>FAC sues US for memo on "lethal targeting" of al Qaeda figure...
>House of Delegates passes update to West Virginia FOIA law (video)
The West Virginia Open Government Coalition and the John Deaver Drinko Academy at Marshall University sponsored a panel discussion on openness during the university’s annual Constitution Week activities.
The panel was moderated by Ed Dawson, editor and publisher of The Herald-Dispatch. Other panelists included Ted Boettner, executive director of the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy; David Herzog, a veteran investigative reporter and associate professor of journalism at the University of Missouri; Joseph Thornton, secretary of the West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety; Thomas Kirk, director of the Intelligence/Fusion Center as part of Homeland Security in West Virginia. Please read The Herald-Dispatch’s coverage of the event:
>Panelists dicuss keys to open government
>Federal court rules that petition signers' names can be made public
>Editorial - Herald-Dispatch: State Should Move Forward
to Shed More Light On Spending
>Writer Sues City of Hurricane (WV) over FOIA Issue
>Charleston Gazette: Open Government Blog
>WOWK TV News Story: Does Public Support Open Government?
>Martinsburg Journal News: Court to Hear FOIA Law Suit (Jefferson County)
>WV State Journal: Shepherdstown Observer Takes FOIA
Appeal to W.Va. Supreme Court
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