natl. Park Ser. Hist. Handbook, Series #9, 1954. (Revised 1962) 8vo, 14pp.-Gallery of F.D. Briscoe Battle Paintings. (WT 294)
  • Tilghman, Tench Francis “The Confederate baggage and treasure train ends its flight in Florida; diary of Tench Francis Tilghman.” (Jacksonville, Fla.? 1939) Reprint: Fla. Hist. Quart., Jan. 1939. 8vo, 24pp. Xvii, p. 159-180. (WT 298)
  • Tillman, John N. “Pensions for Confederate soldiers. Speech in House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1916.” Washington. (WT 303a)
  • Tittmann, Edward D. “The Exploitation of Treason.” (Albuquerque) NMHR, Apr. 1929, v.IV, #2, p. 128-145. Aftermath of the CSA invasion, N.M. Reprint, 28p. (WT 320)
  • Toombs, Robert Augustus “Invasion of the States speech, delivered in the Senate of the US, Jan 2, 1860.” Wash., 1860, 16pp. (WT 348a)
  • Torrence, Leonidas “The Road to Gettysburg. The Diary and Letters of Leonidas Torrence of the Gaston Guards.” (Raleigh) NCHRev., Oct. 1959, v.XXXVI, #4, p. 476-517. (WT 352)
  • Townsend, Harry C. “Townsend’s Diary last months of the war, Jan.-May, 1865, a diary from Petersburg to Appomattox, thence to North Carolina to join Johnston’s Army.” By Corp. 1st Richmond Howitzers. Richmond: Wm. Ellis Jones, 1907. 8vo, 31pp. Reprint: Southern Historical Soc. Papers, v.XXXIV (1906), p. 99-127, Dornbusch-1127. (WT 364)
  • Trescot, William Henry “The Confederacy and the Declaration of Paris.” (New York, 19181) Reprint: Amer. Hist. Rev., v.23, #4, July 1918. 8vo, p. 826-835. (WT 394)
  • Trescot, William Henry “General Stephen Elliott. Address del. In the House of Representatives of SC.” Columbia, SC, 1926. 8vo, 17pp. (WT 397)
  • Trexler, H.H. “The first Confederate Capital.” Birmingham-Southern College Bulletin, v.XXI, Dec. 1928. #6. (WT 404a)
  • Trexler, Harrison A. “The Davis Administration and the Richmond Press, 1861-1865.” (Baton Rouge, La.) JSH, May 1950, v.XVI, #2, p. 177-195. (WT 406)
  • Trexler, Harrison A. “Jefferson Davis and the Confederate patronage.” In: So. Atl. Quar., Jan. 1929, v.XXVIII, p. 45-58. Re. Civil appointments. (WT 408)
  • Trezevant, Daniel Henry, Dr. “The Burning of Columbia, SC. A Review of Northern Assertions and Southern Fact.” Columbia, SC, South Carolinian Pr., 1866. 12mo, 31pp. (WT 410)
  • Trickett, Dean “The Civil War in Indian Territory.” Oklahoma City: Chron. Okla., Sept. 1939, v.XVII, p. 315-327; Dec. 1939, p. 401-412; June 1940, v.XVIII, p. 142-153; Sept. 1940, p. 266-280, v.XVII; Dec. 1941, v.XIX, p. 381-396. (WT 417)
  • Trimble, Isaac Ridgeway “Address to Graduates of West Point.” (WT 418a)
  • Trimble, Isaac Ridgeway “Our Infantry.” (WT 423a)
  • Trimble, Isaac Ridgeway “Address delivered at the annual meeting of the Association of Graduates at West Point.” (WT 425a)
  • Trollop, Anthony “Trollop’s North America.” In: Black. Edn. Ma., Sept. 1862, c.XCII, p. 372-390. Castigates Trollop’s view of secession: “He never read th Constitution,” we like his plot, he’s a good novelist but a bad politician.” (WT 426)
  • Troubetzkoy, Dorothy Ulrich “W. L. Sheppard: Artist of Action.” (Richmond) Va. Cavl., Winter 1961-1962, v.XI, #3, p. 20-26. Lt. Sheppard of the Richmond Howitzers sketched war from Bethel to Appomattox. (WT 434)
  • Troubetzkoy, Dorothy Ulrich “F. William Sievers, Sculptor.” (Richmond) Va. Cavl., Autumn 1962, v.XII, #2, p. 4-12. Famed for his monuments to Confederate war heroes. (WT 435)
  • “Tryst with the Brave and the True, A.” Camp Sumter, United Confederate Veterans annual celebration, Charleston, SC, Apr. 13, 1903. (Cover title)—(half-title)- “Heroes Who Wore the Gray. A memorial celebration by Camp Sumter, UCV, tributes to dead comrades-reviving treasured recollections-the striking address of Col. Jas. Simons- “Confederate Soldier,” Commander T. George Simons- “Siege of Battery Wagner,” and Reb. J.A. B. Scherer- “Teachers in Gray” and Capt. Chs. Inglesby- “Reminiscences on Ft. Sumter”.” (Charleston, SC, Lucas-Richardson, L & P Co.) 8vo, 17pp. (WT 450)
  • Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley “Address of Beverley Tucker, Esq., to the people of the United States, with appendix relating to President Johnson’s proclamation of 2nd May, 1865.” Atlanta, Ga., Library Emory University, 1948. Sources and reprints. Ser. 5, Edt: James Harvey Young. 8vo, 32pp. Response to Johnston’s broadside accusing he and other leaders inciting assassination of Lincoln. (WT 474)
  • Turner, Charles W. “The Virginia Central Railroad at War, 1861-1865.” (Baton Rouge, La.) JSH, Nov., 1946, v.XII, #4, p. 510-533. (WT 488)
  • Turner, Jim “Jim Turner Co. G, 6th Texas Infantry CSA, 1861-1865.” In: Texanna, 1974, v.XII, #2, p. 149-178. (WT 495)
  • Turner, J.A. “The Countryman.” [Newspaper] v.III, #1, Pg 12. Turnwold, Putnam County, Ga. [Beginning Sept. 29, 1862, ending Dec. 15, 1862] (WT 495a)
  • Turner, Joseph Addison Autobiography. (WT 496a)
  • Twitchell, Ralph Emerson “The Confederate Invasion of New Mexico.” Albuquerque, New Mexico-Old Santa Fe, 1916. V.III, p. 5-43. (WT 512)
  • Tyler, David Gardiner “Address of Welcome to the Confederate Veterans, delivered at the auditorium, June 1, 1915. 25th Reunion UCV.” Richmond, Va., 1915. 8vo, 7pp. (WT 516)
  • Tyler, David Gardiner “Address on the occasion of the Anniversary of the birth of Robert E. Lee, delivered at the College of William and Mary, Jan. 19, 1911.” (In Bul. College of W & M, v.4, #3, Jan. 1911) 8vo, 20pp. (WT 517)
  • Tyler, Lyon Gardiner “A Confederate Catechism. The War for Southern Self Government.” 6th enlarged, Feb. 28, 1931, 60pp. (WT 526b)
  • Tyler, Lyon Gardiner “General Lee’s Birthday. Address at Hollins College on Jan. 18, 1929, repeated before State College for Women at East Radford, Jan. 19, 1929, on Gen. Robt. E. Lee.” n.p,n.d., 8vo, 22pp. (WT 534)
  • Tyler, Lyon Gardiner “Propaganda in History.” Richmond, Va., Richmond Press, 1920. 8vo, 19pp. (WT 539)
  • Tyler, Lyon Gardiner “The South and Germany.” In: William & Mary Quarterly Hist. Mag., July 1987? (WT 545a)