Marshall students shine!
Student Research Symposium 2024 Program and Schedule
The current version of the Schedule and the list of Abstracts is available through the following QR-Code and links:

For the list of Oral Presentations, use the following QR-Code
2024 Student Research Symposium Program
2024 Student Research Symposium Abstracts
The Screening of the Documentary “Canary” featuring the work from Dr. Ellen Thompson and Dr. Lonnie Thompson will take place on April 4th at 3:00pm (Don Morris room, see “Events” menu for details).
Guest Speakers
“Beyond the Books: Sharing Experiences, Inspiring the Future”
Moderator: Ashlea Krasnansky
Panelists: Makaylah Wheeler, Callia Yang, Justin Tackett, and Jamison Lewis
The 2024 Student Research and Creativity Symposium at Marshall University is scheduled for April 4th and 5th 2024 in the Don Morris Room and the Drinko Atrium (Library, 3rd floor). As in the previous years, we are planning on celebrating the efforts of undergraduate and graduate students for their research and creative activities across all Colleges, Schools, and Programs.
Oral Presentation Sessions
April 4th
Session 1-A (9:45 to 10:45am) Drinko Library Chair: Mark Zanter
UGO-1 Rebecca Law
War! What Is It Good For? Anti-War Music as Advocacy Journalism in the 1960s
UGO-2 Thomas Hartley
Hieronymus Bosch’s Haywain Triptych
UGO-3 Allyson Goodman
An Exploratory Study of Awareness for Cultural Events on a University Campus
Session 1-B (9:45 to 10:45am) Shawkey Room (MSC) Chair: Ross Salary
UGO-7 Christa Belmore
The American Dream is Dead: Drugs, Homelessness, and Poverty in Huntington, West Virginia
UGO-8 Hamzeh Al-Qawasmi
Polypropylene and Glass Fiber Composite Extrusion for Additive Biofabrication of Bone Tissue Scaffolds with Complex Microstructures
UGO-9 Tyler Hebert
Pavement Deformation Characteristics Under Traffic Loads
Session 2-A (11:00 to 12:00 noon) Drinko Library Chair: Vicki Stroeher
UGO-4 Tatyana Reynolds
UGO-5 Joshua Lynch
Clarinet Music by Claude Debussy and Michele Mangani
Session 2-B (11:00 to 12:00 noon) Shawkey Room (MSC) Chair: Alip Borthakur
UGO-10 Neil Loftus
Calculating Above Ground Forest Biomass using Machine Learning with Image Segmentation
UGO-11 Ben Taylor
Autonomous Drones: Multiple Drone Control and Obstacle Avoidance in Obstacle-Deployed Environments
UGO-18 Claire Combs
Studying behavior and cardiometabolic changes in adolescent age vaping Mice
Session 3-A (2:00 to 3:00pm) John Spotts Room (MSC) C Chair: Puspa Damai
UGO-13 Alexis Campbell
Forces of Change: The Evolution of Marshall College Under Political and Economic Pressures
UGO-14 Mars Brown
Motivations for social media use and associations with depression, envy and mindsets
UGO-15 Miriam Crookshanks
Omission and Negligence in Classical Engagement: Implications of Selective Appropriation in Classical Texts
Session 3-B (2:00 to 3:00pm) Shawkey Room (MSC) Chair: Daniel Normandin
UGO-16 Abigail Cunningham
Fleeting Focus, Lasting Impressions: Effects of Attention Span Decline on First Impressions of People Who Stutter
UGO-17 MiKayla Hughes
The Effects of Art Therapy on the Male Brain
UGO-12 Jake Hutchison
Forearm Muscle Pennation Angle Increases During Maximal Grip Contractions
Session 3-C (2:00 to 3:00pm) Room 2W16B (MSC) Chair: Jinju Wang
UGO-6 Jana A. Sherif
Nephrotoxicity Potential of 2,5-Dibromophenol in Isolated Kidney Cells from Fischer 344 Rats
April 5th
Session 1-A (10:15 to 11:00am) Drinko Library Chair: Vicki Stroeher
GO-1 Sean Price
John Carter’s Cantata for Voice and Piano
GO-2 Sean Price
Schubert’s Der Doppelgänger: A Narratological Analysis
Session 1-B 10:15 to 11:00am) Shawkey Room (MSC) Chair: Ross Salary
GO-7 Ethan O’Malley
Convolutional Neural Network Based In Situ Characterization of Extrusion Quality in 3D-Printed Porous Bone Scaffolds
GO-8 Brandon Coburn
Computational Modeling of Material Transport through Bone-Like Scaffolds with Complex Microstructures for Bone Regeneration
Session 1-C (10:15 to 11:00am) John Spotts Room (MSC) Chair: Isaac Larison
GO-6 Isabella Ruggier
Denmark / United States: Pre-Service Teacher Inspirations and Perspectives on Literacy Development in the Elementary Science Classroom
Session 2-A (11:00 to 11:45am) Drinko Library Chair: Vicki Stroeher
GO-3 Tayro Mesquita
The Guitar Music of Villa-Lobos, Brouwer, and Barrios
Session 2-B (11:00 to 11:55am) Shawkey Room (MSC) Chair: Deborah Thurman
GO-10 Jennifer Lewis
“I Could Fail Better Than That”: Meaning, Authorship, and Instability in Tom Phillips’s A Humument
GO-11 Tanier Dutton
Attending the Deficit: Exploring How to Accommodate Students who have ADHD in Writing Centers
Session 2-C (11:00 to 11:55am) John Spotts Room (MSC) Chair: Alip Borthakur
GO-12 Grace Simpson
Intersecting Oppression: Black Experiences with Policing in Appalachia
GO-13 Zoe Pearson
Using Agnew’s General Strain Theory to Understand Recovery
Session 3-A (1:45 to 2:30pm) John Spotts Room (MSC) Chair: Chris Risher
GO-14 Christopher Haser
Development, Testing, and Comparison of Decontamination Methods for Drugs and Ignitable Liquids from Mobile Devices
Session 3-B (1:45 to 2:30pm) Shawkey Room (MSC) Chair: Lauren Waugh
GO-15 Eliane Tsopmegha
Clostridioides difficile toxin B regulates Na-glucose co-transporter 1 (SGLT1) in intestinal epithelial cells.
GO-16 Parvathy Vijayamohana Das
Bioengineering Attenuated Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for Production of Commercial Surfactants
Session 3-C (1:45 to 2:30pm) Room 2W16B (MSC) Chair: Todd Davies
GO-17 Mary Edwards
Working memory deficits as a barrier to workforce readiness in a substance use disorder population.
GO-18 Kayla DeSchepper
Molecular Mechanisms of β-Arrestin Modulated Cannabinoid Tolerance
Session 4-A (2:45 to 3:30pm) John Spotts Room (MSC) Chair: Louise Risher
GO-19 Harshal Sawant
The Effects of High Glucose on the Release of Exosomes From Adipocytes
GO-20 Esther Nyarkoa Mensah
Elucidating the impact of western diet on gut microbiome and gut inflammation in MDS-susceptible
Session 4-B (2:45 to 3:30pm) Shawkey Room (MSC) Chair: Mindy Varney
GO-21 Calvin Covington
Droplet Digital PCR Analysis of Adipokines in Liver Tissue: Insights into Metabolic Regulation
GO-4 Yasaswini Vundavalli
Exploring Teledentistry Implementation Challenges And Overcoming Accessibility Barriers For Underserved Communities.
Virtual sessions
Session 4-C (2:45 to 3:30pm) Room 2W16B (MSC) LCOB/COEPD. Chair: Monisha Gupta
GO-22 Christin Kooti
Perceived Fairness of Performance Evaluations and Its Effect on Employee Retention
GO-23 Laurie Mazelin
An Exploration of Teacher Perception and Practices of Using Assessment Data to Improve Achievement of Equity Student Groups
Session 5-A (3:30 to 4:15pm) John Spotts Room (MSC) Chair: Bill Gardner
GO-24 Christopher Folio
Art Movements, Artists, & Artworks
GO-25 Abby Herring
Life Cycle Explorers: Investigating How Living Things Grow and Change
Session 5-B (3:30 to 4:15pm) Shawkey Room Chair: Ruthann Arneson
GO-26 Mary-Lynn Butcher
Current Literacy Issues in PreK through Grade 12: Action Research Projects in Progress
GO-27 Joseph Jerden
Sketch-to-Stretch: Literacy Strategy to Promote Critical Thinking
Session 5-C (3:30 to 4:15pm Room 2W16B (MSC) Chair: Isaac Larison
GO-28 Joede Weikle
Literacy Strategies to Use in the Science Classroom
GO-29 Summer Grose
Exploring Adult Education: AI as a Solution