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FAQ for Parents

  1. How can I get information on my student’s program?
  2. Can I visit my student while they are abroad?
  3. How can I keep in touch with my student?
  4. What documents are needed to travel abroad?
  5. Who is responsible for making travel arrangements?
  6. What is the difference between exchange programs and direct programs?
  7. What are the requirements to study abroad?
  8. Will my student receive academic credit that transfers back to Marshall? Can they still graduate on time?
  9. Is there any kind of pre-departure orientation?

    1. How can I get information on my student’s program?
      Under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, institutions may not release information regarding students to anyone, including parents. For more information on FERPA please refer to the Marshall Student Handbook, page 7. Please speak with your child and use the resources provided for the most up-to-date information on your student’s program. Be sure to have your student’s itinerary and contact information.
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    1. Can I visit my student while they are abroad?
      Yes, time arrangements need to be made with your student. Be sure to have all necessary documentation for your trip. Remember that students studying abroad are not on a vacation, they still must attend classes and complete assignments. Vacation breaks and at the conclusion of the experience are the best times to visit.
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    1. How can I keep in touch with my student?
      Refer to SA Handbook for information regarding cell phones, email, and information on Skype. Skype is the cheapest and usually the most convenient way to stay in contact through the computer.
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    1. What documents are needed to travel abroad?
      Students will need a passport; they currently cost $100 and students can apply for them at the post office. In most cases the students will also need a visa or resident permit, this is country specific. Students will receive information regarding their travel documents prior to departing, they often times may need to travel to apply for these documents in person.
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    1. Who is responsible for making travel arrangements?
      It is the sole responsibility of the student to make their travel arrangements. Our office can provide them with useful tips and affordable companies to help them, but we are not responsible for booking their flights.
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    1. What is the difference between exchange programs and direct programs?
      An exchange program is where the student pays their tuition and sometimes room and board all to Marshall but studies at an overseas university. A direct program is where the student pays their tuition and fees directly to the overseas university.
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    1. What are the requirements to study abroad?
      Students must complete their first year of university, have a GPA of a 2.75 or higher, and not be in any kind of disciplinary or academic probation or suspension.
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    1. Will my student receive academic credit that transfers back to Marshall? Can they still graduate on time?
      Prior to departure your student will sit down with their academic advisor and choose which courses would be best for the student to take while abroad. These courses are approved and once taken and the transcript is received, they will be transferred into their Marshall transcript. Provided the student plans ahead they should have no trouble graduating on time.
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  1. Is there any kind of pre-departure orientation?
    Yes, there is a study abroad orientation every semester. Parents are welcome to attend, be sure to ask your student for the time and place of orientation or contact the office.
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Contact Us

Telephone: 304-696-6229


Office of Global Education

Old Main 105

1 John Marshall Drive

Huntington, WV 25755