
-24th Annual COLA Research & Creativity Conference, April 23 &24, 2025

– REMINDER: Undergraduate Research Day 2025, Tuesday March 25, 2025 (9:00 to 11:30am)


Link to Submit a 2025 URDC Abstract:

The deadline for submission is Friday, November 22, 2024, at 11:59 p.m

It is increasingly important that the West Virginia Higher Education community work to ensure that those in State government, who provide substantial funding for higher education, have a clear understanding of the programs they fund and why these programs are important. Scholarly activities (undergraduate research and creative endeavors) must be among those programs that members of the West Virginia State Legislature understand if it is to continue to enjoy support.

For many disciplines, scholarly activities are an essential component of the university educational experience. Nothing more effectively demonstrates the value of these activities than the words and stories of the student participants themselves. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 9-11:30 a.m., the Twentieth Annual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (URDC) will take place in the West Virginia State Capitol Rotunda (  This event features posters on research/creative endeavors from student attendees of colleges and universities around the state and will help members of the WV State Legislature and Executive Branch understand the importance of undergraduate scholarly activities by providing members with an opportunity to speak directly with the students whom these programs impact.  Directly after the poster session, students and their faculty mentors are invited to lunch at the nearby Culture Center (1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25305; see website
(  Attendees can expect the luncheon event to end before 2:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol is sponsored by West Virginia State UniversityWest Virginia UniversityMarshall University, and University of Charleston.

Explain the research or creative work that was performed in plain language. The abstract title is limited to 14 words and the abstract itself to 250 words (150-250 words). The abstract title should be grammatically correct, accurate and convey maximum information. In addition, use title words that can be comprehended by the general public. Within the abstract, discuss the importance of the research or creative work to the discipline and to society (i.e., What larger problem were you trying to solve or understand?). Please keep in mind that your abstract is intended for individuals who will not be experts in your field. It is not a professional meeting abstract. Students should work with their faculty research mentors in fashioning abstracts (i.e., obtain mentor feedback and approval before submission).

For those students who intend to use a presentation previously presented at a disciplinary meeting, the abstract submitted for this event may be different.

Some capability exists for including graphics in the abstract. In this case, submit a standard text abstract on the application form and, in a separate email to,send your abstract with the graphics properly located on the page. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Link to Submit a 2025 URDC Abstract:

The deadline for submission is Friday, November 22, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. No late submissions will be accepted. Students selected for participation will be notified in early January 2025.

To summarize:

  • Submission Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024
  • Notification Date: Early January 2025
  • Event date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

23rd Annual COLA Research & Creativity Conference on April 10-11 2024 from 9:15 am to 4:00pm (Drinko Library)


Computer Science Symposium on Emerging Technologies (CSSET) on April 18 2024 from 9:00am to 1:00pm in the Engineering Building (see details at

College of Science Research Expo 2024 (April 19, 2024 from 9:00 to 11:00am)

Abstracts submission due by March 14, 2024 can be found at:

– Screening of the documentary “Canary, the fight for our future begins at 18,000 feet.

Dr. Ellen Thompson and Dr. Lennie Thompson whose work is highlighted in the documentary will be present during the presentation to answer any questions related to their discoveries.

April 4th, 2024 at 3:00pm in the Don Morris Room, Second Floor of the Student Memorial Center

– The Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (URDC) was held on Thursday February 22, 2024.

                                     Students, Mentors and Marshall Representatives.

The 21st edition of the annual West Virginia Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (URDC) was held on February 22, 2024. Marshall University was represented by 40 selected undergraduate student researchers from the College of Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science, the School of Medicine Biomedical Science program, College of Health Professions, College of Business, and the College of Liberal Arts. Members of the State Legislature and Executive branch, Faculty and Administrators form all participating schools were present to interact with the selected students who presented their research posters.

On behalf of the University and the Office of Student Research, we would like to offer a special thank you to our steering committee (Dr. Holly Cyphert, College of Science and Dr. Ross Salary, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences) for their involvement in the selection of students presenting at this year’s Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol.

The event was sponsored by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (Science Technology & Research), West Virginia University, West Virginia State University, University of Charleston, the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, and the Marshall University Office of Student Research.

Information related to all the students who participated and presented in this event is available on the web page of the Office of Student  Research ( ). Additional photos can be seen at:

Marshall Business Research Conference (Virtual Conference, November 3, 2023)

          Catalyzing Success in a Era of Transformation: Navigating Today’s Business landscape

Conference Registration at:

– College of Science Research Expo has been postponed (new date to be announced later).

35th Annual Health Sciences Research Day (November 10, 2023 from 8:00am to 5:00pm) Location: Marshall University Medical Center Atrium

Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (UDRC), Thursday February 22, 2024

Marshal University contacts for information on abstracts are: Dr. Holly Cyphert, Department of Biological Sciences ( and Dr. Ross Salary (, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

More information available at

Link to Submit a 2024 URDC Abstract (Deadline for submission is Friday, November 17, 2023):

SAVE THE DATE: 3rd Annual Student Research & Creativity Symposium – April 4-5, 2024


45th Annual International Asilomar Chromatin, Chromosomes, and Epigenetics Conference (ACCEC 2023, December 7-10, 2023)

Keynote Speakers:
-Carol Chen, University of British Columbia
-Carmella A. Haynes, Emory University
-Jerry Workman, Stowers Institute for Medical Research

To register, follow the links in the poster below.

– UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH DAY 2023, February 10, 2023

List of Participants

Kate Perkins (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Lydia Bogomolnaya
Generation of bioluminescent Serratia marcescens
Emma Barrett (Culloden, WV) Faculty Advisor: Joon Shim
Effect of 1-min spin on human endothelial cells at the vertical spin tunnel
Joshua Conrad (Evans, WV) Faculty Advisor: Nasim Nosoudi
Inducing Chondrogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Through Electrospraying
Smara Sigdel (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Ji Bihl
The protective effects of exercise on cerebral ischemia injury in diabetes.
Seth Jude (Delbarton, WV) Faculty Advisor: Mark Timmons
Medial Joint Space Width Can Be Reliably Measured During the Anterior Medial
Rotation Test
Isabella Gharib (Charleston, WV) Faculty Advisor: Frank Annie
The Effect of the COVID-19 Vaccines on Individuals Who Develop Incidences of Non
traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhages
Tessa Gardner (St. Albans, WV) Faculty Advisor: Masudur Rahman
Development of a Rapid, Portable, and Inexpensive Biosensor Device to Detect Sepsis
Kaitlyn Legg (Charleston, WV) Faculty Advisor: Roozbeh (Ross) Salary
Design, Synthesis, and 3D-Biofabrication of Bone Tissue Scaffolds for the Treatment of
Bone Pathology
Chloe Duckworth (Flat Top, WV) Faculty Advisor: Nasim Nosoudi
Effect of Ellagic Acid and Retinoic Acid on Elastin and Collagen Production in HDFs
Raegan Halley (McLeansboro, IL) Faculty Advisor: Joon Shim
Modeling Aortic Phantoms and Lynch Coils in 3-Dimensional Experimental and Computational Domain
Khaled El-Shazly (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Laura McCunn
Characterization Of 4-Pyrone Thermal Decomposition Products Via Matrix-Isolation Ft-Ir
Darshan Sangani (Charleston, WV) Faculty Advisor: John Markiewicz
Preparation and physical properties of dyes based on 2H,10H-anthra[1,9,8-c,d,e,f]-2,7-naphthyridine-1,6,11-trione
Miranda Simpson (Lesage, WV) Faculty Advisor: Sanghoon Lee
Predicting Timing and Location of HABs on the Ohio River using Machine Learning
Nicole Adkins (Barboursville, WV) Faculty Advisor: Sanghoon Lee
Interactive multimodal cancer data integration on histopathology and radiology
Joshua Maddy (South Charleston, WV) Faculty Advisor: Husnu Narman
Virtual Reality Museum Application for the Arts
Hannah Vitalos (Inwood, WV) Faculty Advisor: Sanghoon Lee
A comprehensive survey of deep learning algorithms in digital pathology
Claire Fulks (Ona, WV) Faculty Advisor: Sukjoon Na
A Parametric Study of 3D Printing for Recycled HDPE and Nanoclay Composite Filaments.
Alexa Hoffman (Ona, WV) Faculty Advisor: Jayanta Debnath
Design and implementation of a very low power and high voltage AC power supply for Biomedical applications
Andrew Ball (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Sungmin Youn
Study on compressive strength of Portland cement concrete with activated carbon
Dustin Darnell (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Mark Timmons
Medial Knee Joint Width Differs Between the Valgus Stress and Anterior Medial Rotation Tests
Rileigh Elk (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Mark Timmons
A Bout of Throwing decreases Shoulder Strength and Subacromial Space Width in Inexperienced Throwers.
Hunter Copley (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Mark Timmons
Tibial Rotation Can be Measured Reliably Using a Digital Inclinometer and
Electromagnetic Tracking.
Brettina Jeffers (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Mark Timmons
Repeated Throwing decreases the Stability of the Medial Elbow of Novice Throwers.
Alan Messinger (Huntington, WV) Faculty Advisor: Sean McBride
Functionalization of Polycarbonate Membranes with Anionic Azo Dyes
Layne Assif (Hurricane, WV) Faculty Advisor: Sandrine Pierre
Cardiac-specific Knockout of Na, K-ATPase α1 Blunts Cardiac Hypertrophy in the Mouse

The event was sponsored by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (Science Technology & Research), West Virginia University, West Virginia State University, University of Charleston, the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, and the Marshall University Office of Undergraduate Research.

– Marshall Business Research Conference (Virtual Conference) New deadline for Submission of Abstracts: October 21st 2022

Virtual Conference on November 4, 2022: Business at The Turning Point
No registration cost or attendance fee. The deadline for submission of Abstracts us October 21st 2022 (Submission of abstracts:

– 44th Annual International Asilomar Chromatin, Chromosomes, & Epigenetics Conference

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE DEC 8 – 10, 2022. Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 14,2022
This conference has been historically designed to be friendly to Undergraduate and Graduate students allowing them to present their work. A large number of the Faculty/Researchers who participate had their first student or postdoctoral fellow’s presentation at this venue.


– 2023 Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

Website and submission platform now available at the following address:


It is increasingly important that the West Virginia Higher Education community work to ensure that those in State government, who provide substantial funding for higher education, have a clear understanding of the programs they fund and why these programs are important. Scholarly activities (undergraduate research and creative endeavors) must be among those programs that members of the West Virginia State Legislature understand if it is to continue to enjoy support.
For many disciplines, scholarly activities are an essential component of the university educational experience. Nothing more effectively demonstrates the value of these activities than the words and stories of the student participants themselves. Friday, February 10, 2023, from 9-11:30 a.m., theNineteenth Annual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (URDC) will take place in the West Virginia State Capitol Rotunda ( This event features posters on research/creative endeavors from student attendees of colleges and universities around the state and will help members of the WV StateLegislature and Executive Branch understand the importance of undergraduate scholarly activities by providing members with an opportunity to speak directly with the students whom these programs impact. Directly after the poster session, students and their faculty mentors are invited to lunch at the nearby Culture Center (1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25305; see website
( Attendees can expect the luncheon event to end before 2:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol is sponsored by West Virginia State University, West Virginia University, Marshall University, and University of Charleston



– 34th Annual Health Science Research Day

October 28, 2022 from 8: 00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Marshall University Medical center Atrium

Details regarding abstract’s submission are available through the following links:
Student Submission form:
Mentor Form:
National Symposium for Undergraduate Research (all expenses paid)
Oct. 21-22, 2022
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN

National Symposium for Undergraduate Research
Oct. 21-22, 2022St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN

Dear Colleague,

The National Symposium for Undergraduate Research, hosted by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will be held on October 21-22 in Memphis, TN. This competitive academic event aims to showcase the research of U.S. undergraduates and recent graduates in both poster and short, oral presentation formats.

Eligible applicants must 1) be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, 2) Be enrolled as a junior, senior, postbacc or recent graduate, 3) have an interest in a PhD in the biomedical sciences, and 4) plan to begin a PhD in Fall 2023 or Fall 2024. All STEM disciplines are welcome!

Presenters will also have the opportunity to engage in career and professional development workshops and panel discussions while learning about the cutting-edge research and innovative PhD program in the Biomedical Sciences at St. Jude – all at no cost to the participant!

Please share this amazing opportunity with your students and young alumni, with the hopes that they will apply by September 18.

If you or your mentees have any questions, please let me know. I am happy to help.




Tomalei J. Vess, PhD
Assistant Dean, PhD in Biomedical Sciences
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
262 Danny Thomas Blvd, MS1500
Memphis, Tennessee 38105

Information available by clicking here.

Contact Us

Photo of Philippe Georgel

Dr. Philippe Georgel

Director, Office of Student Research