The Center for Student Success is located and operates a Learning Hub for students in East Hall. Sharing East Hall with the Intercultural Center and the English Language Institute provides a safe, open and welcoming space for all students to do homework, study, print, or participate in online or virtual classes.

From left to right: Kateryna Schray (Center for Student Success), Shaunte Polk (Intercultural Center), Kae Bradley (English Language Institute.)
East Hall is conveniently located on campus between Gullickson and Prichard Hall, close to the Cam Henderson Center and Freshman North and South Dorms. This provides easy access to resources to assist individuals with their academics while at Marshall. The Learning Hub offers a place for students to study, whether they are looking for a quiet place for themselves or want to study in a group. Students can set up their own groups or come and let us know and we’ll attempt to set up a study group for them! Many times study groups pop-up on their own and have shown tremendous success in their courses during their time at Marshall.

Computer space is also available for anyone needing access to a computer or wanting to dock their laptop and use a monitor for easier viewing. This also makes it an excellent location for commuters looking to complete their homework or virtual class while staying on campus. There will also always be free printing available for all students through the Learning Hub! We also have a small amount of rooms that can be used on request for privacy for online testing or general studying. We have even served as a place to take graduate admissions tests on multiple occasions and are open for any activities students may need for their success.
2,070Total Learning Hub Sign-ins, Spring 2023
394Unique Student Sign-ins, Spring 2023
92%Of the students signed in met goal for Spring 2023 enrollment