At University College, we provide essential learning support services and transitional programs to all Marshall University students. Our mission is to equip students with a solid foundation of academic skills, enabling them to progress into another Marshall University college, declare a major, and ultimately graduate.
If you find yourself uncertain about your academic direction, you’re not alone. Many students arrive at Marshall University with a wealth of possibilities but aren’t quite sure which path to pursue. That’s perfectly okay! University College is here to support you as you navigate your options and discover your passions.
We believe that exploration is the key to finding your calling. Whether you’re intrigued by the sciences, captivated by the arts, or drawn to business, we offer a diverse range of programs to satisfy your curiosity. Take advantage of our academic advisors, career counselors, and faculty mentors who are here to guide you through the exploration process. Attend informational sessions, workshops, and career fairs to gain insights into various fields and industries.
Choosing a Major
Feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of choices? Our academic support services are designed to assist undecided students like you in making informed decisions about your academic path. From academic advising sessions to career assessments, we provide the resources you need to explore your interests, strengths and goals. Our dedicated advisors will work with you one-on-one to create a personalized academic plan tailored to your aspirations.
University Studies Course
Undecided students are encouraged to take UNI 103 Career Planning Undecided (1 Credit hour). This course was designed to assist undeclared college students in exploring career options and majors. Course topics include: interest testing, career information, decision-making skills, and job finding strategies.
Available Academic Majors
The best resource for information about specific majors is the Undergraduate Catalog. The catalog provides all the necessary policies and procedures as well as academic maps for each major.
Career Education Resources
Additional resources for undecided students are available through the Office of Career Education including:

University College provides academic advising support for students working toward admission into academic programs with pre-requisites. Advising staff will assist students in meeting the general education and prerequisite courses required for admission to their chosen academic program.
What is a pre-major student?
A pre-major student is an undergraduate student who is in the process of completing prerequisite coursework and requirements necessary for admission to a specific academic program. Pre-major status typically occurs during the early years of college when students are exploring their academic options and preparing to apply to a particular program.
Students often focus on completing foundational courses which are necessary for success in their chosen program. Additionally, they may need to fulfill general education requirements such as English, mathematics, and social sciences.
During your time as pre-major student, individuals may work closely with academic advisors and program representatives to ensure they are on track with their coursework and meet the admission requirements for their intended programs. This may involve maintaining a competitive GPA and preparing for entrance exams.
Apply to your chosen academic program
Upon completing the necessary prerequisites and meeting the admission criteria, pre-major students can then apply to their selected program to continue their degree pursuit.

An undecided student may remain undeclared until the semester in which he or she reaches 30 earned credit hours. At that point, a student will be required to select or declare a major prior to registration for the next semester. Conditionally admitted students are not eligible to declare a major until all conditional requirements have been met.
Once you have decided which major to pursue, you will need to officially declare that decision to the university. Learn more about this process on our advising website.