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Alcohol and Drug Prevention


Our alcohol prevention programs are based on motivational interviewing practices, brief motivational intervention with Marshall student social norms regarding alcohol use.

The AlcoholEdu is an online course that allows college and university students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of alcohol. The course takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete. (Note: You will need a printer to print your feedback). Another online course students have access to is Alcohol eCheckUP To Go.


MU Wellness takes great strides in educating and preventing students from marijuana use. A new addition to the MU Wellness education materials is an online education class, Marijuana eCHECKUP TO GO.

Other Illegal Drugs

Though it is not a major topic of discussion, illegal street drugs are still a reality in West Virginia. Methamphetamine labs and heroin use are two of the more pronounced problems in the state of West Virginian (DEA), with cocaine also being available in many cities in the state.

Prescription Drug Misuse

According to SAMHSA, the state of WV exceeded the national rate in 2005-2006 on self-reported “nonmedical use of pain relievers in the past year” in all age groups, especially 18-25 year olds. It is illegal to take prescription drugs that have been obtained without a written prescription from a doctor. It is also illegal to share your prescribed drugs with others, as it is seen as a controlled substance. Marshall University students can learn more at Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention.

Additional Information

The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, or Code of Conduct, reflects the university community’s expectations and standards established for each of its members. Please review an updated copy of Marshall’s Student Handbook.

Illegal drugs are not permitted on Marshall’s campus.