Life happens. In many situation, students are not aware of the types of withdrawal from courses available to them at the university. On occasion, a student may need to drop all of their classes and start fresh moving forward. Total Withdrawal means that the student is withdrawing from all courses between the time after the schedule adjustment period has ended and before or on the last Friday before finals.
When you request a Total Withdrawal or reach out with questions, you will be assigned a counselor who has been trained to assist students with this process. Every effort is put toward ensuring you meet with a counselor with whom you already have a personal relationship at Marshall. Your counselor is not there to change or make up your decision, but to help you understand the possible impacts of a Total Withdrawal on you – including your transcript, financial aid and scholarships, housing, and other areas.
Our goal with the Total Withdrawal Counseling program is to put you in touch with a counselor to listen to your concerns and help you determine the best courses of action for you.
When you request a Total Withdrawal or reach out with questions, you will be assigned a counselor who has been trained to assist students with this process. Every effort is put toward ensuring you meet with a counselor with whom you already have a personal relationship at Marshall. Your counselor is not there to change or make up your decision, but to help you understand the possible impacts of a Total Withdrawal on you – including your transcript, financial aid and scholarships, housing, and other areas.
Our goal with the Total Withdrawal Counseling program is to put you in touch with a counselor to listen to your concerns and help you determine the best courses of action for you.
Current Total Withdrawal Counselors:
Bradley Adkins, Student Support Services
Rebekah Agee, College of Liberal Arts
Tricia Agnello, College of Science
Chris Atkins, University College
Bonnie Bailey, Student Support Services
Zach Bailey, University College
Lacie Bittinger, Lewis College of Business
Dean Crawford, College of Health Professions
Sarah Davis, University College
Hannah Dillenbeck, Lewis College of Business
Toni Ferguson, College of Education and Professional Development
Sheila Fields, Mid-Ohio Valley Center
Justin Fleming, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Trish Gallagher, University College
Caylin France, Student Support Services
Nate Hensley, Program for Students with ASD
Bradley Adkins, Student Support Services
Rebekah Agee, College of Liberal Arts
Tricia Agnello, College of Science
Chris Atkins, University College
Bonnie Bailey, Student Support Services
Zach Bailey, University College
Lacie Bittinger, Lewis College of Business
Dean Crawford, College of Health Professions
Sarah Davis, University College
Hannah Dillenbeck, Lewis College of Business
Toni Ferguson, College of Education and Professional Development
Sheila Fields, Mid-Ohio Valley Center
Justin Fleming, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Trish Gallagher, University College
Caylin France, Student Support Services
Nate Hensley, Program for Students with ASD
Jacob Longoria, College of Science
Greg Michaelson, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Susan Midkiff, College of Arts and Media
Kelli Price, College of Health Professions
Jay Rader, Center for Student Success
Tammy Reynolds, College of Liberal Arts
Kandice Rowe, College of Education and Professional Development
Kateryna Schray, Center for Student Success
Sara Simpson, College of Science
Kathryn Smith, Student Affairs
Robyn Stafford, University College
Robin Taylor, University College
Leah Tolliver, Student Affairs
Sean Tuttle, Athletic Department
Sabrina Williamson, Lewis College of Business