UNI 100 Freshman First Class1 Credit hour
An introduction to the academic structures and expectations of the University including the E-portfolio process.
Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 102 Strat for Academic Success1 Credit hour
An academic enrichment course which provides students with strategies and practical experience for academic success. Topics to be covered include research skills, critical thinking applications, and effective study skills.
Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 103 Career Planning Undecided1 Credit hour
Designed for undecided college students. Explore career options and majors. Topics include interest testing, career information, decision-making skills, and job finding strategies. Course does not count toward graduation.
Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 104 Adv Strat for Acad Success1 Credit hour
Course provides practical strategies for assessing personal and academic challenges, honing critical thinking skills to make informed decisions, improving learning and time management skills, tracking progress toward personal goals.
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 201 Peer Mentoring1 Credit hour
Students trained as peer advisors will lead discussions, campus field trips and work with faculty advisors in the design and implementation of the freshman introduction to campus life and classes. (Prerequisite: Permission of the Executive Director CAE or Dean of University College)
Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 202 Introduction to Scholarship1 Credit hour
Prepares students to participate on an active research team, with the guidance of (a) faculty research mentor(s), pursing a line of research.
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 203 Scholarship Discovery3 Credit hours
Engages students in original research that advances knowledge and seeks to improve community conditions.
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 204 Strategy Successful Career Dev (1 Credit hour; graded)
Students will learn tools to navigate the workforce successfully by exploring, identifying, and preparing for future career paths; and developing job search skills in today’s advanced technological climate. (PR: UNI 103 with a minimum grade of D.)
UNI 280 Special Topics 1-3 Credit hours
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 281 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 282 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 283 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 284 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 301 Peer Leadership I (1 Credit hour; graded)
Course will focus on defining the role and responsibilities of peer leaders, developing communication strategies, and building strategies to engage first-year student involvement in university resources, activities, and services. (PR: Permission)
UNI 302 Peer Leadership II (2 Credit hours; graded)
Experiential learning course providing peer advisor and leadership training for work with staff to provide support services, including community building events. Course is combined with UNI 100 for incoming Freshmen. (PR: Permission)
UNI 304 Scholarship of Application3 Credit hours
Empowers students to synthesize information and knowledge gained from original research into a meaningful, coherent, and public body of work.
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 350 Work-Based Experience (0 Credit hours; CR/NC)
Substantial and meaningful work-based experience with intentional links to academic curriculum. Experience authorized and monitored by University personnel and may be paid or unpaid (repeatable). (PR: Permission).
UNI 400 Graduate School Preparation2 Credit hours
This course will provide necessary steps, tools, and resources future graduates need in completing their undergraduate career and pursuing a graduate degree. Designed for students graduating within one year.
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
UNI 450 Advanced Work-Based Experience (1 – 6 credit hours; graded)
A university supported program in which students learn from relevant and meaningful workplace experiences with links to curriculum, learning outcomes, authentic assessment, and purposeful reflection (repeatable). (PR: Permission)
UNI 480 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 481 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 482 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 483 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 484 Special Topics (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
To be determined by the new course at the time of development.
UNI 485 Independent Study (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
UNI 486 Independent Study (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
UNI 487 Independent Study (1-3 Credit hours; graded)
UNI 488 Independent Study (1-3 Credit hours; graded)