The Society of Yeager Scholars is housed in the Honors College at Marshall University. Academic policy for the Yeager Scholars program is guided by the Honors College Curriculum and Policies Committee composed of University faculty. The Dean of the Honors College and the Director of the Yeager program are responsible for developing the curriculum, administering the budget, coordinating the international aspects of the program, and recruiting and advising the Scholars.
A distinguished Board of Directors advises on policy, promotes the Society, assists in recruiting students, and raises funds. Permanent members of the Board of Directors are the President of Marshall University as well as the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement of the University.
Funding for the Society of Yeager Scholars comes primarily from private donations. An endowment supports the Yeager Scholars and is administered through the Marshall University Foundation.

- A core of four interdisciplinary seminars.
- The development of proficiency in a foreign language.
- Additional courses in the natural/physical and social sciences and in literature to round out the core curriculum of a Scholar’s program.
- In-depth study in a major or majors selected from those offered by the University.
- Independent study, guided by a mentor professor, leading to a senior project.
- Summer study at Oxford University.
- Support for an additional study abroad experience or (with permission) an approved internship/research experience involving academic credit.
- Community mentorships appropriate to the Scholar’s major.

More to Explore
An important component of the Yeager Scholars’ Program is the opportunity to learn about and experience life beyond the shores of the United States. Scholars attend a summer program at Oxford University in an educational environment that tests their abilities as thinkers and writers. Here they also have the chance to expand their knowledge about the United Kingdom and the global community.
The Yeager Scholar is also encouraged to gain an international perspective through the acquisition of a proficiency in a foreign language, followed by an opportunity to study at a foreign university. It is vitally important for the successful professional of tomorrow to be able to communicate with people who speak another language, and Yeager Scholars are encouraged to experience another culture firsthand.
The academic core is only one part of the Yeager program that is designed to assist the Scholars in attaining their potential as leaders. A variety of enrichment opportunities have long-lasting value for each Scholar.
Each Yeager Scholar is expected to develop leadership skills that will be a life-long asset. Participation in a variety of campus organizations and activities is a part of each Scholar’s contribution to the University during their time on the campus. Scholars have long established a strong presence in many campus organizations ranging from student government to fraternities and sororities to campus honoraries in particular disciplines.
Yeager Scholars are encouraged, and have been active, in forensics, both debate and individual events, University Theatre productions, and WMUL-FM radio as a means of sharpening skills in communication. Written communication skills have not been neglected as Yeager Scholars have written and led the student newspaper, The Parthenon, and won the honors categories of the Maier Awards, given annually for outstanding student work. Yeager Scholars also lead in research, working in campus labs and earning the campus Undergraduate Creative Discovery and Research Scholar awards.
Strong emphasis is placed on the development of an awareness of the cultural heritage of the United States and the rest of the world. For that reason, Yeager Scholars are expected to take advantage of the cultural opportunities offered by by the Marshall Artists Series, the annual Yeager Symposium, as well as the wide variety of University-sponsored events open to all students. The opportunity to broaden their knowledge of the world through travel at home, as well as through travel abroad, is part of the Yeager program. Field experiences in the United States are arranged to enable the Scholars to visit historic sites, museums, businesses and industries, and scientific and research centers, to enhance and build upon work done in the classroom.
The benefits of the scholarship apply for up to eight semesters (Fall and Spring only) of undergraduate enrollment. A recipient of this scholarship is expected to be involved in leadership roles for organizations both on the campus of Marshall University and in the community. An important goal of this program is to provide an experience, which will develop highly motivated leaders for the next generation. Renewal of the scholarship requires maintaining a 3.5 GPA, documenting activities of service and leadership, and conforming to all applicable codes of behavior, conduct, and expectations.
The Board of Directors acts in an advisory capacity to Marshall University regarding the Program and its operations and support. Included in these duties are the election of officers and the approval of the annual budget; to assist Marshall University and the Marshall University Foundation in furthering the advancement of the Program and in maintaining its educational quality; and to encourage potential donors in providing support for the Program and Marshall University. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to contribute financially and perform such assignments as the Board may deem appropriate to further the mission of the Program.
- Martha Hill, President
- Michael McCarthy*, Vice President
- Martha Woodward, Vice President
- Aubrey King, Secretary
- Barry Burgess, Treasurer
Members (as of Fall 2023)
- Barry Burgess
- Dianna Canfield
- Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Anthony G. Crutchfield
- Tony Fenno
- Steve Golder
- Shawn Greene*
- Jill Griffiths
- Kerima Haddad
- MaRia Hill
- Martha Hill
- Sean Hornbuckle
- CR Howdyschell
- Anna Lee Kelly
- Jacob Kilgore*
- Aubrey King
- Michael McCarthy*
- Sydnee Smirl McElroy*
- Kheng McGuire
- Mark Morgan
- Ora Muth
- Charlie Neighborgall
- Steven Nicholas
- Phoebe Patton Randolph
- Pat Reger
- Arden Sansom*
- Jenny Floyd Smith*
- Tom Torlone
- Karen Veazey
- Tamela J. White-Farrell
- Martha Woodward
* denotes Yeager alumni
Ex Officio
Brad D. Smith, Marshall University President
- Avinandan Mukherjee, Marshall University Provost
- Ronald G. Area, Chief Executive Officer of Marshall University Foundation, Inc.
- Brian Hoey, Dean, Honors College
- Robert Plymale, WV State Senator
- Michael Woelfel, WV State Senator
- George “Bob” Brammer (applied posthumously)
- Tim Haymaker
- Major General (Retired) Albin Wheeler
- William E. Willis