A Student Conduct Hearing plays an integral role in resolving allegations of violation of the Student Code of Conduct. It ensures that students are given the opportunity to have their matters heard by a representative body of Marshall University constituents. The panel is comprised of students, faculty, and staff who are trained in the Student Conduct process as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Respondent’s Rights
- An opportunity to present any evidence on their behalf, including, but not limited to, papers, letters, photographs, cards, tapes, medical reports, and/or recordings that are relevant to the misconduct alleged in the complaint.
- An opportunity to present witnesses on their behalf and the opportunity to question any other witnesses either in person or via alternate methods, such as video conferencing.
- An opportunity to challenge the Hearing Board members for bias.
- An opportunity to have legal counsel present at their own expense.
- Adequate time to prepare for the hearing.
The Hearing Panel
A group of students, faculty and staff assist the Office of Student Conduct in hearing cases of appealed sanctions. The board is comprised of many people that serve two roles: justices and advocates.
For information on how to become a student, faculty or staff justice please see the Becoming a Justice page.
Professional staff members are available to assist advocates in preparing cases.
Hearing Board Decision
The Respondent will be notified within three (3) business days of the hearing of the Hearing Board’s decision. If a sanction is imposed, this letter will include a statement of the Respondent’s right to appeal to the Vice President of Intercultural/Student Affairs.