Marshall University offers a wide variety of health and wellness programming and services to aid our students in maintaining optimal health while on campus. Whether you’re coming down with a cold or feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and stress, our student health services will provide you with the right resources to get you where you need to be.
The counseling center provides support and assistance to develop students’ personal growth, academic success, and mental health.
The Marco’s Meal Share initiative gives students the opportunity to share meal swipes online with other students at Marshall. Students experiencing food insecurity are able to request and receive meals through Student Affairs.
Healthy relationships at every level are essential to emotional development, physical well-being, and academic success. Marshall offers a vast array of resources and contacts for students.
Student Health Services are provided by Marshall Health on the first floor of the Marshall University Medical Center, located beside Cabell Huntington Hospital.
At Marshall University, our concern for the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff is always a top priority. We offer a vast array of resources to provide a safe living/learning environment to our students.
At Marshall, we understand that true success encompasses more than just academic achievement; it involves a commitment to personal growth, mental health, and overall wellness. The Wellness Center offers a variety of programs ranging from online seminars, and support groups, to in-person classes and trainings.
Emalee Park, Coordinator of Violence Prevention & Response
Alyssa Hager, Coordinator of Violence Prevention & Response