Student Resources

Welcome to the Fifth Annual West Virginia Innovation & Business Model Competition!

WVIBMC | Judging Rubric for All Rounds

WVIBMC 2024 Judging Rubric (Word)

WVIBMC 2024 Judging Rubric (PDF)


WVIBMC | Introduction + How to Succeed 

If you missed the introduction / overview session, please watch the introductory video:

If you missed the how to succeed in the WVIBMC session, please watch the success video:

The presentation slide deck utilized in the two video presentations above is also provided as an additional resource for independent and self-paced review.   WVIBMC Workshop Presentation Session 1


WVIBMC | Putting Design Thinking + Lean Principles to Use

Design Thinking is a methodology and process to learn from potential customers.  Many organizations have variations of “design thinking” but all focus on using empathy to define problems for ideation, prototyping, and testing.


In particular, startups use design thinking’s emphasis on interaction with potential customers to learn – about problems and potential new solutions.  There are many video resources available that can assist with better understanding these concepts in-depth.  Here are a few of our favorites.  Talking+to+Humans (PDF Book by Giff Constable)