Upward Bound Marshall University Summer Program
The six-week summer component of the Upward Bound program is a very essential part of guaranteeing student success in high school and building a solid foundation for a post-secondary degree. Participation is mandatory unless a release is requested and granted. You can stay up-to-date on the latest Summer Program information and other Upward Bound news at our Facebook page Upward Bound Marshall-University.
The Summer Program is packed full of educational and cultural enrichment activities! Students are given a head start for the upcoming academic year with educational core classes including:
- Math
- Science
- Literature/Composition
- Foreign Language
Afternoon cultural enrichment classes may include:
- Fitness
- Fine Arts
- Physics
- Life Skills/ Etiquette
- Dance
Evening activities may include:
- Marshall University Faculty Presentations
- Career Presentations
- Team Challenge Groups
- Swimming
- Bowling
- Cultural Activities
- Escape Room
- Pottery Place
- Movie Theater
- and more
Students also participate in a state-wide Upward Bound Day competition usually held at a different state institution each year. Our students will interact with other Upward Bound Program students in various academic, artistic, athletic and fun activities!
The summer also includes a trip out of town. Past trips have included:
- Atlanta, GA
- Williamsburg, VA
- Washington, DC
- New York City, NY
- Niagara Falls
If You Can’t Participate
We will negotiate summer plans with you if ALL of the following criteria are met:
- Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
- Consistently attend academic year activities
- Follow UB Guidelines/Rules/Timetable
- Maintain a positive attitude
All attendance situations are considered by the Upward Bound staff on a case-by-case basis.
More Photos on Facebook
Summer Program 2023 Advisor Application