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Rosanna Blake Library: Pamphlets – W

Pamphlets Listed Alphabetically By Author

  • Waal, Carla “The First original Confederate drams.” In: VMHB, Oct. 1962, v.70, #4, p. 459-467. (WW 1)
  • Waddell, Alfred Moore, Hon. “The Confederate Soldier, an address delivered at the written request of 5000 ex-Union Soldiers, at Steinway Hall, NY City, Fri. Evening, may 3, 1878, for the benefit of the 47th NY Veteran Volunteers (Miles O’Reilly’s Regiment).” Washington, DC, Joseph L. Pearson, 1878. 8vo, 23pp. Dornbusch-III, 1909. See: Seaton Gales’ sketch of G.B. Anderson. (WW 2)
  • Wadley, William M. “A Postbellum visit with Robert E. Lee: A Letter.” In: Ga.H.Q., Winter, 1973, v.LVII, #4, p. 585-587. (WW 15)
  • Wadsworth, Charles “Our own sins: A sermon day of humiliation and preger. Appointed by Pres. Of the US, Fri., Jan. 4, 1861.” Philadelphia, King and Baird, 1861. 24pp. (WW 15a)
  • Waitt, Robert W., Jr. “Confederate Military Hospitals in Richmond.” Richmond: Civil War Cent. Comm., 1964, 8vo, 40pp. #22. (WW 24)
  • Waldrip, William I. “New Mexico During the Civil War.” (Albuquerque, NM) New Mexico Historical Review, July 1953, v.XXVIII, #3, p. 163-182; #4, p. 243-290. (WW 36)
  • Walker, Charles S., Jr. “Causes of the Confederate Invasion of New Mexico.” (Albuquerque, NM) Historical Society of New Mexico, Apr. 1933, v.VIII, #2, p. 76-97. To annex the southwest and NM. (WW 42)
  • Walker, Cornelius Irvine “What the World Owes the South for Secession.” Charleston, SC (c.1917) 12mo, 20pp. (WW 49)
  • Walker, Cornelius Irvine “Historic Charleston: Colonial, Revolutionary & Confederate.” Charleston, Southern Print., (1927) 8vo, 20pp. (WW 50a)
  • Walker, Cornelius Irvine “Historic Points of interest in and around Charleston, SC.” Confed. Reunion edition, 1896. (WW 50b)
  • Walker, Peter Franklin “Command Failure: The Fall of Forts Henry and Donelson (1862).” In: THQ, Dec. 1957, v.XVI, p. 335-360. (WW 68)
  • Walker, Robert James “Jefferson Davis. Repudiation of Arkansas Bonds.” Letter #3. London: W. Ridgeway, 1864. 12mo, 14pp. (WW 74a)
  • Walker, T.R. “Rock Island Prison Barracks.” In: CWH, June, 1962, v.VIII, #2, p. 152-163. (WW 78)
  • Wallace, Lee A., Jr. “Coppen’s Louisiana Zouaves.” In: CWH, Sept. 1962, v.VIII, #3, p. 269-282. (WW 101)
  • Wallace, Lee A., Jr. “The First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers.” (Richmond) Va. Cavl., Autumn 1963, v.XIII, #2, p. 23-31. (WW 102a)
  • Wallis, Severn Teackle “Address delivered at Academy of Music, Baltimore, Apr. 10, 1875, on behalf of the Lee Memorial Association.” (Baltimore: J. Murphy and Co., 1875) 8vo, 12pp. Swem-6220. (WW 122)
  • Walters, Helen B. “Confederates in southern California.” In: Hist. Soc. South. Calif. Quart., Mar. 1953, v.35, p. 41-54. (WW 132)
  • “War Memoirs, 1861-1865.” Columbus, Mississippi. (WW 154a)
  • “War Recollections of the Confederate Veterans of Pittsylvania County, Va., 1861-1865.” (Danville, Va., J.T. Townes Print, 1960?) 8vo, 84pp. (WW 157)
  • “War of 1861-1865, The Virginia and The War.” Richmond Times-Dispatch and News Leader, (1961) 40pp. (WW 166)
  • Ward, Dallas T. “The Last Flag of Truce.” (Fraklinton, NC? 1915) 8vo, 16pp. Carried last flag of truce, sent by Gov. Z.B. Vance to Sherman, the day before he reached Raleigh. (WW 174)
  • Ward, John K. “Skirmish at Sacramento (Ky): battles of future Generals.” In: RKHS, Apr. 1977, v.75, #2, p. 79-91. (WW 178)
  • Ward, Margaret Ketcham “Testimony of Mrs. George R. Ward before United Sates Senate Committee on relations between labor & capital at Relay House in Birmingham on Nov. 15, 1883.” Birmingham, Ala., 195. Private print. Harwell-186. (WW 182a)
  • Warinner, Napoleon E., Compl. “A register of Military Events in Virginia, 861-1865.” Richmond: Virginia Civil War Centennial Commission, 1959. 8vo, 79pp. Alphabetical listing of military events in Va., cross-ref. To “Official Records.” (WW 199)
  • Warner, Ezra J. & W. Buck Yearns “Generals in Gray, 1861-1865.” (Houston, Texas, Civil War Round Table) Address: May 6, 1955. 10pp. (WW 205)
  • Warren County, Va. Civil War Centennial Commission “Warren County Civil War Centennial Observance, Battle of Front Royal, Va., May 19-20, 1962.” (Front Royal, Va., 1962?) 8vo, 23pp. See: “Unveiling of Monument CSA dead…” (WW 208)
  • Warthen, Harry J., M.D. “Medical Manuals of the War Between the States.” n.p.,n.d., 4to, 2pp. Reprint: Bul. Richmond Academy Medicine. (WW 226)
  • Warthen, Harry J., M.D. “Medicine and Shockoe Hill.” (Richmond, Va) 1938. 4to, 8pp. Reprint: Annals of Medical History, New series, v.10, Jan. 1938. Role played by this region in the War. (WW 227)
  • Washburn, Wiley A. “Reminiscences of Confederate Service.” In: Ark. Hist. Quart., Spring 1976, v.XXXV, #1, p. 47-90. (WW 231)
  • Washington & Lee University, Summer Bulletin, 1907 “Lee Centennial member.” Lexington, Va. Contains Charles Francis Adams address & Randolph McKims address. (WW 233a)
  • Washington College “The Charter and Laws and trustees and faculty of Washington College at Lexington, Va, A.D. 1865.” Richmond: Chas H. Wynne, Printer. 1865. 24pp. (WW 241a)
  • Washington County, Va. “The Historical Society of Washington County, Va.” Pub. Series II, #7, Winter-Spring, 1968-1969. “History of the 48th Virginia Infantry.” Companies and Officers of the 48th Va. Volunteers. (Abington, Va., 1969) 8vo, 42pp. (WW 242)
  • Washington Light Infantry, of South Carolina “Rolls of the WLI in Confederate Service to which is appended the mortuary of the three companies. All corrected by special committee of each of the three companies by WLI Vets.” Charleston, SC, 1888. 8vo, 17pp. (On cover: Co. A, 25th SC, Hampton Legion, Co. B, 25th SC) (WW 250)
  • Washington Light Infantry, of South Carolina “Proceedings on the occasion of unveiling the monument erected in memory, Oration by General Wade Hampton.” Charleston, SC, Walker Evans, 1870. (WW 251a)
  • Washington, Ella General Washington’s swords and Campaign Equipment.” Mount Vernon, Va. 62pp. 1948. (WW 255a)
  • Waters, Willard O. “Confederate Imprints in the Henry E. Huntington Library unrecorded in previously published bibliographies of such material.” Chicago: University of Chicago Pr. (1930) 8vo, 18-109pp. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, v.23, pt. 1, 1929. (WW 263)
  • Watford, W.H. “The Far-Western Wing of the Rebellion, 1861-1865.” In California Historical Society Q., June 1955. (WW 264a)
  • Watts, Dabney W. “Civil War battles in Winchester & Frederick County, Va, 1861-1865.” See title. (WW 290a)
  • Wayland, John Walter “The Battle of New Market. Memorial address, 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of New Market, Va., May 15, 1926.” New Market, Va. Henkel Print, 1926. 8vo, 24pp. (WW 299)
  • Weatherford, W.D. “James Dunwoody Brownson DeBow. “Southern Sketches, #3, 1st series.” Charlottesville, Va, Historical Pub., 1935. 8vo, 49pp. (WW 310)
  • Weaver, Richard M. “Lee the Philosopher.” In: Georgia Review, Fall 1948, v.II, p. 297-303. (WW 316)
  • Webb, William A. “Southern Poetry, 1849-1881.” In: South Atlantic Quart. (WW 321a)
  • Weeks, Stephen Beauregard “The University of North Carolina in the Civil War.” An address delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Opening of the Institution June 5, 1895.” Richmond: Wm. Ellis Jones, 1896, reprinted from the Southern Historical Society Paper, v.xxiv, 8vo, 38pp., p. 1-38. (WW 336)
  • Weinert, Richard P. “The Confederate Regular Army.” Military Affairs: (1962), p. 97-107. (WW 344)
  • Weller, Jack “Nathan Bedford Forrest: an analysis of untutored military genius, 1861-1865.” In: Tenn. HQ, Sept. 1959, v.XVIII, p. 213-251. (WW 357)
  • Wells, Charles F. “The Battle of Griswoldville (Ga), Georgia’s Gettysburg.” Macon, Ga. (C.1960) 8vo, 24pp., battle map of area, town list. (WW 379)
  • Welsh, John R. “William Gilmore Simms. Critic of the South.” (Lexington, KY) JSH, May 1960, v.XXVI, #2, p. 201-214. (WW 396)
  • Weltner, Charles Longstreet “Reflections of the War.” In: Ga. Rev., 1961, Summer, v.XV, #2, p. 144-158. At end: Robert E. Lee; an ode, by Chs. Eator. (WW 399)
  • West Virginia “Lincoln and the Political question: The creation of the staff of West Virginia.” By Michael P. Riccards. (WW 426a)
  • West, James Durham “The Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment-CSA.” In: TennHM, Oct. 1921. (Issued Aug. 1923) v.VII, #3, p. 180-193. Includes sketch of Rev. Jas. D. West, DD, by Elizabeth Howard West. (WW 465)
  • Westmoreland Association “The land of George Washington and Robert E. Lee” Montroos, Va. 32pp. (WW 471a)
  • Whilden, Mary S. “Recollections of the War, 1861-1865.” Columbia, Sc, The State Co., 1911. 8vo, 20pp. Lived thru Sherman’s burning spree. (WW 529)
  • White, Elijah Veirs “History of the Battle of Ball’s Bluff, fought on Oct. 21, 1861.” Leesburg, Va (c.1902) The Washington Print. 8vo, 24pp. “Dedicated to Loudoun Chap. UDC, Leesburg, Va, Benefit Monument to be erected in Leesburg to the Confederate Soldiers of Loudon.” White was a member of the CSA Engineers Corp. (WW 538)
  • White, Ellsberry Valentine “The first iron clad naval engagement n the world; history of facts of the great naval battle between the Merrimac-Virginia, CSN and the Erricsson Monitor USN, Hampton Roads, Mar. 8&9, 1862.” (Portsmouth?, Va., c. 1906) Report of battle by Commd. Of “Gassendi” French man-of-war, p. 15-21. 4to, 24pp. (WW 539)
  • White, Mary Virginia Saunders “Robert E. Lee.” Written for the Folio Club of Cleveland, 1935. 8vo, 24pp. (WW 556)
  • White, William W. Pierre “A Rosts Mission to Europe, 1861-1863.” Louisiana History 1961. V.2, p. 322-331. (WW 573b)
  • White House of the Confederacy Alabama and Richmond. (WW 574b)
  • Whitsitt, William Heth “Genealogy of Jefferson Davis: address delivered Oct. 9, 1908, before Lee Camp #1, Confederate Veterans.” Richmond, Va. Everett Waddy Co., 1908. 8vo, 16pp. (McElroy Bibliog.) (WW 587)
  • Whittington, G.P. “Thomas Overton Moore, Gov. Of Louisiana, 1860-1864.” New Orleans: 1930, v.XIII, p. 5-31. Louisiana Hist. Quart. (WW 592)
  • “Who Burnt Columbia?” Part 1, Official Depositions of Wm. Tecumseh Sherman “General of the Army of the US” and Gen. O.O. Howard, USA, for the defense; and extracts from some of the depositions for the claimants, filed in certain claims vs US, pending before “the claims vs US, pending before “the mixed commission on British and American Claims”, in Washington, DC” Part 2 will contain the Rebuttal Testimony yet to be taken.” 1873. Charleston, SC, Walker, Evans & Cogswell, 16mo, 121pp. (WW 601)
  • Wiard, Norman “Communication of Norman Wiard on the subject of great guns.” (WW 606b)
  • Wickham, Henry T. “Address delivered before the Joint Session of the General Assembly of Virginia, Feb.23, 1940.” Richmond Senate, #10, 1940, 15pp. (WW 607a)
  • Wiley, Bell Irvin “Southern reaction to Federal invasion, 1861-1865.” In: Jour. South. Hist., Nov. 1950, v.XVI, p. 491-510. (WW 665)
  • Wiley, Bell Irvin “A time of greatness.” In: Jour. South. Hist., Feb. 1956, v.XXII, notes, p. 3-35. Character of soldiers who wrote home thousands of letters and in many diaries read by Wiley. (WW 670)
  • Wiley, Bell Irvin “Why Georgia should commemorate the Civil War.” Atlanta, Ga., Dept. State Parks (c. 1960) 8vo, 24pp. (WW 672)
  • Wiley, Bell Irvin “Why Georgia should commemorate the Civil War.” (White Cover) Dist. By Nationwide Insurance, Columbus, Ohio. (WW 672a)
  • Williams, Fannie R. “Why North Carolina claims designer of first flag of the Confederacy, Stars and Bars.” Newton, NC, c.1935. 4to, 6pp. Mimeograph. Issued by NC Div., UDC. That Orren Randolph Smith designed the CSA flag. See: Albert L. Cox, Maj. Edgar E. Hume, and Nicola Marschall. (WW 707)
  • Williams, John Sharp “In honor of Jefferson Davis.” New Orleans Times-Picayone, 1927. (WW 725a)
  • Williamsburg, Battle of “Magruder-Ewell Camp, CV, List of wounded at Williamsburg, Va., May 6, 1862.” In: SHSP, 1896, v.24, p. 172-175. See: John Bratton, Salem Dutcher, Duncan McRae, Richard L. Maury. (WW 760)
  • Wimsatt, Josephine Cleary “Recollections.” Tietsin (China) 1926. 8vo, 26pp. Little girl’s memoirs of Civil War life in Wash., DC, rural Virginia. (WW 823)
  • Wingfield, Marshall “Old Straight, a sketch of the Life and Campaigns of Lieutenant General Alexander P. Stewart, CSA.” In: THQ, 1944, v.III, p. 99-130. (WW 837)
  • Winningham, David, Mrs. “Sam Houston and Slavery.” In: Texana, Summer, 1965, v.III, #2, p. 93-104. (WW 848)
  • Winston, Robert Watson “A Revel Colonel: His Strange Career.” (WW 854a)
  • Winton, George P. “Nathan Bedford Forrest.” (WW 855a)
  • Wintz, William D., ed. “Civil War memoirs of two rebel sisters.” (WW 855b)
  • Wirz, Henry, Capt. “The Trial and death of Henry Wirz, with other matters pertaining thereto.” Raleigh, NC, E.M. Uzzell and Co., 1908. 8vo, 62pp. “Location of the Wirz Monument.” In: CV, 1907, v.15, p. 17; Decision: Andersonville. UCV, 1906, v.14, p. 445-453, 489-490, 558-559. (WW 859a)
  • Wise, Henry Alexander “Richmond Light Infantry Blues: Speech of War roll, Roll of Honorary Members and Present Roll of the Company.” Richmond, Va., 1874, Clemmitt and Jones. 8vo, 36pp. (WW 869)
  • Wise, Jennings Cropper “The Boy Gunners of Lee.” Before R.E. Lee Camp #1, Confederate Veterans. Richmond, Dec. 1, 1916. In: SHSP, Oct. 1917, v.XLII, p. 152-173. Also: F.A.J., May-June, 1923, xiii, p. 183-184, 346-355. (WW 871)
  • Wise, John S. “A modern Greek.” In: Bob Taylor’s Magazine, pp 258-272. (WW 881a)
  • Wise, John Sergeant “The West Point of the Confederacy. Boys battle of New Market, Va., May 15, 1864.” In: Cent., Nov. 1888, v.15, p. 461-71. In: CV, May 1915, vXXIII, p. 212-218. (WW 882)
  • Womack, J.J., Capt. “The Civil War Diary of Co. E, 16th Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers (Confederate).” McMinniville, Tenn., Womack Printing Co., 1961. 8vo, 115pp. IBM set. (WW 905)
  • Women of the Confederate States See: Wm. R. Aylett, Thos. C. Deleon, Mrs. John Randolph Eggleston, Wm. E. Gonzales, Dabney H. Maury, Joel Chandler Harris. (WW 906)
  • Wood, John Taylor, Col., CSA “Confederate Commerce-Destroyers the “Tallahassee’s” dash into New York waters.” In: Cent. Mag., 1898, v.LVI, p. 408-417. (WW 914)
  • Wood, Robert J., Lieut.-Gen. “Lee’s Lessons in Leadership.” In: Official Army Info. Digest, US Army Mag., Aug. 1961, p. 10-21. Address before the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, Eng. (WW 919)
  • Woods, Michael Leonard, Col. “Personal Reminiscences of Col. Albert James Pickett.” (From Transactions, 1899-1903, v.IV) Alabama Historical Society, reprint #27. Montgomery, Alabama, 1904. 8vo, p. 597-611, n.p., n.d., reprint. (1967)
  • Woodward, Thomas E., Major “Address delivered before the Survivors Association of the Sixth Regiment SCV, at Chester, SC, Aug. 9, 1882; Fort Sumter to Dranesville.” Columbia, SC, Presbyterian Pub., 1883, 8vo, 32pp. Trumbull IV, 166. (WW 950)
  • Wooster, Ralph A. “The Secession of the Lower South: an Examination of Changing Interpretation.” In: CWH, June 1961, v.VII, #2, p. 117-127. (WW 973)
  • Wooten, Fred T., Jr. “Religious activities in Civil War Memphis.” In: THQ, June 1944, v.III, 19pp, p. 131-149, 248-272. (WW 979)
  • Worley, Ted R. “The Arkansas Peace Society of 1861: A study in mountain Unionism.” (Lexington, KY) JSH, Nov. 1958, v.XXIV, #4, p. 445-456. Largely CSA in the mountain area Ark. (WW 983)
  • Wright, David Minton “Expunged from the record.” David Minton Wright, M.D., 1809-1863. A reprint from the “Richmond News”, Richmond, Va., Fri. May 10, 1901.” Mexico City, Privately Printed, 1925. Reprinted in: Tyler QHGM, Apr. 1948, v.29, p. 281-284. On execution of Dr. Wright at Norfolk, Va., Oct. 23, 1863. See: Dr. L.B. Anderson. (WW 1011)
  • Wright, Howard C., Lieut. “Port Hudson. Its History from an interior point of view. As sketched from the diary of an officer. St. Francisville (1937) Democrat, Lieut. Howard C. Wright 1863.” Baton Rouge, reprinted 1961. (1st edt. 1937) Foreword: Charles East. 8vo, Pub. Apr. 15, 1961, by the Comm. For the preservation of the Port Hudson Battlefield, in an edition of 400 copies. Note: First pub. Serially in New Orleans- “Daily True Delta.” Anon., and later reproduced in a single issue of “The Weekly True Delta”, Sept. 5, 1863. (WW 1015)
  • Wright, James W.A. “Bragg’s campaign around Chattanooga.” In: SB, v.II, p. 461-468, 543-549. (1886/1887) (WW 1017)
  • Wright, Louis Wigfall “Memories of the Beginning and the End of the Southern Confederacy.” (Dallas, Texas), The Highlands Historical Press, facsimile, n.d. (1965) 8vo, 14pp. Originally appeared in McClure’s Magazine, Jan. 1904. (WW 1022)
  • Wright, Marcus Joseph, Brig.-Gen. “Diary of Brig.-Gen. Marcus J. Wright, CSA, Apr. 23, 1861-Feb. 26, 1863.” (N.p.,n.d., c. 1935) 8vo, 8pp. (WW 1030)
  • Wright, V.C. & Land Payne “The Battle of Chalk Bluff which occurred during the Civil War, may 1 & 2, 1863. Battle location: 4 miles NW of St. Francis, Ark., 4 miles SW of Campbell, Mo., other early historical events about NE Ark., and SE Missouri.” Piggott, Arkansas 1953. 8vo, 17pp, 9-17. (WW 1058)
  • Wyeth, John Allan, Dr. “Lieut..-Col. Forrest at Fort Donnelson.” In: Harper’s New Monthly Mag., 1898/1899, XCVIII, p. 339-354. (WW 1078)
  • Wyeth, John Allan, Dr. “Pursuit and capture of Streight’s Raiders.” In: Harper’s Mag., Aug. 1899, v.99, p. 435-448. See: Rucker Agee, D.H. Maury, Nathan Bedford Forrest. (WW 1082)
  • Wyeth, John Allan, Dr. “Cold cheer at Camp Morton.” In: Cent. Apr. 1891, v.19, p. 844-52. See: W.R. Holloway & rejoinder. (WW 1086a)
  • Wyld, James “The United States and relative position of Northern States and Southern Confederated States.” London(c.1861) Few contemporary maps showed CSA as a separate nation. (WW 1088)