Graduate Oral Presentations and Performances

Schedule – Saturday, April 8th

Session 1-A: Drinko Library, Atrium (3rd Floor) — 10:15am-11:00am

  1. An exploration of American composer, Gwyneth Walker, as heard in the Song Cycle Mornings Innocent
    College of Arts and Media
    Graduate GO-1 Presenter: Renee Knapp,
    Musical Performance
  2. The Effects of Cumulative and Anticipatory Grief as seen in Gustav Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder
    College of Arts and Media
    Graduate GO-2 Presenter: Cadence Weaver,
    Oral Presentation

Session 1-B: Memorial Student Center, Shawkey Dining Room (2nd Floor) — 10:15am-11:00am

  1. Do Effective Management Control Systems (MCS) Unlock Increased Profitability on Bank
    Technology Investments?
    College of Business
    Graduate GO-3 Presenter: Marjorie Abney,
    Online Presentation
  2. CSR-contingent executive compensation incentives link to real earnings management as moderated by board gender diversity
    College of Business
    Graduate GO-4 Presenter: Rachel Brassine,
    Online Presentation

Session 1-C: Memorial Student Center, 2W16B (2nd Floor) — 10:15am-11:00am

  1. Mapping Health Inequities: The Case for Investing in Spatial Epidemiology and Analysis in Rural Healthcare during the Post-COVID Era
    College of Business
    Graduate GO-5 Presenter: Paris Johson,
    Oral Presentation
  2. Impact Of Covid-19 On Routine Childhood Immunizations In The United States
    College of Business
    Graduate GO-6 Presenter: Patricia Lewis,
    Online Presentation

Session 2-A: Memorial Student Center, John Spotts Room (2nd Floor) — 11:15am-12:00pm

  1. Investigation of the Influence of Nylon-6 and Nylon-66 on the Mechanical Performance of Composite Bone Scaffolds
    College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
    Graduate GO-8 Presenter: Brandon Coburn,
    Oral Presentation
  2. Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of 3D-Microfabricated PLGA-CPO Bone Tissue Scaffolds College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
    Graduate GO-9 Presenter: Ethan OMalley,
    Oral Presentation

Session 2-B: Memorial Student Center, Shawkey Dining Room (2nd Floor) — 11:15am-12:00pm

  1. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: An Update On The Cost And Length Of Stay Associated With Available Treatment Options
    College of Business
    Graduate GO-7 Presenter: Patricia Lewis,
    Online Presentation
  2. Dry Needling with Electrical Stimulation vs. Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation in Quadriceps Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
    College of Health Professions
    Graduate GO-10 Presenter: Chibuike Obinnakwelu,
    Oral Presentation

Session 2-C: Memorial Student Center, 2W16B (2nd Floor) — 11:15am-12:00pm

  1. Characterizing the Unexplainable: Examinations of Trauma in Once There Were Wolves
    College of Liberal Arts
    Graduate GO-11 Presenter: Britney Cox,
    Oral Presentation
  2. InvestigationofMorphologicalDifferencesBetweenTardigradeCryptobiosesUsingScanningElectron and Confocal Microscopy
    College of Science
    Graduate GO-12Presenter: Brendin Flinn,
    Oral Presentation

Session 3-A: Memorial Student Center, John Spotts Room (2nd Floor) — 1:45pm-2:30pm

  1. Visualization of Ignitable Liquid Residues on Burned Substrates Using the Foster+Freeman Crime-lite® AUTO
    College of Science
    Graduate GO-13 Presenter: Kaylee Morton,
    Oral Presentation

Session 3-B: Memorial Student Center, Shawkey Dining Room (2nd Floor) — 1:45pm-2:30pm

  1. Vaping Flavoring Agents Induce Cellular Stress Responses in Human Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells
    School of Medicine
    Graduate GO-15 Presenter: Ashley Cox,
    Oral Presentation
  2. Identification And Analysis Of Antimicrobial Compounds From A Model Moss Ceratodon Purpureus
    School of Medicine
    Graduate GO-16 Presenter: Ashley Dague,
    Oral Presentation

Session 3-C: Memorial Student Center, 2W16B (2nd Floor) — 1:45pm-2:30pm

  1. Thymidine phosphorylase is a potential target for reducing SARS-CoV-2-associated thrombosis and inflammation
    School of Medicine
    Graduate GO-17 Presenter: Renat Roytenberg,
    Oral Presentation
  2. New insights into the role of the IGF-1 pathway in diet-induced bone elongation
    School of Medicine
    Graduate GO-18 Presenter: Cassaundra White,
    Oral Presentation

Session 4-A: Memorial Student Center, John Spotts Room (2nd Floor) — 2:45pm-3:30pm

  1. Western Diet Induces Bone Marrow Cytokine Signatures That Increase Cell Frequency In MDS- susceptible Mice
    School of Pharmacy
    Graduate GO-19 Presenter: Meredith Kesler,
    Oral Presentation
  2. Increasing the efficacy of actinomycin D with resveratrol
    School of Pharmacy
    Graduate GO-20 Presenter: Raji Lukmon,
    Oral Presentation

Session 4-B: Memorial Student Center, Shawkey Dining Room (2nd Floor) — 2:45pm-3:30pm

  1. Pharmacodynamic Interactions of Vancomycin and Disulfiram (Antabuse®) in Staphylococcus aureus
    School of Pharmacy
    Graduate GO-21 Presenter: Yogesh Meka,
    Oral Presentation
  2. Effects of Disulfiram on the Metabolome of MRSA
    School of Pharmacy
    Graduate GO-23 Presenter: Surya Teja Naidu,
    Oral Presentation

Session 4-C: Memorial Student Center, 2W16B (2nd Floor) — 2:45pm-3:30pm

  1. On 2-Primitive Triangle Decompositions of Cocktail Party Graphs
    College of Science
    Graduate GO-24 Presenter: Ian Waddell,
    Oral Presentation

Contact Us

Photo of Philippe Georgel

Dr. Philippe Georgel

Director, Office of Student Research