Huntington, West Virginia – WMUL-FM, will be demolishing its 15th football opponent painted vehicle from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Thursday, October 13 on Buskirk Field in the middle of Marshall’s campus as part of Marshall University’s Homecoming festivities.
This year for the annual Car Bash, WMUL-FM will have an Oldsmobile Aurora donated by Kelly’s Radiator Service. Participants will pay $1 to bash the Oldsmobile with a sledge hammer for two minutes; WMUL-FM will provide the gloves, sledgehammers, and goggles for participants’ safety.
“The Car Bash is a great stress reliving event and shows school spirit,” WMUL-FM Promotions Director Rashard Walker said. “It’s been a Homecoming tradition for the past 15 years, and we are proud to keep it going.”
The Oldsmobile will be painted FAU blue and FAU red the colors of Marshall’s homecoming opponent Florida Atlantic Owls.
“The Car Bash is one of my favorite events the radio station does,” WMUL-FM Executive Director Adam Rogers said, “It’s a great event, and the promotions staff couldn’t do it without Eddie Williams, and Kelly’s Radiator Service. Kelly’s donates the car every year and that makes this event possible.”
The dollar will provide participants with two minutes of full access to hammer the Oldsmobile Aurora. The Car Bash’s aim is to encourage students to get excited about the Homecoming football game this coming Saturday.
For more information contact Rashard Walker at walker468@Marshall.edu or 304-696-6640.