

Dr. Kimberly McFall:

Course Descriptions

ITL 501: Libraries and the Learning Process

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: The role of the school library in the learning process through instruction collaboration, and curriculum support. Study of information literacy, learning styles, and models and assessment of learning outcomes

ITL 502 Library Materials for Adolescents

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Addresses the selection and promotion of library materials in support of a school curriculum and issues of service, diversity and balance in the school library collection.

ITL 504 Library Materials for Children

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Addresses the selection of material(s) for children in the school library; highlights & addresses strategies to fill curriculum gaps through collection development & curation.

ITL 625 Library Organization & Administration

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Principles of administration for elementary and secondary school library media centers, including personnel, facilities, budgets, program planning and evaluation, publicity and public relations, audiovisual equipment and materials, computer hardware and software, and methods and materials for teaching library skills.

ITL 627: Cataloging & Reference for School Librarians

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course is a study of cataloging for the school library professional and the basic reference services for school libraries. Emphasis is on MARC records, circulation software, materials evaluation, the reference interview, and research strategies.

ITL 631 Technology & the School Library

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the function, management, and the issues of computer and non-computer technology in the school library. Students learn to use technology as an educational and management tool in the library.

ITL 650 Library Practice

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Experience in the application of library service, adapted as far as possible to the student’s needs.

For additional information contact

Dr. Kimberly McFall, School Library Media Program Coordinator,